The Path to the Cross

The sermon series focuses on pivotal themes from the last days of Jesus' life, offering profound lessons on worship, readiness, and spiritual perseverance. You will explore true worship as a life fully yielded to Christ, emphasizing obedience, reverence, and heartfelt devotion. Through these messages, the series calls believers to live with unwavering devotion, aligning their lives with God's will and finding strength in His presence.

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part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Sermon notes

We are going to take the next 9 weeks to study a week of Jesus’s life: A week that changed eternity. To rightly frame this week, Our author and host of Jesus’s story, Luke the physician, tells us here about the true nature of the call of God which is upon every Human being’s life. Worship.

Main Theme: True worship is not just a song on a Sunday, True worship is a life fully yielded to Christ.

Let’s work through this together. We’ll start with the question, What is worship? The dictionary defines worship as the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. I would wager that worship is more than just a feeling or an expression, though I would agree that it is adoration. Can we take a moment and build a good biblical foundation for what worship is? Your bible was originally written in 2 main languages, Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew in the Old Testament, Greek in the New. The primary Hebrew word for “worship” is שָׁחָה (shachah), which means “to bow down” or “to prostrate oneself.” This word conveys a deep sense of reverence, submission, and humility before God. The first mention of the Hebrew word for worship, שָׁחָה (shachah), occurs in Genesis 22:5.“Then Abraham said to his young men, ‘Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.”  In this passage, Abraham speaks to his servants as he prepares to offer Isaac on Mount Moriah. Here, “worship” (shachah) refers to an act of deep reverence, submission, and obedience to God, even in a moment of great personal sacrifice. This first mention sets the tone for biblical worship as an expression of total surrender and trust in God’s will. The second Hebrew word associated with worship in the Old Testament is עָבַד (avad), which means “to serve,” “to work,” or “to labor.” Unlike שָׁחָה (shachah), which talks about the physical act of bowing down, avad conveys the idea of worship through service. I want to show you two key instances why this matters for us: Exodus 3:12 He said, ‘But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. Here, God tells Moses that the Israelites will “serve” (avad) Him on Mount Sinai after their deliverance from Egypt. This “service” is a form of worship, indicating that their relationship with God involves not just acts of reverence but also a life of devoted obedience.

The next verse is like it, it’s also one of my all time favorite verses: Joshua 24:15 “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” In this famous declaration by Joshua, avad refers to the act of dedicating one’s life to serving God. It adds another piece to the puzzle that worship is not merely ritualistic but is demonstrated by whom one chooses to obey and be loyal to.

Last but not least, our Greek New Testament προσκυνέω (Proskuneó) carries the same sense of humility and reverence found in the Hebrew concept, Which indicates a heartfelt response of worship toward God. I want to point you to one verse in the New Testament to sum up our Study on worship: John 4:23-24 “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

In this passage, Jesus emphasizes that true worship (proskuneó) is not confined to a physical location but is centered on a genuine, heartfelt relationship with God. True worship therefore goes beyond the momentary act of singing; it’s the continual posture of our hearts, bowing down like shachah in complete reverence, and serving with our lives like avad, in faithful obedience. It’s the daily act of yielding every thought, action, and decision to Christ. To say it succinctly, True worship is not just a song on a Sunday, True worship is a life fully yielded to Christ. 

Old testament Verses Referenced in Luke 19:28-48

Psalm 118

Zechariah 9:9 

2 Kings 9:13

Isaiah 48:18

Isaiah 56:7

Jeremiah 6:6

Jeremiah 7:11

Habakkuk 2:11

John 4:23-24

Daniel 9:25

Psalm 96

Psalm 148



We pick up in verse 28 where Jesus is drawing near to Jerusalem and is at Mount Olivet. He sends 2 disciples in to get a donkey tied up. I want to draw your attention in this passage to a few things. First, why a donkey? Zechariah 9:9 is the prophecy Jesus is fulfilling: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9 A donkey in that culture wasn’t what it is for us today.

I normally think of a donkey as a lazy animal. In that time, A king came riding a horse to make war and on a donkey to declare peace. Can you imagine how Jesus is communicating to the masses here? Very clearly, He cannot speak to hundreds of thousands of people at once with His voice, so He does it with very clear imagery. Notice second with me, the worship of the 2 disciples. It says they are sent, they went away, they found it. They are listening to and obeying Jesus. This has to be a piece to our understanding of worship. To truly worship God, we must listen and obey Jesus command. They have a bit of a confrontation with the owner or the donkey. Like, why are you untying my donkey? And they say, “this is not the donkey you are looking for” in a very Star Wars Esque Jedi mind trick way. No I’m kidding, this is more like Jesus pre-ordered His uber in ancient times, ok? It seems that this may have been like an ancient passcode they had for this rental agreement. Notice next when they get the donkey. 



What they do when they get the donkey in verse 35 is they set Jesus on it. In our true worship we must also set Jesus in His rightful place as king. Jesus has many titles in the bible, prince of peace, wonderful counselor, mighty God, Friend. But we cannot forget that we worship Him as King above all Kings.

Jesus is worthy of our worship for many reasons. His sacrificial death, His unconditional love, the grace and mercy in our lives. Absolutely! More than what He has done for us, who He is by very nature, His Majesty must be worshiped. In verse 36 they spread their cloaks on the road.

This is a call back to 2 Kings 9:13 where Elisha sends the son of a prophet to anoint commander Jehu as the 10th king of Israel. Track with me for a moment here because I am so fascinated by this. Let me take you back to that time in Israel’s history recorded in 1 and 2 kings. King Ahab is reigning over israel. He’s known as the most wicked king of Israel, married to Jezebel, and Ahab’s legacy is defined by his rejection of God’s commandments, his promotion of idolatry through Baal worship, his injustice, and his complicity in the persecution of God’s prophets.

When Jehu is anointed as king of Israel, he’s told to go kill King ahab. Immediately, when the rest of the people around him heard this, they also took off their cloaks and spread them before him to walk on. This is significant because the Spreading of cloaks was a symbolic gesture that indicated loyalty, reverence, and the people’s willingness to submit to the king’s rule. It signified that they were placing themselves under his authority, showing that they accepted him as their leader.

Luke is showing us that the disciples offered their same loyalty and reverence to Jesus. But let’s take that one step further: Jesus is now headed to prophecy over Jerusalem, bring justice, remove idolatry and reinstate true worship, and not just accept but teach God’s commands. Jesus is here receiving the loyalty portrayed in King Jehu by all of His disciples and joining in that mission to destroy idolatry and false worship, Jesus is the perfect Jehu. He does this while embodying the inverse traits of King Ahab.

It should draw our hearts, and our minds to one thought: True worship is defined by our loyalty to the King and His mission. We must remove all other things in our hearts and minds that would want to sit on Jesus’ throne. Once we rightfully place Him there, we then remain loyal to Him and join His mission. There is no other way to begin worshiping the King of Kings in our life. 


In verses 37 and 38 Jesus now starts riding down the mountain and the whole multitude of disciples are rejoicing and praising. This is the part we get right. We are honed in on the praising of Jesus, Amen? I love that weekly we rejoice and praise Jesus. They worship Him with what would have been a very common song for passover.

This is Psalm 118 specifically verse 26. Psalm 118 is a powerful and prophetic psalm It is part of the Hallel Psalms (Psalms 113-118) in book 5 of the Psalms which were sung during major Jewish festivals, including Passover, making it deeply ingrained in Israel’s worship and celebration. Recognition of the Messiah: By quoting Psalm 118, the crowds were identifying Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, the One who would bring salvation. They recognized that He was coming “in the name of the Lord,” fulfilling the messianic expectations.

This is so clear to everyone at the event that verse 39 tells us that the Pharisees tell Jesus to rebuke His disciples.

Jesus, they are calling you the Messiah, please have this stop! His response? “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” Luke 19:40 All of creation worships Jesus, and so shall I. Our praise and rejoicing in Jesus name cannot just be an afterthought or the preamble to a church service, I’ve heard it said this way: anyone who says, “praise the Lord” should be able to answer the question, “Praise Him for what?” I’ll ask it this way, how do we apply Jesus’ response to our understanding of true worship?

True worship is seen in my rejoicing and praising Jesus for who He is, and what He has done. Worship music does have a physical and emotional effect on us. That is true! I am thankful that when I come in and worship Jesus as our Worship team leads me to worship Jesus, I feel better! Physically, mentally, emotionally, I feel better!

It is absolutely a draw to church for me to be a part of worship through praise music. I hope it is for you also! I even believe that’s why God gives gifts is to equip and encourage and it is very clear that our worship team is gifted. The truth is, that is all a byproduct of worship when I am properly rejoicing and praising Jesus for who He is, and what He has done. I cannot confuse true worship for a feeling. It is not a feeling that Jesus had when He loved me to the point of death on a cross. It was a life yielded to God in thought, word, and actions.

John would say it this way: We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 I am so grateful for that this morning. I know how to worship and properly love because of Christ’s love towards me. Thank you, Jesus, we worship you this morning. 


Jesus draws near to the city of Jerusalem, and you can imagine this highly anticipated moment. What is Jesus going to do or say? Maybe a famous Moses moment, “Rome, Let my people go!” Or a war scene breaks out from 300. Jesus shows up and they are preparing for a battle and you hear, “Our arrows will blot out the sun!” and Jesus looks at them and says, “Then we will fight in the shade.” Just something epic, right?! Well, we do get something epic, but so painful. Jesus draws near and starts weeping over the spiritual state of Jerusalem. An overwhelming sense of shame over the city whose name is peace and yet knows no peace.

Not only do they not have peace, but instead he prophecies a sort of apocalyptic prophecy over Jerusalem of their coming destruction. Jesus here showed the heart of God, how even when judgment must be pronounced, it is never done with joy. Even when God’s judgment is perfectly just and righteous, His heart weeps at the bringing of the judgment. Jesus tells them that they should have known that this very day, the day Daniel Prophesied would happen in Daniel 9 and the day that Psalm 118 is about, “this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” This is that day!

And they utterly and ashamedly missed it. The history books are so deadly accurate to what Jesus prophesied that to share it in church this morning would just hurt our hearts. It was said There is nothing in history to exceed this horror. But even this is nothing compared with the destruction of a soul. Jesus tells them why in verse 44 and this is what we need to understand: Because you did not know the time of your visitation. Luke 19:44 See this begs the question, how were they to know? They were to listen to the voice of God through the prophets and through their leaders, the very word of God, and prepare themselves.

It is by way of immediate application to us as a church that True worship hears the word of the lord and takes hold of it. We are called to be like Christ, it is actually what Christian means. Jesus knew this truth so well, we are to ever sit under the word of God. One of my favorite verses in the scriptures is when Joshua, a young new leader steps in to worship God through His service, God’s commission and advice to Him was this: This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:8-9

What’s God telling Him? If you want to worship me, and you want it to be genuine and effectively shape your life, leadership, and legacy, you must take hold of my word. Church, there is no greater joy for me as your pastor than when I see bibles opened and people understanding scripture. Hear the word of the Lord today and take hold of it in your life.


Jesus is in the temple now, and He is driving out those who are selling.  Jesus begins to drive out those who were selling goods and exchanging money. These merchants were selling animals for sacrifices, and money changers were exchanging Roman currency for temple currency (as Roman coins were considered unclean due to their pagan imagery).

The problem was that this system had become exploitative, with merchants charging excessive prices and making a profit off worshipers. My house shall be a house of prayer” is a reference to Isaiah 56:7, where God declares that His house will be a place of prayer for all nations. Jesus emphasizes that the temple was intended to be a place where people could connect with God. But you have made it a den of robbers” references Jeremiah 7:11, where God condemns the Israelites for believing they could live in sin and then come to the temple as if everything was fine.

By using this phrase, Jesus condemns the corrupt practices that turned the temple into a place of exploitation rather than worship. True worship is about creating a sacred space for prayer, not profit, where we honor God’s presence rather than pursuing personal gain. You are that sacred space, indwelled by the promised Holy Spirit, and you are called to honor God’s presence through prayer.

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16   Since you are a temple of God, and He indwells you, how intimate is prayer now in that relationship? Through prayer, we engage in a genuine dialogue with God, making worship not just a ritual but a dynamic, personal encounter with the living God. We then have opportunity to come together as the body of Christ and worship together making this place a space where we honor God’s presence together. In our story, it is not simply that buying and selling interfered with the dignity of worship, it was that very worship of the house of God was being used to exploit the worshippers. This is what set Jesus ablaze. 



In verse 47 it says that Jesus was teaching daily and verse 48 that the religious leaders were seeking to destroy him but they couldn’t because people were hanging on His words. This demonstrates His authority and commitment to restoring true worship and instructing the people about God’s kingdom. There is a bounty on His head and He continues to teach daily. Finally we learn from our text that True worship is a daily devotion to Jesus’ teaching; making His words and ways my life’s authority.  When I think of hanging on the very words I thought about how when I speak my boys believe every word I say. I don’t know at what age that goes away but David and I were talking the other day in the kitchen and Zadok reached up for the frying pan while I was cooking and I said, “Zadok don’t touch that! You’re going to burn your hand off!” That night I’m putting David to bed and he goes, “Dad, do you think Jesus would give Zadok a new hand if he touched the pan and burned his hand off?” How do you tell your kid that it was a figure of speech, right? He was hanging from my words, and this is the closing scene we have in Luke 19; the disciples being discipled by the teachings of Jesus and holding on to every word from His mouth. 



As we conclude our journey through Luke 19:28-48, we’ve seen that true worship is far more than a Sunday morning song. It’s about bowing our hearts in reverence, serving God with our lives, and allowing Christ to take His rightful place as King over every aspect of who we are. Jesus, in this passage, redefines worship by showing us that it’s not about ritual or external actions, but about a life fully yielded to Him—listening to His voice, honoring His presence, and allowing His words to transform us daily.

Just as He entered Jerusalem, received the praise of His disciples, cleansed the temple, and taught in the face of opposition, He invites us to make Him the center of our worship. Let us follow in the steps of those who laid down their cloaks, offering our lives in surrender. May we be a people who not only rejoice and praise Him but also hang on every word He speaks, allowing His teaching to shape our hearts and lives. True worship is not just about what we do here together—it’s about how we live out our devotion every day, fully yielded to Christ, our King.

How do you define your worth or your value as a human being?

I want to clarify something, there are many things that define our worth and that’s ok! God has uniquely created each one of us with certain gifts, talents, and everything else, but the question I face is what takes ultimate authority in defining my worth? I find great worth in being Alexis’s husband, in Being a dad, I find great worth in my calling as a pastor. I find great worth as an American. Gosh, I find great worth in a tree stand waiting for that tenpoint I saw on camera.

I’ve noticed this, the things I value most ultimately are the things that I’m seeking validation from to define my value or worth. I would like to posit an idea that was revolutionary here in Luke 20 but may seem even redundant or mundane for some today in church: Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, defines my worth and my value. Sunday school answer right?

If I say Jesus to any question that is asked, well, 60% of the time, it works every time! I’ve been reading a few leadership and books, Harvard business review articles, and it looks like they’ve boiled it down to a few key areas: People find their worth in power, position, pay, and prestige. In luke 20 Jesus challenges each one of these areas not to just stir the pot, but because if these areas were rightly sourced from God, stewarded properly, and used for His kingdom, they would have seen the beauty of God’s never ending and unfailing love shape who they are as a people.

Let’s look at each chunk of this chapter and tear it apart together starting with verses one through eight of Luke chapter 20. Again, we are spending from now until November 24th in the last week of Jesus’ life and our host and author Luke is showing us how Jesus is fulfilling so much of the bible, I will continue to leave a chart for you with all of the verses Luke is referencing as well as helpful verses for your own studies and to help you understand the story more clearly. 

Isaiah 5:1-7

Psalm 118:22

Daniel 2:34-35; 44-45

Deuteronomy 25:5-6

Genesis 38:8

Exodus 3:6

Psalm 110:1

Romans 13:1-7

1 Kings 17:8-16



John’s Authority is Jesus’ Authority. Authority and power go hand in hand don’t they? Jesus is teaching the people in the temple and the people of authority, the chief priests, scribes, and elders, by the way the same people who own the businesses that Jesus just ruined in the temple, yeah, those guys come up and ask Jesus by what authority do you do these things or who gave you this authority? I love how Jesus responds to their power play. He doesn’t evade their question, He is asking this question to point them to the answer of His true authority and who He truly is. He asks about the baptism of John, is it from heaven or from man? Remember John the Baptist was the forerunner for the Messiah.

He’s asking them to answer this question to set up exactly why He is there. I am the Messiah that John spoke of. They had to huddle up and take this one back to the drawing board. They said ok now if we say this is from heaven, then we prove His point, but if we say it’s from man we all die. So they answered well, we don’t know. If you don’t recognize authority and power when you see it, no amount of arguing is going to convince you of it. That’s why Jesus answers and says neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things. They weren’t there because they were seeking after the truth, they were there because their own worth was being challenged because they sourced their worth from the power they built for themselves in their positions and among the people. If we want answers from Jesus, we must first act on the truth we’ve already been given.

These religious leaders knew John had proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah, yet they refused to embrace it. Their unwillingness to accept this foundational truth blocked them from receiving further understanding. Jesus is saying if you want Real Authority, or Real Power, Must be Sourced from God. not for the sake of manipulation, but for the kingdom of God. 



Because of this interaction, Jesus tells a parable to the people. He’s going to teach a lesson about the kingdom of God through a story in terms they will all understand. Here’s the key components: 

  • The man who planted the vineyard = God the Father
  • The Vineyard = Israel
  • The Tenants = The Religious Leaders
  • The Servants = The Prophets
  • The Beloved Son = Jesus (God the Son)


The man who planted the vineyard, the owner, that’s God the Father. The Vineyard is Israel. The tenants are the religious leaders entrusted to care for God’s people. God’s entrusting of the vineyard signifies His generosity and desire for partnership with humanity. The servants symbolize the prophets sent by God throughout Israel’s history to call His people back to faithfulness.

The tenants’ violence and rejection demonstrate Israel’s history of persecuting and rejecting God’s messengers. The persistence of sending another servant highlights God’s patience and grace, despite repeated rejection. This shows God’s enduring love and willingness to offer chance after chance for repentance. The escalation of violence reveals the tenants’ increasing hostility and hard-heartedness. It emphasizes the depth of Israel’s rebellion and refusal to heed God’s call.

The “beloved son” is clearly a reference to Jesus, the Son of God. God’s decision to send His Son shows the ultimate expression of His love and desire for reconciliation, even after all the rejection faced by His servants (the prophets). This reveals the tenants’ true nature and intentions. They recognized the son as the rightful heir, yet chose to kill him to seize control. This represents the religious leaders’ plot to kill Jesus, driven by their desire to maintain power and control over the people.

Jesus is calling them out while foretelling His own death. Look at verses 15 and 16 Where Jesus poses the question, What will the owner of the vineyard do? It serves as a question of judgment—what will happen to those who reject and kill God’s Son? He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others. He is predicting the transfer of God’s kingdom to others (Gentiles or those who will produce its fruits).

The shocked response (“Surely not!”) shows the audience’s realization that Jesus is speaking about them. Jesus is very carefully picking apart each piece of how they have built this facade of holiness and He’s making something very clear to us by way of application: Our position before God defines our worth more than our position before man. If we choose to accept our position before God and let that define us, many times He corrects our course and allows our position before man to be a healthy byproduct of right relationship with Him. We cannot get the two confused. I hope you can see that this morning. 



Verse 17 Jesus quotes Psalm 118:22, and identifies Himself as the rejected stone that God would make the cornerstone. Despite rejection, Jesus becomes the foundation of God’s redemptive plan. The builders (religious leaders) rejected Him, but He is central to God’s work. Verse 18 highlights the dual nature of Christ as both Savior and Judge. Falling on the stone suggests being confronted with Christ and being broken (a form of repentance). But if the stone falls on someone, it implies final judgment and destruction for those who reject Him. They wanted to kill Jesus for saying this but they feared people more than they feared the word of God. What’s so sad is the reason Jesus is sharing this is so that they would get ready and get right with God. 

Get your boxers on, Get ready, Jesus is coming. Let it be a wake up call for you this morning that whatever fear is holding you back, or whatever power, position, pay, privilege is holding you back, your worth in Jesus Christ matters so much. I want nothing more than for you to Source your worth this morning in Jesus.



This whole idea of power, and position, pay, and privilege culminates to this very portion of our story in verses 20-26. They want Jesus dead so badly they send spies who pretended to be His disciples to try and catch him in something he said so as to deliver him up to Rome. If we can’t kill Him, we’ll have Rome kill Him! In verse 21 they asked him, ‘Teacher, we know that you speak and teach rightly, and show no partiality, but truly teach the way of God.

This is a false compliment, meant to disarm Jesus and set the stage for their trap. By acknowledging Jesus as a truthful teacher who shows no favoritism, they set up their question in a way that forces Him to take a stand on a politically divisive issue. Here’s the question: Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar, or not? This is a loaded question. The “tribute” refers to a poll tax that every adult Jew had to pay to the Roman government.

If Jesus answers yes, He risks alienating the Jewish people, who despised Roman taxation as a symbol of oppression and idolatry (since the Roman coin had an image of Caesar, who was considered divine). If Jesus answers no, He could be reported to the Roman authorities as inciting rebellion, which would likely lead to His arrest. This question is a classic “either-or” trap, designed to put Jesus in a no-win situation. In verse 24 Jesus says, Show me a denarius. Whose likeness and inscription does it have?”

They said, ‘Caesar’s. A denarius was a Roman silver coin, which was used to pay the poll tax. The coin bore an image of the emperor and an inscription proclaiming him as divine. By asking for a denarius, Jesus draws attention to the fact that the coin already bears Caesar’s image, which signifies Caesar’s earthly authority over those matters. The question focuses on the image and inscription, a subtle way of asking who holds power over these things. This moment shifts the conversation to the issue of allegiance and authority. Jesus’ answer is masterful. He avoids falling into their trap by splitting the question into two parts:

  1. Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar: This affirms the legitimacy of paying taxes to earthly authorities like Caesar. The denarius, bearing Caesar’s image, represents earthly rule and obligations.


  2. Render to God what belongs to God: This shifts the conversation to the higher allegiance owed to God. Humans, made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27), belong to God entirely. Jesus emphasizes that, while earthly obligations may exist, ultimate allegiance is owed to God.


The answer is not just a clever way out of a trap—it’s a profound theological statement about the nature of authority and allegiance. Jesus is making it clear that being a citizen of your own country does not negate one’s duty to God. It actually heightens that responsibility. I’ll rant here for a bit. Look, if you live in a country and enjoy its privileges, you cannot divorce yourself from it.

The more you belong to God the better citizen you will be. There should be no better and no more conscientious American than the Christian. Sadly, the statistics show that only one in every three Christians will vote. If we abandon our responsibilities and leave materialistic politicians to govern, Christians cannot justifiably complain about what is or isn’t done. I’m never going to use this platform to tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you that as a Christian you should vote and render yourself fully to God and vote your values as a Christian who enjoys the privilege of living in America.

It is also very clear from our text that God has the last word and not our government. To our point, our value and our worth does not ultimately come from being an American, though, if you’re like me, I do take great worth in being an American. My value and my worth hinges upon my very nature in that I am made in the image of God and thus I bear His image. This is the ultimate and ingenious response of our beloved Jesus. Your true worth is radically defined by the God who’s very image you were created in. I never have to fight for my value or my worth. It is automatic. I am a human being therefore I have worth. It is such a healthy reminder for us every day we look in the mirror. I’m made in the image of God. God cares for me deeply not for what I offer, but for who I am. Thank you, Jesus! I want to do exactly what that crowd did in response: Marvel at Jesus. 



They throw a hypothetical question at Jesus. The Sadducees were a religious sect that rejected the resurrection, angels, and spirits. They accepted only the Torah (the first five books of Moses) as authoritative and denied any afterlife. Their approach here is not one of genuine curiosity but an attempt to mock Jesus’ teachings on the resurrection and expose what they considered an absurdity. The Sadducees reference the Levirate marriage law found in Deuteronomy 25:5-6, where a man is required to marry his brother’s widow if the brother dies without an heir. The purpose was to preserve the family line and inheritance.

This setup is meant to lead into their exaggerated hypothetical scenario to challenge the concept of resurrection. Jesus begins by distinguishing between this age (the present earthly life) and the age to come (the resurrection life). In this age, marriage is a necessary institution for the continuation of the human race and social order. It is so much more than that, and we will cover that at some point, but for the sake of our text, we’ll leave it there. His response indicates that their question is based on a misunderstanding of the nature of the resurrection life. Jesus explains that in the resurrection, people will not marry or be given in marriage. The institution of marriage is necessary in this life, but in the age to come, it will no longer be required.

The resurrection life involves a transformation where the purposes and functions of earthly relationships—such as marriage—are no longer needed. Jesus points to a new reality where believers experience a glorified, eternal existence with God. There will be many in heaven who have had more than one spouse, for any number of reasons. Jesus here told us that jealousy and exclusion will have no place in heaven. In the age to come, death no longer exists, and those who are raised will experience eternal life.

We have got to clarify a theology point here really quick: Being “equal to angels” does not mean people become angels. Maybe you’re like me, and as a kid, Angels in the Outfield dictated my theological understanding of Angels. Let’s fix our theology a bit together. What Jesus is saying is that in resurrection we share in the angelic nature of immortality and spiritual existence. They are no longer bound by the limitations of earthly life. The term “sons of God” and “sons of the resurrection” share a new identity and status; the one that Jesus was just referencing: Image bearers who now carry this fully in heaven. Those who participate in the resurrection are part of God’s eternal family. 



Jesus’ Answers and proves from the scriptures that the resurrection is real. Jesus goes to Moses, a figure the Sadducees respected since they primarily accepted the Torah. He refers to the account of the burning bush (Exodus 3:6) where God identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—figures who had long been dead. Jesus concludes that God is not the God of the dead but of the living, implying that the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) are alive in God’s presence, even though they physically died.

We need to know this by way of application about what Jesus is saying: Our worth in Christ is validated by the resurrection of the dead. Thus our worth in Christ is forever. Even if you aren’t feeling it this morning because maybe power, position, pay, privilege, those aren’t on your side today. Know that today, we stand in resurrection power, which changed our position, we gain heaven for eternity as pay, and the privilege of being sons and daughters of God forever.

Lift your voices with me this morning and say Thank you, Jesus. The scribes, who generally supported belief in the resurrection (unlike the Sadducees), commend Jesus for His answer. This acknowledgment signifies that Jesus’ response silenced the debate. The religious leaders, recognizing that Jesus had outwitted them once again, no longer dared to question Him further. So Jesus asks His own question.



How can they say that the Christ is David’s son? Jesus believed that the Messiah would come from the line of David but He is communicating another point here: The messiah’s authority and His worth does not come from what He will perform in a political or military sense, but in who He is as Lord. They expected a mighty warrior from the bloodline of David! And they got that in Jesus absolutely! Just not how they might have imagined it. 



Jesus shifts His focus to give a public warning. His words are directed at His disciples, but they are meant to be heard by the entire crowd, including the religious leaders. Jesus critiques the scribes for their hypocrisy and desire for public recognition. They wear long robes, symbolizing their status, and love to be greeted with honor and respect in public places. They seek the most prestigious positions in synagogues and banquets. This verse contains a stark indictment of the scribes’ behavior. The phrase “devour widows’ houses” refers to their exploitation of vulnerable people, particularly widows, who were often defenseless in society.

The scribes were likely involved in taking advantage of widows through legal or religious manipulation, possibly by abusing their roles as trustees or through oppressive financial practices. Jesus warns that religious hypocrisy and using spiritual authority for personal gain will lead to judgment. Keep that thought that they devour widow’s houses. Why? Because Jesus next scene in verses 1-4 of chapter 21 is the full conclusion to this whole thought. It was a bad chapter break in my opinion. 



Jesus observes a contrast between the rich who give large amounts out of their abundance and this poor widow who gives only two small copper coins (known as “lepta,” the smallest denomination of Jewish currency). The rich are likely giving large sums publicly, much like the religious leaders who sought recognition for their outward signs. Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.

Luke 21:3-4 What should amaze us about this moment is Jesus just finishes telling us about the guys who should have it totally right. They’ve got this God thing nailed but instead they are taking advantage of the weak and the wounded like this poor widow. And what we see in her is no power, no position, no pay, no prestige but Jesus says that puts in more than all of them.

What defines our true worth is what Jesus says about us and our total reliance upon Him. This morning you may need to silence the voices around you of what might be telling you what you are worth and start listening to the voice of Jesus our Savior and place your total reliance upon Him. 

Becky and Bob Mills at Talladega, Bike-A-Thon, Talladega Knights Shake and Bake Baby!

Main Point: Prepare like heaven is for real and share like hell is for real. This morning we get into The Olivet Discourse which is recorded in Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and here in Luke 21. It is Jesus’ response to His disciples’ questions about the future, particularly the destruction of the Temple, the end of the age, and His second coming. The purpose of the discourse was to:

  1. Prepare the Disciples for Future Events: Jesus warned His disciples about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which would take place in A.D. 70. He spoke of signs leading up to this event, as well as broader signs that would precede His return at the end of the age.
  2. Provide Insight into the End Times: Jesus described a series of events, including wars, famines, earthquakes, persecution, and false prophets, to help the disciples recognize the broader unfolding of God’s redemptive plan. He also addressed cosmic disturbances and the appearance of the “Son of Man” at His second coming.
  3. Encourage Watchfulness and Readiness: Jesus’ exhortation to be watchful and ready for His return is key here. He emphasized that no one knows the exact day or hour of His coming, urging believers to live in a state of preparedness, faithfulness, and alertness.
  4. Provide a Warning Against Deception: Jesus warned His disciples about false Messiahs and false prophets who would attempt to deceive many. He shares the importance of discerning the truth and staying anchored in our faith.
  5. Teach about Judgment and Accountability: Through parables like the Ten Virgins, the Talents, and the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus emphasized the themes of judgment, stewardship, and accountability. He made it clear that His return would be a time of separation, where the faithful would be rewarded and the unfaithful judged.

It’s important to see how
Luke 21 functions as a bridge between the conflicts and teachings of Luke 20 and the passion narrative in Luke 22. Chapter 20 concluded with Jesus warning about the corruption of religious leaders (Luke 20:45-47). Here, power and hypocrisy are addressed, as well as the need for a kingdom mindset, in contrast to the worldly pursuit of position, power, pay, and prestige. Jesus’ discourse in Luke 21:5-38 flows naturally from these themes of conflict and kingdom reality, as He begins to teach about the destruction of the Temple, which the religious leaders hold in such high esteem, it actually is idolatry. This discourse marks a significant shift, taking the conversation from their immediate context to a broader scope of judgment, persecution, and the end of the age.


Micah 3:12

Isaiah 19:2

Joel 2:30-31

Isaiah 66:5

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

Daniel 9:24-27

Isaiah 63:18

Isaiah 13:10

Daniel 7:13-14

Isaiah 35:4

Isaiah 40:8

Zephaniah 2:1-3



We pick up in verses 5 through 11 where Jesus prophesies over the destruction of the temple as people are standing by marveling at it. The Temple in Jerusalem was one of the most magnificent structures of the ancient world, adorned with gold, marble, and precious stones. It symbolized the center of Jewish worship and national identity. Unfortunately, many Jews had started worshiping the temple and not the God of the temple.

It became full blown idolatry. Jesus foretells the destruction of the Temple, saying that not one stone will be left on another. This would have been shocking to His audience. The destruction was fulfilled in A.D. 70, when the Roman army, under General Titus, destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple during the Jewish-Roman War. I share this with you because The destruction of the Temple is a key turning point in redemptive history.

The Temple had been the center of God’s presence under the Old Covenant, but with Jesus’ coming, He becomes the new center of worship (John 2:19-21). In verse 7, the disciples ask two questions: When will these things happen? And, What will be the sign that they are about to take place? The disciples are trying to understand timing and signs, but Jesus uses this opportunity to shift their focus away from exact dates and instead on how to live faithfully in the midst of uncertainty.

Jesus begins by warning the disciples not to be deceived. Many will come in His name, falsely claiming to be the Messiah or declaring that the “end is at hand.” Jesus is telling His followers to guard their hearts and minds against deception. I believe this to be a word for us today. 

Application: We must guard our hearts and our minds against deception. Especially in this time where we have deep fake accounts on social media and algorithms controlling your news sources; there is no greater time to be not just a bible reading, but a bible believing and biblically foundational Christian. It’s one thing to say you read the bible, it’s another to allow your very thoughts to be filtered through the Scriptures. There is no other way for the Christian to navigate this world but by faith in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and armed with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

What Jesus is saying is to search the scriptures and live in His words. In verse 9 through 11 Jesus urges calm in the face of such global chaos, noting that these events “must first take place,” but the end will not be at once. This teaches a key lesson about the nature of end-time events: they will unfold over time, and these wars and disturbances are part of that process, but they do not signal the immediate arrival of the end.


Jesus shifts from global chaos to personal trials for His followers. Before these global events unfold, His disciples will face personal persecution. They will be handed over to synagogues (religious persecution) and prisons (civil persecution), and brought before kings and governors (political persecution). He doesn’t do this without hope, encouragement, and exhortation. Jesus calls it An Opportunity to Witness: Rather than viewing persecution as merely negative, Jesus reframes it as an opportunity to bear witness in verse 13.

The word “witness” here comes from the Greek word martyrion, which is also the root of the word “martyr.” The disciples’ suffering becomes an occasion to testify to the truth of the Gospel before both religious and political authorities. Notice in verses 14 and 15 the Divine Empowerment in Persecution: Jesus assures His followers that when the time comes to stand before rulers and authorities, they don’t need to worry about what to say. God Himself will provide the words. Jesus promises to give them a mouth and wisdom, which echoes Exodus 4:12 when God assures Moses, “I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” This shows that their testimony is divinely empowered, and their adversaries will be unable to withstand the truth of their words the same way Pharoah couldn’t. 

Application: The bible speaks very clearly about the Christian life being that of persecution. Anyone telling you differently isn’t hearing the words of Jesus properly. So then, why do this? If Jesus doesn’t offer me health, wealth, and overall prosperity, then why follow Him? If persecution is what this life holds, then count me out, right? The conviction to follow Jesus has to be far deeper than the immediate. That’s the very nature of this chapter. But for us who need a firm foundation for our belief, I’d like to offer a few areas:

    1. If the creator of the universe desires a relationship with you, you should do everything you can to live in that relationship. The way into that relationship is through the finished work of Jesus on the cross, it’s the only way. Jesus says He is the only way. I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me. John 14:6

    2. If God makes a promise, He keeps it. He promised heaven. He promised eternal life. And we gain all of it. Ephesians 1:3 says that in Christ we are given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. 

    3. Where else shall we go? Have you thought about how it’s actually all God’s world and we just live in it? There’s something very simple about submitting to it. There’s also something profound about this question. Jesus performed many miracles recorded in John 6. And at the end of it, many people left and didn’t follow Him. He turned to His disciples and asked, “do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:68-69

We have ample reason to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When we do, persecution will come. I have yet to meet a follower of Jesus that hasn’t been met by the presence and grace of God through all of it. Know that there are millions of stories in heaven of those who went before us. If you are discouraged through persecution or even a trial today, I pray that the words of Jesus would embolden and encourage you: This will be your opportunity to bear witness… and not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives. Luke 21:13,18,19



In verse 20 Jesus speaks of Jerusalem Surrounded by Armies: Jesus foretells the moment when Jerusalem will be surrounded by foreign armies, signaling the coming of its desolation. This prophecy was fulfilled during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, led by Titus. The siege was brutal, and it culminated in the destruction of the Temple, marking the fulfillment of Jesus’ earlier prediction (Luke 21:6). In verse 21 Flight to the Mountains: Jesus gives specific instructions to the people of Judea to flee to the mountains when they see the armies approaching, and for those in the city to escape.

This is counterintuitive advice, as normally people would seek refuge inside a walled city during times of attack.  This warning is documented to have saved many early Christians who fled Jerusalem before its fall, heeding Jesus’ words. Early Christians, following this prophecy, fled to the region of Pella in the mountains of Jordan, escaping the devastation of the siege. What we have to see is The emphasis is on urgency and escape, as there will be no safety within the city walls. This reflects a pattern in the Bible where God provides warnings of impending judgment and offers a way of escape to the faithful.

That’s the stories of Noah, The passover, Rahab, all over your bible. Verse 22 shows us this rather unique statement, the Days of Vengeance: Jesus describes these events as “days of vengeance,” a reference to God’s judgment on Jerusalem for its disobedience and rejection of the Messiah. The term “vengeance” doesn’t imply mere revenge but reflects the righteous judgment of God for the nation’s rejection of Jesus and its covenant unfaithfulness. In verse 23 there is a very difficult portion of the prophecy to hear, there’s Distress for Women and Children: Jesus expresses deep sorrow for pregnant women and those with nursing infants during this period of great suffering. The siege and destruction of Jerusalem would bring extreme hardship, especially for the most vulnerable.

According to historians like Josephus, the conditions in Jerusalem during the Roman siege were horrifying, with famine, infighting, and brutal slaughter. Starvation was rampant, and pregnant women, infants, and others who couldn’t flee were left to endure great distress. Finally verse 24 Jesus describes the fate of the people: many will fall by the sword, and others will be led captive among all nations.

This is a continuation of the exile theme from the Old Testament, where Israel’s disobedience often resulted in being conquered and exiled (Deuteronomy 28:64). The Gentiles would “trample” Jerusalem, which refers to the Roman occupation and control of Jerusalem after its destruction. This trampling would continue “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,” suggesting that this period of Gentile domination would last for an extended time, with a future reversal when God’s purposes for the Gentiles are complete.

The phrase “times of the Gentiles” refers to the period between the destruction of Jerusalem and the eventual restoration of Israel, connecting to broader eschatological themes of Gentile inclusion in God’s plan (see Romans 11:25-26). This is where we have to pause for a second and think of the already not yet of prophecy. Jesus spoke to them about things that were about to happen. And yet all of that wasn’t completely fulfilled either. There is an immediate sense of, this happened in the year 70 a.d.

And there’s a not yet that’s going to still take place at the second coming of Jesus. What we need to understand is that many did not heed the words of Jesus here and missed out on the opportunity to listen, and put into practice prophecy. How do we do that? We prepare like heaven is real, and we share like hell is real. If the gospel is real for you, make it real to those in your life. 



Jesus describes dramatic signs in the sun, moon, and stars, which echo the apocalyptic language often found in Old Testament prophecy (e.g., Isaiah 13:10; Joel 2:30-31). Fear and Foreboding: The reaction to these signs will be one of fear and foreboding as people struggle to comprehend what is happening. The powers of the heavens being shaken can refer to both literal cosmic disturbances (e.g., stars falling, the sky darkening) and metaphorical powers — the spiritual or political powers of the world that will be destabilized. 

 The Coming of the Son of Man: At the height of this cosmic and earthly turmoil, Jesus introduces the most important event: the coming of the Son of Man. He is described as coming “in a cloud with power and great glory.” Now Here’s the paradox and hope for believers Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:28 Hope for Believers: In contrast to the fear and foreboding of the world, Jesus encourages His followers to straighten up and raise your heads because their redemption is drawing near. This signals that while the world is in turmoil, those who belong to Jesus should view these signs with hope rather than fear.



Jesus tells a very simple parable about a fig tree saying, when leaves come up in spring, you know summer is coming. So when you see these things happening, prepare and share because the kingdom of God is near. Verse 32 I believe to be another already not yet. That generation did see the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and the crucifixion and the resurrection.

Sure! But there is a not yet piece as well that will be fulfilled for the coming of the son of man. Verse 33 should give us tons of comfort in Jesus telling us how He truly is God: Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Luke 21:33 Hold on to the words of Jesus like nothing else in your life. Prepare and share because of them. 



We’ll look at our last section, verses 34-38 together to close out our time. I love how pastoral Jesus is here. He knows He just dropped a bomb on His congregation and so He warns them that because this is going to be difficult, watch your heart. You are going to want to cope. Don’t allow yourself to drink the feelings away or get so caught up in work or whatever you are doing and miss the big picture as a Christian. Prepare and share.

He’s not saying never go to sleep, He’s saying keep alert. Both physically and spiritually and the way you do that is by praying for strength. Jesus’ instruction is both practical and spiritual: vigilance and prayer are the keys to being ready to endure trials and to stand faithful at the final judgment. Verses 37 and 38 Jesus lives out what He’s sharing here- Prepare and share. Prepare like heaven is for real and share like hell is for real.

He spent His very last week on earth doing exactly that! We are stronger Christians when we model our lives after the way of the Master Jesus Himself. We too must prepare and share. Let’s worship together.

What do you want to be remembered for? 

Here’s the conclusion we are going to come to today as you ponder the question what do you want to be remembered for are you ready? Be remembered for following Jesus and His example—serving others with humility, remaining faithful in trials, and embracing God’s purpose, no matter the cost.

Here’s your verse study chart for this week, please take a picture of it:

Exodus 12

Leviticus 23:5-8 

Zec. 11:12-13

Deut. 16:3

Exodus 24:8

Jer. 31:31-34

Isaiah 53

Job 1:6-12

Isaiah 2:4

Psalm 55:12-14

Psalm 41:9

Genesis 3:1-15


Luke 22:1-38 centers on Jesus’ final moments of preparation before His crucifixion, where He sets in motion the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, establishes the new covenant, and equips His disciples to endure the trials that will follow. We’re walking through themes of betrayal, servanthood, and the ultimate victory of God’s redemptive plan despite opposition. Allow me to give you a flow chart of where we are headed today: 

  1. Jesus’ Foreknowledge and Sovereignty: Jesus is fully aware of the events that are about to unfold, including His betrayal by Judas (verses 1-6), Peter’s denial (verses 31-34), and His upcoming suffering. Despite the growing opposition and the spiritual forces at play, Jesus remains in control, knowing that everything is part of God’s divine plan. He prepares the disciples for what is coming, both spiritually and practically.
  2. Betrayal and Spiritual Conflict: The narrative reveals the betrayal of Jesus, first by Judas (verses 1-6), then by Peter’s impending denial (verses 31-34). These betrayals are set against the backdrop of a larger spiritual conflict, where Satan is actively working against Jesus and His followers (verses 3, 31). Jesus acknowledges the reality of this opposition, yet reassures His disciples that God’s sovereign plan will still be fulfilled.
  3. The Institution of the New Covenant: Central to this passage is Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper (verses 14-20). Through the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup, Jesus redefines the Passover meal to symbolize His own body and blood, given for the forgiveness of sins. This act marks the beginning of the new covenant, in which Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb who brings redemption to humanity.
  4. The Role of Servanthood in God’s Kingdom: In response to the disciples’ dispute over who is the greatest (verses 24-27), Jesus teaches that true greatness in God’s Kingdom is found in humility and service. He presents Himself as the ultimate example of this servanthood, saying that He is among them “as one who serves” (verse 27). This redefines leadership and power in the context of God’s Kingdom.
  5. Preparation for Future Challenges: Jesus prepares His disciples for the coming trials, instructing them to be ready for the changing dynamics of their mission after His departure (verses 35-38). He warns them of the challenges they will face, both from external persecution and spiritual opposition, and calls them to be vigilant and prepared.



We pick up in verse 1. This verse sets the stage for the events of Luke 22, directly pointing to Exodus 12:14-20 (the institution of Passover). Passover commemorated Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread celebrated the haste with which the Israelites left, not having time to leaven their bread.  Jesus is positioning Himself as the ultimate Passover Lamb.

But not without opposition, verse 2 tells us that the leaders of the temple are not having it. The religious leaders are afraid of Jesus’ growing influence among the people so they plot to kill Him. Their fear of the people shows us how popular Jesus had become and it shows us that they are moved by fear and envy, not righteousness. Their response contrasts Jesus’ innocence with their guilt, setting up a theme of the “innocent suffering Servant” who would bear the sins of many. You should be thinking about Isaiah 53 now. In the middle of this we have our problem character fully emerging, Judas Iscariot.

Who is now possessed by Satan and Here we see the spiritual forces at work behind Judas’ betrayal. Satan’s direct involvement in this moment emphasizes the cosmic battle being waged behind the scenes. Zechariah 11:12-13 is often seen as a foreshadowing of Judas’ betrayal, as it involves the rejection of a shepherd for 30 pieces of silver, the same price Judas would receive. Remember our question, what do you want to be remembered for?

Application: There are many things you should want to be remembered for. And could you imagine if you were to be one who is named in the bible? What an amazing feat! Like our beloved author Luke! A gentile physician who is known for being on mission with God in His life and writings! Well, there’s a very real and negative way to be remembered. And this is the story of Judas Iscariot who will forever be remembered for his betrayal of Jesus. I believe where Judas went wrong is his expectations of who he wanted Jesus to be and what he wanted Jesus to do for Him. Jesus has already told us His mission and who He is.

Jesus is God the son who came in flesh and dwelled among us and His very mission is to seek and save the lost by way of His death on a cross and resurrection from the dead.

When I come to Jesus I come to Him on His terms, not mine. I don’t get to rewrite who He is and what He has done to fit my agenda. This was why Judas ended up betraying Him. He wanted Jesus to be a zealot who would overthrow Rome and stick it to the man! When I use Jesus in this same way, I have betrayed Jesus. What would this look like today? When I do whatever I want and I toss Jesus’ name on it. It’s blasphemy and it’s a betrayal of Jesus. It usually sounds like this, “No Christian would ever…” and then Insert your favorite thing that Jesus never said and Jesus never died for. This is a hard truth. But we must search our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal these things in us so we can root them out.

 The good news is this: when we put our faith in Jesus and we accept Him as our Lord and Savior on His terms, He writes our names in the book of life, forever. As much as we want to be remembered for something, there is also a great deal of honor in who we are remembered by. I choose to be remembered by Jesus forever by putting all that I have in Him.

He says, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32 Keep this verse and thought for the end of our time today. In verses 4-6 our story continues and Judas gets paid by these men who are so glad! They finally have an inside guy and an opportunity to get to Jesus.



In verses 7-13 we have a seen where Jesus entrusts Peter and John, two of His closest disciples, with the responsibility of preparing the Passover meal. This was no small task; it involved securing a lamb, having it sacrificed at the temple, and preparing all the necessary elements of the meal, including unleavened bread and bitter herbs. The disciples trust in Jesus’ guidance. They don’t know the logistics, but they rely on Jesus to provide the necessary instructions. They had a trust in Jesus that he would lead them where they needed to go.

Jesus provides a very specific sign—a man carrying a jar of water. This detail is notable because in the culture of the time, carrying water was typically a woman’s task, making this man stand out and easier to recognize. This unusual sign points to Jesus’ supernatural knowledge and authority. Even in the small details, He orchestrates everything according to God’s plan. In verse 11 Jesus refers to Himself as “the Teacher,” showing His continued role as a leader even in His final moments. The request for the guest room shows that Jesus had prearranged this location or was divinely guiding events to provide for the meal. The upper room is prepared, signifying that everything is ready for the final meal Jesus will share with His disciples. 

Peter and John find everything exactly as Jesus said, demonstrating once again His authority and divine insight. The preparation of the Passover meal would involve not only the sacrifice of the lamb but also setting the table with unleavened bread, wine, and other symbolic elements. Two things to remember and one to be remembered for in this section: 1. Jesus is the perfect passover lamb. Just as the Passover lamb was sacrificed for Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, Jesus is preparing to be sacrificed for our deliverance from sin. 2. God’s Sovereignty and Preparation: Even in the smallest details—like finding an upper room—God is at work, preparing the way. We can trust that God is always working, even when we can’t see it. 3. Obedience and Trust: Peter and John’s actions show us the importance of obedience, even when we don’t fully understand.

God often gives us just enough information to take the next step, and as we follow Him, we find that He has already prepared the way. In our own lives, trust and obedience to God’s leading are essential in fulfilling His purposes. I would wager that as a Christian, without these two things, obedience and trust, we cannot live lives worth being remembered for. 



In verses 14 through 23 we get to see Jesus eating the passover meal with His disciples. This meal is not just any Passover; it is the moment in which Jesus prepares to institute the new covenant. The “hour” represents a divinely appointed moment. All throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus has been moving toward this specific hour, foreshadowing His death (Luke 9:51, 18:31). Here’s one of my favorite pieces on the last supper. It says this, The Last Supper is one of the most important events in the Gospels, and each of the Gospel writers tells the story in a slightly different way to emphasize different aspects of its importance.

In the Last Supper we see how the gospel is backward-looking, presently engaging, and forward-looking. The backward-looking aspect is our continual remembrance of how Jesus sacrificed his body and blood on our behalf. This conscious act of remembering Christ’s past sacrifice and presently uniting our hearts in communion with him should be regularly practiced in the church, that’s why we did it this morning, it produces gratitude and allegiance.

At the same time, there is an equally essential forward-looking element to the ongoing practice of the Lord’s Supper. It is highlighted twice by Jesus in his reference to the future time when the kingdom of God comes (vv. 15, 18). To be a disciple of Jesus means not only looking back to the cross with gratitude but also engaging with him in present allegiance and looking forward with hope. It is especially this forward-looking hope in God’s coming kingdom that provides resources for our endurance and willingness to live now in the radically different ways that Jesus calls us to. 

Have you ever thought about why we pray before our meals? I think there is enough reason to thank God for everything that He gives us, amen? One of my favorite reasons to do so comes from our text here: Jesus prays and gives thanks, so do I. I want to model my life after Jesus. It’s how I want to be remembered. I want people to be able to look at my life and go, man that reminds me of Jesus. 

These verses mark a turning point. Jesus celebrates the Passover, but in doing so, He begins to reinterpret it in light of His upcoming death. The Passover meal, which commemorated God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt, now takes on new meaning. Jesus is about to become the true Passover Lamb, whose blood will deliver humanity from sin and death. The Last Supper becomes the institution of the new covenant, which will be sealed by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross.

Jesus’ repeated mention of not eating or drinking until the Kingdom of God comes highlights the future-oriented hope of the meal. The Passover meal was traditionally a remembrance of the past, but here Jesus shifts the focus toward the future. He is pointing toward the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in the Kingdom of God, a time of full redemption and restoration. The meal thus becomes a symbol of the “already” (the redemption about to take place through Jesus’ death) and the “not yet” (the future realization of the Kingdom). Jesus’ words in these verses underscore His awareness of and willingness to suffer for the sake of His mission.

He knows the suffering He will endure, but He is not shrinking from it. Instead, He expresses His desire to fulfill God’s plan, even to the point of death. This self-giving love is at the heart of what is about to happen at the cross, and it’s what transforms the Passover meal into the Lord’s Supper, a celebration of His sacrifice and the redemption it brings. Over and again we have Jesus say do this in remembrance of me. Jesus wants to be remember every time you eat and every time you enjoy your life for the sacrifice He made, but even more so, for the new covenant He made in His sacrifice; that is the covenant of grace. Jesus spends verses 21 through 23 letting the team know that He is going to be betrayed and He knows who it is.

The power of these verses comes through Jesus’ own understanding of this, but even more so, in verse 23 that none of the disciples knew. Yes this speaks to how sneaky and betraying Judas is, but it speaks to me even more so of the character of Jesus. He is so known for the way He loves people that even Judas who He knows is going to betray Him isn’t dealt differently by Jesus. Jesus still loves and cares for Judas. That’s so radically different from my own character. I need to learn how to love like Jesus loves and this gets me every time I read it. Jesus, make me more like you.



In verses 24-30 we deal with this question of greatness. What they are remembered for is now fresh on their minds. One commentator said It’s almost frightening to think that after Jesus poured three years of His life into these men; after they saw the character of Jesus on display in almost every conceivable circumstance; that now, at the final hours before His betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion, they argued about which of them was the greatest.

Could you imagine? But Jesus makes the best of a bad situation and teaches them such a powerful lesson. If you want to be great, you must learn from the way of the master Jesus Himself and serve. Jesus is redefining leadership in the Kingdom of God. True greatness comes not from exercising authority over others but from serving them. The model of leadership He presents is one of humility, where leaders consider others more important than themselves.

Jesus reinforces His teaching by using an everyday example. In worldly terms, the one who reclines at the table (a position of honor and privilege) is considered greater than the servant. But Jesus flips this expectation on its head by reminding the disciples that He Himself, their Lord and Teacher, has taken the position of a servant among them. In verse 28 After addressing the disciples’ argument about greatness and teaching them about servanthood, Jesus now commends them for their faithfulness.

Despite their shortcomings, misunderstandings, and even the looming betrayal by one of them, Jesus acknowledges that they have remained with Him during His trials and difficulties throughout His ministry. Jesus promises the disciples a share in His Kingdom, just as the Father has given Him authority over it. The word “assign” or “appoint” (Greek: “diatithemai”) carries the sense of a formal conferral of responsibility or inheritance. Jesus is essentially giving the disciples a role in the future Kingdom that God has entrusted to Him. 



Without skipping a beat, Jesus takes the opportunity to share about a second person who would seemingly betray Him, but this will be different. He informs Peter that Satan has specifically asked to test him. The imagery of sifting wheat involves shaking and separating the grain from the chaff, symbolizing the intense testing of Peter’s faith. This echoes the testing of Job, where Satan sought permission to test Job’s faithfulness (Job 1:6-12). Here’s one of my favorite verses in this whole piece- but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:32

This is something Jesus is known for. Jesus reassures Peter that He has prayed for him, specifically that his faith will not fail completely. Jesus’ intercession reveals His deep care for Peter, knowing that Peter will fall, but also knowing that he will repent and return. Jesus is confident in Peter’s ultimate restoration, and He commissions Peter to strengthen his brothers once he has been restored.

Jesus predicts Peter’s denial, but He also foretells his repentance and return. Peter’s failure will not be the end; instead, it will lead to growth, and he will be called to strengthen the other disciples. This shows that even when we fall, God’s grace allows for restoration and renewed purpose. If you’ve felt this way recently, you need to hear this this morning: Even if you have failed, let Jesus raise you up today. You do not need to be remembered for your failures. Be remembered for your repentance and return to Jesus today.



In verses 35-38 Jesus reminds his disciples of an earlier mission where they took nothing. Jesus now shifts His instructions, telling the disciples to prepare themselves differently. The inclusion of practical items like a moneybag, knapsack, and sword tells us that the circumstances surrounding their mission are about to become more dangerous and challenging. The time of relative safety during Jesus’ earthly ministry is coming to an end. The disciples must now be ready to face increased persecution as they continue to spread the Gospel in a world that will resist them.

Jesus now explicitly quotes from Isaiah 53:12, a prophecy about the Suffering Servant who is “numbered with the transgressors.” Jesus is indicating that this prophecy will soon be fulfilled in Him. He will be treated as a criminal, crucified between two thieves, and unjustly condemned. In verse 38 The disciples, misunderstanding Jesus’ symbolic or cautionary meaning, point out that they already have two swords. Jesus responds with “It is enough,” which could be understood as a mild rebuke or an indication that they don’t fully grasp what He’s saying.

The two swords are not sufficient for the type of struggle they will face, which is spiritual rather than physical. The disciples interpret Jesus’ words about the sword literally, thinking they need physical weapons to defend themselves. However, the conflict Jesus is preparing them for is primarily spiritual. There’s a new phase of their mission and Jesus is saying prepare and prepare well. What will you be remembered for?



When you reflect on “What do you want to be remembered for?”, think about the example Jesus left for us. Do you want to be remembered like Judas, who sought his own agenda and betrayed the very One who came to save him?

Or will you be remembered like Peter, who, even after failing, repented and strengthened others in his renewed faith? Jesus has shown us the way—to be remembered for serving others, staying faithful in trials, and embracing God’s purpose, no matter the cost.

So as you walk out these doors today, let this truth sink into your heart:  Be remembered for living like Jesus—serving others selflessly, standing firm in faith through hardship, and faithfully pursuing God’s mission.

Have you thought about what conquering looks like? Think about the old colosseum days. That was serious conquering. I think our modern day version of this is the Ultimate Fighting Championship. There’s a certain amount of formula you can have to conquer, nations know this, fighters know this, gladiators know this. Christians need to know this. Why? Because you are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Let me read this over you this morning!

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

Today we understand the beginnings of how this happens. The start of a formula. Jesus is showing us through his rigorous battles in the end of luke that: In the kingdom of God, temptation, betrayal, and denial is conquered by prayer, submission, and grace. 



picking up our story, Jesus makes His way from the upper room to the mount of olives. Other gospel accounts will tell us that He is specifically at the garden of gethsemane and His disciples are with Him. He says this phrase, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Luke 22:40 This is the phrase that starts our bible sandwich, we call it an inclusio. An inclusio is a word sandwich where the bread of the sandwich is a repetition of the same phrase and the meat of the sandwich is actually going to explain the reason for the bread in the first place. What do I mean?

Watch what Luke does: He writes that Jesus says pray that you may not enter into temptation, then Jesus prays and explains what he means by all of that and then v46 is Jesus coming back to His disciples after prayer and he finds them sleeping and tells them, Why are you sleeping? Rise and Pray that you may not enter into temptation. Here’s a side note for our time together this morning. Our biblical authors are genius writers. I mean, truly just brilliant authors. But what is more important is that we believe them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and inspired by God to write the way they did.

If you think of some of the most prolific writers of this time at least by the size of their paycheck and influence, you’ve got to think of the likes of Stephen King, James Patterson, and J.K. Rowling. Three of the highest paid authors of all time. The highest paid author, and the only billionaire author is J.K. Rowling. She quotes scripture in her books and then stated that it was obvious that she used the bible to form characters like Harry Potter and the major portions of her storyline. Now think about that, we have the best in her field using the bible as a basis of her books.

Our biblical authors, like Luke, aren’t just really good authors. There’s a piece to the puzzle that we cannot miss: It is the Holy Spirit bearing witness to what is happening and this is why we can claim that the bible isn’t just a good book or a good read; it is the greatest piece of literature in human existence. To conquer, you need a weapon. This is the only sword in our arsenal. Keep that in mind for later on in this text. I want to take this opportunity to share with you exactly what we believe about the bible and why it is so important to me: We believe that all Scripture, both of the Old and New Testaments, is given by inspiration of God, without error in all that it affirms, and is the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

It is fully authoritative and trustworthy, fully sufficient for all believers now and always, and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. Thus, the declarations contained in it rest on the authority of God Himself, and there can be no appeal from them to any other authority whatever. They are the only divinely authorized record of the doctrines which we are bound as Christians to believe, and of the moral principles which are to regulate our behavior.

Only such doctrines as are contained in the Scripture can be regarded as Articles of Faith. The Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scripture, must ever be its true interpreter. Whatever any person says or does which is contrary to the Scripture, though under profession of the guidance of the Spirit, must be reckoned and accounted a delusion. The Scripture demands of believers complete obedience and is made increasingly open to those who study and obey it. -Friends Church Faith and Practices  It reminds me of Jesus’s own words, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

If you hunger and thirst for righteousness open your bible and dig deep. And this is what we endeavor to do this morning and every morning at Friends Church, amen? Grab your sword and let’s conquer. Let’s pick back up in our Luke word sandwich called an inclusio. Pray that you may not enter into temptation: that is, to give into temptation. The words ‘enter into temptation’ (perasmon) mean to succumb to its evil power.

Think Genesis 4:7 the first piece of advice from God to man He says, “If you do what is right will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your doorstep, its desire is to have you, but you must rule over it.” You must master it, as other translations say. Jesus knows here that there is a great physical and even more so spiritual battle that is going to take place and He is preparing the disciples for this. Sin will want to creep in, but it is in obedience to Christ’s words that we can rule over it and through the power of prayer.

We find out here that Luke, in writing this, has an eyewitness account from the disciples with concise details that Jesus is a stone’s throw away and he is kneeling down to pray. Notice how Jesus says Pray that you don’t enter into temptation and now sets the example for how to do it in verse 41. He knelt down and prayed: the usual position of prayer in that day was to stand or even to walk. I’d like to introduce more prayer walks to my life by the way. But here we have Jesus kneeling. There is a submission to the Father aspect of what is happening here.

He is in desperate need of God the Father. He starts by praying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me.” -Luke 22:42a Jesus, in total submission to the father, knows what is going to happen so clearly He calls it a cup. This is where we see Jesus’ understanding of the Old Testament come out a bit more. He understand the role of the Messiah and that He has to suffer the wrath of God, that’s what cup means here. This is best seen in Jeremiah 25 where God is pronouncing judgment and He calls it His cup of wrath. So Jesus in prayer is making a request to the Father, if there is another way, I don’t want the wrath. He then says, “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” -Luke 22:42b

Application: We learn a very important lesson about prayer here from Jesus: I address my prayers to the father, I make my request known, and the ultimate decision I leave in His hands. I then submit my will and desires to Him and ask that His will and desires happen in my life. More than a lesson in prayer, it’s a sobering realization that our lives are not our own. I belong to the kingdom of God and that means I belong to God. I’ve been thinking about Veterans Day lately.

My sister is a navy vet and my brother is an air force vet. I thought for a while that I’d be a chaplain in the military. I have a deep and sincere love for our military. And I won’t forget learning about the day my brother got his dog tags and became a government issue. 

Those were hard years to learn how to submit to authority and Adam, I want to tell you this morning that God is not done with you yet. Your story is an example to all of us. Not just of a young man who served his country, but by way of analogy of how we learn as a church that you are not your own anymore. To be more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus we first learn that we belong to Jesus.

You have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus and there is such freedom in submission to the Lord of our lives. Remember a sinless man battled Satan, sin, self, and temptation in a garden and lost – saying, “My will not Yours, be done” and the loss impacted all mankind through that original sin. The second Sinless Man battled Satan, sin, self, and temptation in another garden and won – saying, “Not My will, but Yours, be done” – and its impact touches people from every Nation, tribe, and tongue to this very day.

That’s my Jesus.



Tells us that the Father actually sent an angel to strengthen Jesus. How did the angel do it? I don’t know. I know God sent an angel to strengthen Elijah in the Old Testament and the angel fed him and Elijah was able to journey for 40 days and 40 nights. Must’ve been a redbull and Slim Jims because I’ve seen some truckers move mountains on those bad boys. But how was Jesus strengthened here? I can’t be certain. What I am certain of, is in verse 44 what happened to Jesus once He was strengthened. I have a story about being strengthened by the Lord in this way. 

 The word says And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. -Luke 22:44 This word agony, Agonia in Greek, is a one time use in the entire bible and it’s used here of Jesus to explain how intense this moment was for Him. This is so intense for Him that he is sweating so profusely that it’s either like blood, like a fatal wound and he’s just pouring out, or that it caused so much stress that the capillaries in His face actually bled and He’s sweating blood.

One of the two, needless to say, it is that intense for Him. In v45 and 46, he finally gets up from praying and finds His disciples sleeping. They couldn’t cope with the sorrow, and instead of doing what Jesus told them to do, pray, they are sleeping. Jesus knew the testing that was coming their way and knew they needed to be strengthened through prayer also. Not that they needed an angel, they needed to align their will with the Father’s will and be prepared for the road ahead. They need to pray so that they do not enter temptation. They need to conquer temptation, and this is a work of the spirit,  through the power of prayer. 



We now look at the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. As Jesus is speaking to His disciples, a crowd shows up led by Judas iscariot. And He grabs him by the shoulders and kisses him as is the custom when greeting a beloved rabbi. Jesus stops to tell Judas, “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” -Luke 22:48 It’s as if Jesus is saying, are you so numb to our relationship, so seared in your mind to the scriptures I’ve been teaching you, and have you already disregarded all of what the prophecies say about me that you could still greet me with such a warm greeting and betray me? It’s how Judas identified Jesus to the crowd.

It echoes Psalm 41:9 Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. The disciples see what’s unfolding before them and Peter grabs his sword and lops off one of the servant’s ears. Wrong sword! He should’ve been praying and he should’ve picked up the sword of the spirit like we talked about earlier. That’s our weapon! I believe by way of application, when we don’t pray and align our will with God’s will and submit ourselves to him, we end up doing some stupid things. Even when we are trying to do what we think is right, if we aren’t prepared by prayer, and submitted to the Lord, we can do some horrible things.

We must stay in constant communication with God so that we don’t stray from what God would have for us. In verse 51 Jesus heals the man’s ear. This has to be a moment for the whole crowd to recognize how different Jesus is from others they have accused or arrested. Jesus realizes this moment is so different that He even says, “have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs? When I was with you day after day in the temple, you did not lay hands on me.” Luke 22:52-53

Jesus is still teaching them and trying to reconcile their illegitimate hatred and arrest. It’s as if He’s trying to lay out the scenario for them one more time and say, are you sure you want to do this? Here’s another chance to repent and submit the same way God the Father asked Adam in the garden, where are you? He knew! It was an opportunity to repent and submit to God.

Jesus is saying I’m here praying and healing. Is this the big crime you’re arresting me for? His final words are what we also need to recognize: “But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.” Luke 22:53 Luke is showing a link here that we have to see their hour and the power of darkness is a clear sign that Judas and this crowd aren’t just connected in their betrayal of Jesus, they are connected in the bond they share of diabolic influence by Satan. I believe that it is due to the strengthening Jesus had received through prayer that He is able to see this for what it truly is; He is not wrestling against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. Peter is about to intimately learn this lesson in the next act of Luke 22. 



We see Peter’s denial of Jesus. Peter’s first denial is quick and definitive. His fear overtakes his loyalty, and he denies any association with Jesus. Proverbs 29:25: “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” Peter falls into the trap of fearing what people might do to him rather than trusting God here. Peter’s second denial comes when another person recognizes him. This time, Peter denies being part of Jesus’ followers. The repeated denials show Peter becoming more entrenched in his fear and disloyalty. Zechariah 13:7 prophesied that when the shepherd is struck, the sheep will scatter. Peter’s denial is part of this scattering, as he distances himself further from Jesus.

The third accusation comes after some time, giving Peter a chance to reconsider, but instead, he continues to deny. They mention he’s Galilean. Peter’s accent or appearance gave him away this time. The accusation of being a Galilean connects Peter more closely with Jesus, as Galileans were generally known to follow him. Yet, Peter denies even this regional connection. First Peter denies knowing Jesus, then He denies being associated with Jesus, and finally He denies even being from the same region Jesus is from!

Matthew’s gospel says he starts cursing and swearing so that way even the way He speaks He can’t be recognized as a Christian. Peter here takes every step to make sure that no one would even consider Him to be a Christian… and then the rooster crows in the middle of Him speaking.  In a moment of powerful emotional impact, Jesus looks at Peter right after the third denial, causing Peter to remember Jesus’ prophesy.

He doesn’t look at him to condemn him, or say I told you so, but out of love and concern for Peter. How many types of looks do you get? I can tell everything I need from my wife from a look now a days, I don’t need a word. Peter remembers and it causes him to leave and weep bitterly. We have a lot to learn from both Jesus and Peter in this moment.

Application: Peter’s Lesson-

1. The Danger of Overconfidence Overconfidence in our own strength can lead to failure. Earlier in the chapter, Peter adamantly declared that he would never deny Jesus, even if it meant going to prison or death (Luke 22:33). This self-assurance blinded him to his own weakness, and when tested, he fell. Like Peter, we can overestimate our ability to stand firm in our faith under pressure. We must remember that our strength comes from our submission to God, not ourselves (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

2. The Impact of Fear Fear can lead us to compromise our faith. Peter’s denials were driven by fear—fear of being associated with Jesus and the potential consequences. In moments of panic, Peter prioritized self-preservation over loyalty to Christ and the power of prayer. Fear of persecution, rejection, or judgment from others can tempt us to hide our faith or compromise our Christian witness. Jesus warned us that following him would involve facing opposition (John 15:18-20), and we must be prepared to stand firm, even when it is difficult. 

3. The Subtlety of Spiritual Drift Spiritual drift often happens gradually. Peter started following Jesus from “a distance” (Luke 22:54), which symbolizes his growing separation. As the situation escalated, his denials became progressively stronger. Did you see how easily we can drift away from our commitments under pressure? Spiritual compromise often happens incrementally. We may start by distancing ourselves from God, neglecting prayer or community, and eventually finding ourselves making choices that contradict our faith. We are reminded here to stay close to Jesus, especially in difficult seasons and trials.

Jesus’ Lesson 

  • Jesus’ Compassionate Conviction Jesus’ response to our failures is one of compassion and conviction. After Peter’s third denial, Jesus “turned and looked at Peter” (Luke 22:61). This look wasn’t one of anger but of sorrow and compassion. It led Peter to recognize his sin and weep bitterly in repentance. When we fail, Jesus doesn’t condemn us but offers a way back through repentance. Peter’s story is a reminder that Jesus doesn’t abandon us in our failures. Instead, he lovingly calls us to repentance and offers restoration (Romans 8:1, 1 John 1:9). His conviction is meant to bring healing, not punishment. Maybe you needed to hear that today. The conviction you feel in your life is meant to heal you not punish you. Come to Jesus and let Him heal you this morning.
  • God’s Grace Restores the Fallen Failure is not the end—God’s grace can restore us. Peter’s denial was a grave failure, it wasn’t the end of his story. After the resurrection, Jesus restores Peter and commissions him for leadership (John 21:15-17). Peter goes on to be a pillar of the early church and a bold witness for Christ, despite his failure. No failure is too great for God’s grace. I’ll say that one more time just in case you aren’t listening this morning: NO FAILURE IS TOO GREAT FOR GODS GRACE! get excited in church this morning. Like Peter, we may experience moments where we fall short, but God’s desire is to restore and use us for His purposes. His grace is sufficient, even in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). 


You cannot see Peter’s life without seeing the grace of God. It is the grace of God in Peter’s life, in my life, in this church, in your life. It cannot happen without the grace of God and we hold on to that this morning church, amen? 



It’s important to recognize that conquering in the kingdom of God looks vastly different from the world’s version of victory. In the colosseums of ancient Rome or the octagons of modern-day UFC, conquering involves overpowering your opponent with physical might. But in the kingdom of God, we conquer through prayer, submission, and grace.

So today, let us be reminded that in the kingdom of God, the way to conquer temptation, betrayal, and denial is not through might, but through the power of prayer, the act of submission, and the gift of God’s grace.

Let us take up the call to pray and submit ourselves to God’s will, knowing that by His grace, we too will be strengthened to stand firm.

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