Easter is the Church’s moment to celebrate the greatest victory ever!

join us

It’s not just another Sunday — it’s the annual reminder that hope isn’t just a concept; it’s reality. Easter is about the ultimate reset. Things break, life gets messy, but because of Jesus, redemption and new beginnings are possible. He stepped in, took the weight of our mistakes — our sins — and offers us a fresh start.

Holy Week events at friends



Palm Sunday

8:00 AM | Traditional Service –Friends Church
9:45 & 11:15 AM | Contemporary Service – Friends Church

During our contemporary services, our kids will be singing—you won’t want to miss it! 



Prayer Monday & Tuesday

6:00–7:00 PM | sanctuary open for prayer – Friends Church

Take time to step away from the busyness and spend intentional time in prayer. The sanctuary will be open—come as you are, anytime within the hour.



Worship & Prayer Wednesday

6:00 PM | Worship & Prayer Night – Friends Church

Join us on Wednesday in the main sanctuary as we gather for worship and prayer in preparation for Easter.



Maundy Thursday

6:00 PM | Dinner & Foot Washing – Friends Church

We remember Jesus’ example of serving others by sharing a meal and a foot washing service just as He taught His disciples. 



Good Friday

12:00 PM & 6:00 PM | Communion & Reflection – Friends Church

Good Friday is a sacred time to pause and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Through Scripture, worship, and communion, we remember the depth of His love.



Easter Sunday

6:00 AM | Sunrise Service – St. Clairsville Memorial Park
9:00 AM | Worship Service & Baptisms – Friends Church
10:30 AM | Easter Egg Hunt – Friends Church
11:15 AM | Worship Service & Baptisms – Friends Church

HE IS RISEN! Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the new life we have in Him!