watch & listen to series messages
part 1
- Luke 17
- Sept 8, 2024
part 2
- Luke 18
- Sept 15, 2024
part 3
- Luke 19:1-27
- Sept 22, 2024
Sermon notes
Part 1, Luke 17
Temptations and forgiveness, Increase our faith, Serving, Cleansing, and the coming of the kingdom. What’s happening? Our Kingdom Reality today is Faith.
Jesus, through the account of Lazarus and the rich man, has made it clear that eternity is for real, and no one from beyond will come back to warn us. It is all the more imperative how we live and show Jesus to others on this side of eternity, because right now counts forever. It is inevitable that people be offended, but woe to the person through whom those offenses come. It is important to understand what Jesus meant when He spoke of offenses. The ancient Greek word used here for offenses is skandalon, and it comes from the word for a bent-stick – the stick that springs the trap or sets the bait. It also was used for a stumbling block, something that people trip over. In the Bible sometimes a skandalon is good – such as the way that people “trip” over Jesus, and are offended at the gospel (Romans 9:33, 1 Corinthians 1:23, Galatians 5:11). But among brothers in Jesus, a skandalon is bad. It can be false counsel (Matthew 16:23), and it can be leading a brother into sin by your “liberty” (Romans 14:13). Division and false teaching brings a skandalon among God’s people (Romans 16:17). Woe to the one through whom they come: Essentially, Jesus said: “People are going to take the bait – but woe to you if you offer the hook. People are going to trip up – but woe to you if you set the stumbling block in their way.” It would be better for the offending one to die a horrible death, such as having a millstone hung around your neck and being thrown into the sea. This is a lesson that the church learned the hard way in trying to help God to curse the Jewish race for their rejection of the Messiah; the curse came back on the church worse than ever. If someone seems ripe for the judgment or discipline of God, let God do it. Get out of the way. God doesn’t need you as an instrument of His judgment, only as an instrument of His love. 1 John 2:10 explains the solution to being a skandalon to others – love: He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 1John 2:10 If we love our brother, we will not bring an offense into their life.
If your brother sins against you, rebuke him: When someone sins against you, you should not pretend that it never happened. You need to rebuke that brother in love. Love is the rule here; we obviously can’t walk around keeping a record of every little offense committed against us. One aspect of the fruit of the Spirit is longsuffering (Galatians 5:22), and we need to be able to suffer long with the slights and petty offences that come our way in daily living. Ephesians 4:2 says that we should love with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love. Don’t be too sensitive; bear with one another. But in love, when we are sinned against in a significant way, we must follow Ephesians 4:15 as the pattern: we need to speak the truth in love. Love isn’t going to other people about it; love isn’t bottling it up inside of you. Love is getting it straight with the person who sinned against you. If he repents, forgive him: This is the challenge from Jesus. There is no other option given. When the person who offended you repents, you must forgive them. What do we do with the person who has never repented? Do we forgive them? Even if relationship cannot be restored because no common mind is arrived at, we can still choose to forgive them on our part, and wait for a work of God in their life for the restoration of relationship. Clearly – especially in light of the words that follow – Jesus did not intend here to narrow our focus of forgiveness. If anything, His intent was to broaden our work of forgiveness. He wasn’t giving us a reason to not forgive or to be less forgiving. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, “I repent,” you shall forgive him: This indicates that we are not permitted to judge another’s repentance. If someone had sinned against me seven times in a day, and kept asking me to forgive them, I might think that they were not really sincere. Yet Jesus commands me to still forgive them. We are being called by Jesus here to be people that are highly unoffendable and super forgiving.
We see that great faith is needed to get along with people like this. On this occasion, the disciples were extremely perceptive. They recognized that great faith in God is needed to get along with people in this forgiving, non-offending way. We usually think of faith as being exercised with dramatic, miraculous works. That may be true, but the greatest miracles of faith have to do with the restoration of relationships. Why a mulberry tree? Well, the roots of the mulberry tree were thought to be extraordinarily strong; it was thought that this tree could stay rooted for six hundred years. You may have unforgiveness and bitterness that is deeply rooted within you; it may be like one of those trees that send down deep, strong roots. But through faith, Jesus can rip those roots clean out; it can be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea. There is no harder task in the Christian life than forgiveness. There is no greater joy in heaven than that of forgiveness. There is no greater need in our lives than forgiveness. We cry out with the disciples, God increase our faith so that we can live in your forgiveness and offer forgiveness as a kingdom reality today. The faith that we must have is a faith that has more to do with what kind of faith it is than with how much faith there is. A small amount of faith – as much as a mustard seed (a very small seed) – can accomplish great things, if that small amount of faith is placed in a great and mighty God. Little faith can accomplish great things; but great faith can accomplish even greater things. What matters most is what our faith is in, the object of our faith.
Jesus then shares the idea that we can’t put God into debt to us, anything we do for Him is small repayment for His work in our life. He talks about Having a servant plowing or tending sheep: Jesus had just spoken to His disciples about great works possible by great faith. Here Jesus added some words meant to work against the pride that often rises when someone is used by God. Jesus speaks of those who really serve. Plowing is hard work; it exhausts the strength and endurance of the plowman. It is hard work in farming and it is hard work in spiritual ministry. Tending sheep can also be hard work, requiring a lot of patience, attention to detail, and a caring heart. It is helpful to remember that these words were not given to the multitude; the chapter began, Then He said to the disciples (Luke 17:1). He was not laying down the way of salvation, but pointing out a path of service for those who were already saved, those already numbered amongst the citizens of heaven. Jesus pictured a servant coming in from a hard day of work, either plowing or tending sheep. When the servant arrives home, the master does not compliment, or feed, or serve, or massage the servant. The master expected the servant to keep serving because there was still work to do. Charles Spurgeon said it this way and I agree with him: There is always something we can do to serve our Master, and there is always some way we can do it. “If you cannot go out plowing, you shall go down into the kitchen, and do some cooking; and if you cannot feed the cattle, you shall bring up a dish of food for your Master. This is a change of work for you; but you are to keep on as long as you live. In the context of the preceding words of Jesus, we can say that there are still people to forgive; there are still great works of faith to be done. This is a kingdom reality, As long as there is breath in your lungs God has called you to live on mission with Him. These works are hard, but in this mini-parable Jesus gave us the right attitude. His pleasure before our own. His people preferred before ourselves. His name before your own name. Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? Of course the master does not thank the servant for such things; in that pre-Christian culture such kindness was unthinkable.
Therefore, we don’t serve Jesus inwardly demanding that He thank us or praise us. It seems strange that Jesus would thank us, in light of all He has done for us. It seems strange that He would thank us considering all we have left undone. It seems strange considering all we have done has come from Him as a gift and an empowering anyway. Yet strangely, He will thank us and reward us. Though we don’t deserve it, He will look at the work of each of His servants and to the faithful ones He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21, 23) We have done what was our duty to do: This attitude understands that our Master has done more and greater things for us than we could ever do for Him. What He did for us was out of pure love; what we do for Him is out of proper gratitude and duty. This is why it is so important for Bible teachers to emphasize what the Bible itself emphasizes – what God has done for us. When we realize all that God has done for us in Jesus, we want to serve Him out of gratitude. Think of the great work of forgiveness Jesus did for us; think of the great mountains He moved by faith. The greatest works of faith and forgiveness by us are mere duty in comparison. When our hearts are right, we live and act as if we are happy to have the privilege of being allowed to serve God. Not enough Christians have this attitude today. Instead, many today often want to project a “super-Christian” image that makes them seem to be anything but unworthy servants. We only think that we are better than others are when we look to man, not Jesus.
Jesus cleanses and heals ten lepers. As He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers: It was not unusual for these lepers to congregate with one another. They were outcasts from society at large, and had no company other than other lepers – so, they stood afar off. they kept at a distance, because forbidden by law and custom to come near to those who were sound, for fear of infecting them. See Leviticus 13:46; Numbers 5:2; 2 Kings 15:5.” And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”: They came to Jesus together and they prayed together, even though they were a mixed group of Jews and Samaritans (Luke 17:15-16). Bonded by their misery, their national and other prejudices vanished as they came together in prayer. A common misfortune had broken down the racial and national barriers. In the common tragedy of their leprosy they had forgotten they were Jews and Samaritans and remembered only they were men in need. It was remarkable that Jesus asked them to go to the priests while they were still lepers. This was truly stepping out in faith, as in putting on the new man even when we still look and feel like the old man. The one condition of healing was obedience. Ordered, they must obey. If He was master as they had cried He was, then let them prove their faith by their obedience. God highly honors this kind of faith, and makes it the instrument in his hand of working many miracles. He who will not believe till he receives what he calls a reason for it, is never likely to get his soul saved. The highest, the most sovereign reason, that can be given for believing, is that God has commanded it. And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed: Just as God blessed the faith of the lepers to step out as the new man even when they feel like the old, so will He bless our faith.
Is our last section where we deal with the coming of the kingdom. Let’s look at v20-21 We may just imagine a hostile Pharisee coming to Jesus, and demanding Him to either put up or shut up. “put up” and produce the Kingdom of the Messiah, or to “shut up” and stop claiming He was the Messiah. In Jesus’ day, just like our own, people longed for the coming of the Messiah. They knew the prophecies in the Old Testament which spoke of the glory of the coming Messiah; they wanted that kind of life and earth now. Jesus made it clear to the Pharisee asking the question that the kingdom of God won’t be found through a hostile questioning of Jesus. The ancient Greek word translated observation is better-translated, hostile examination. Jesus told the Pharisees that their hostile, doubting eyes were unable to see or receive the kingdom of God. This is a matter of faith. Jesus told them that the kingdom was right in their midst. The kingdom of God was among them because the King was among them. This was not a mystical revelation by Jesus that in some seed form, the Kingdom of God is within everyone in a New Age sense. After all, Jesus would not have told Pharisees that the kingdom of God was within them. The statement of Jesus called attention to Himself, not to man. Like many today, the Pharisees said they wanted the Kingdom of God to come; but you can’t want the Kingdom and reject the King. In V22-24 Jesus shares with his disciples that His kingdom won’t come immediately in their day. Now speaking to the disciples, Jesus told them that when He left this earth, the days would come when Jesus’ disciples – both near and far off – would long for the Messiah’s return. And they will say to you, “Look here!” or “Look there!” Satan would know how to take advantage of that longing; there would be many who claimed to be the Messiah who would come before Jesus actually returned. It is essential that these false Messiahs do not deceive us. Do not go after them or follow them: In the centuries since Jesus spoke these words, there have been many who have claimed to be the Messiah, and some have had significant followings. Jesus solemnly warned us to not go after them or follow them; instead we should disregard them. In His day, the day of the Messiah’s triumph, all will see it even as everyone notices lightning that flashes across the sky. Jesus is clear in V25 that the kingdom cannot come until He finishes His work on earth. first He must suffer: There is a tendency in many followers of Jesus to skip the cross and go straight to the Kingdom of God; but the Kingdom of God could not come until the King went to the cross. V26-30 Also tells us that the coming of the king will be a great surprise. as it was in the days of Noah: By showing the similarity to Noah’s day, Jesus described a world continuing in the normal routines of life. People ate, drank…married wives, they were given in marriage. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: The destruction that came upon Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Lot came in the morning (Genesis 19:15-25). The day before seemed much like any other day to the men of Sodom. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed: Even as the world seemed to continue in the normal routines of life before the flood and the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jesus said there will be some sense of normalcy in the world when He is revealed. Jesus didn’t say that all would be good in the world, or that there would be no crisis. Conditions before the flood and before the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah were terrible, but the wickedness was accepted as normal and routine. In v31-33 Jesus is saying prepare for the coming of the king by not being attached to this world. When Noah’s flood came, one could imagine people trying to vainly keep their possessions safe while they themselves perished. Even so, if one is ready for Jesus’ coming, they will not be concerned about the material things left behind. The heart must not be on what is in the house, but what is in heaven. Let him not turn back. Remember Lot’s wife: Because she disobeyed God and looked back on Sodom – presumably with regret and perhaps with longing – Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she and her family escaped judgment. Jesus here cautioned His followers to not look back at a perishing world, ripe for judgment, but to set their eyes on the deliverance God sets before them.
Lot’s wife lingered behind. Moses made the point that Lot’s wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). Before she looked back, she lingered behind him, as Lot and his daughters sought to escape the judgment of Sodom. Lot’s wife did not trust and obey the Word of the Lord The angel specifically told them to escape with urgency, not to lag behind – and especially, to not look back (Genesis 19:17). Lot’s wife looked at what she was told to turn away from. After lingering and doubting, she then looked. In her heart she defied God’s command.
When Jesus comes, some will be taken suddenly and others will be left behind. Now let me take you by the hand through this if you’re reading the ESV or most modern translations. Verse 36 isn’t in your bible. Why? Verse 36 is not in the best Greek manuscripts…and is an addition to the biblical text. It was probably added by a scribe because of Matthew 24:40. One will be taken and the other left: Because this will happen during the normal course of life (while one sleeps in bed, while another is grinding grain, and while another works in the field), the emphasis is on readiness. Jesus will come suddenly and at an unexpected moment. This connects with the prior illustrations of Noah and Lot. “Noah and Lot were taken and, therefore, saved from judgment while the rest were left for destruction. V37 tells us all this will happen at the time when judgment is ripe. The disciples wanted to know more about this revelation of Jesus, presumably both where the deliverance of the judgment might take place. As they came nearer to Jerusalem, perhaps they wondered if these events would take place soon, as they arrived at the City of Zion. Jesus used a phrase, wherever the corpse is, vultures gather. That simply meant that a thing would happen when the necessary conditions were fulfilled.
As we leave here today, let’s fix our hearts on the Kingdom reality of faith: that we are servants of a Master who has done infinitely more for us than we could ever repay. May we live as those who forgive freely, love deeply, and serve humbly, knowing that every step we take in faith and forgiveness advances God’s kingdom. Let’s live like eternity starts now, because it does.
Part 2, Luke 18
Our Second Kingdom reality, tied so closely to faith is Humility. We gain nothing by coming to God in the lie of pride. The principle God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble is so important God repeated it three times (Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5)
We start with the purpose of the first parable. Luke tells us that Jesus said this parable that we might not lose heart in prayer. Man is created with a spiritual instinct He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11, so prayer often comes naturally. Yet obstacles come in the way of effective and constant prayer, so Jesus knew we needed to be both taught and encouraged always… to pray. Jesus did not mean that we should always have our knees bent and eyes closed in prayer; but we must always be in what is sometimes called the spirit of prayer. Paul mentioned this idea in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he wrote, pray without ceasing. It’s hard to measure how much good such constant prayer would do, and how much bad it would keep us from. Often we fail in praying because we lose heart. We become discouraged, and then no longer pray as we should. It is easy to lose heart in prayer because prayer is hard work that we too often approach lightly. In Colossians 4:12, Paul praised a man named Epaphras because he was always laboring fervently… in prayers. Paul knew that prayer was hard work that required fervent labor. It is easy to lose heart in prayer because the Devil hates prayer. If prayer were powerless, it would be easy. It is easy to lose heart in prayer because we are not always convinced of the reality of the power of prayer. Too often, prayer becomes a last resort instead of a first resource. Remember that Jesus lived a prayerful life, and He ever lives to pray for His people (Hebrews 7:25). We must therefore not lose heart in prayer. Whatever it is you are dealing with this morning, do not lose heart, pray and pray and pray. Seek the Lord while He can be found.
So let’s look at the parable now of the widow and the unjust judge. A judge who did not fear God nor regard man: The judge was ungodly, both as a man and a judge. Yet in the end he answered the woman’s request. The only reason he gave her what she wanted was because the woman wouldn’t stop bothering him. The unjust judge only reluctantly answered the woman’s request. Jesus did not give this parable to say that God was like the unjust judge, but unlike him. God loves to answer our prayers, and He even helps us when we pray. God is on your side when you pray, not against you (as the unjust judge was against the widow). The woman had to overcome the judge’s reluctance to help. We might often feel that we must do the same when we pray – use our persistence to overcome God’s reluctance. My sons try that, “Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad.” until finally I go. “WHAT?!” Unjust Judge… This misses the point of the parable entirely. Jesus did not say that men always ought to pray and not lose heart because God is reluctant, but because He isn’t, and that is our encouragement to prayer. Sometimes it does seem to us that God is reluctant to answer our prayers. Yet the delays in prayer are not needed to change God, but to change us. Persistence in prayer brings a transforming element into our lives, building into us the character of God Himself. It is a way that God builds into us a heart that cares about things the same way He does. There are several contrasts between this judge and the God who hears prayer.
- The judge was unfair; God is fair.
- The judge had no personal interest in the widow; God loves and cares for those who petition Him.
- The judge answered the widow’s cry out of pure self-interest; God loves to bless His people for their good also.
Jesus probably had in mind the prayers of persecuted believers, who long for justice and who cry out day and night for God to avenge them and deal with their persecutors. Those in the fire of persecution need special grace to persevere and to not lose heart in prayer. They need to be assured that God is not like the unjust judge, so we should keep praying to the Lord who will resolve all things righteously. If you’re in the fire this morning, be reminded Our God is a righteous, wonderful Judge:
- We come to a judge of perfect, good character.
- We come to a judge who loves to care for His children.
- We come to a judge who is kind and gracious.
- We come to a judge who knows us.
- We come to this judge with an advocate, a friend who will plead our case before the judge.
- We come to the judge with promises to encourage us.
- We come to the judge with the right of constant access, to a judge who has a personal interest in our case.
When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? This ties Jesus’ thought to His words about His coming at the end of the previous chapter. Unless we know who God is (being not like the unjust judge) and unless we are people who pray without losing heart, we don’t yet have the kind of faith Jesus will look for when He returns. Now Jesus is going to link that idea of prayer, and faith, and the humility to trust God in another parable.
Jesus gives a lesson in humility with a parable to rebuke the self-righteous. The connection between those who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and those who despised others is almost inevitable. If I credit myself for a supposed great and spiritual walk with God, then it is an easy thing to despise another for their supposed low and carnal walk with God. Everyone looks great compared to Hitler, right? At least I’m not Hitler. Two men went up to the temple to pray: In this parable, both men prayed, but both men did not come to God the same way. One with pride, the other with humility. The Pharisee went up to the temple to pray, but he did not pray. He spoke with himself, not with God.; he prayed thus with himself, and in his short prayer he repeated the word “I” five times. It is entirely possible to address your words to God, but actually be praying to yourself, because your focus is on yourself, not on God. Your passion is for your agenda, not God’s. Your attitude is my will be done and not Thy will be done. The man was full of praise, but he rejoiced “not for who God was but rather for who he was! Let’s focus in on the Pharisee here for a second. God, I thank You that I am not like other men: In his (so-called) prayer, the Pharisee praised himself, and compared himself to other men. It isn’t hard to have such a high opinion of self when you compare yourself to other people; it often is not difficult to find someone worse. I fast twice a week: In those days many Jews fasted on the second and fifth days of each week, because they believed that Moses went up on Mount Sinai to receive the law on the fifth day of the week, and that he came down with the law on the second day of the week. They thought themselves holier if they fasted on these days. The spitting image of the pride the scriptures speak of in a negative light. “Holier than thou.” Let’s look at the tax collector: The Pharisee relied on his own power and deeds before God, but the tax collector relied on the mercy and compassion of God. He recognized that he was a sinner who needed the mercy of God. The idea behind him beating his breast was that one was so aware of their sin and heart corruption that he hit at his own heart as a punishment. The Pharisee thought he was not like other men; that he was better than them. The tax collector also thought that he was not like other men; that he was worse than them. The ancient Greek word translated be merciful is hilaskomai; it is actually the word for an atoning sacrifice. The fullest sense of what the tax collector said was, “God, be merciful to me through Your atoning sacrifice for sins, because I am a sinner.” This man went down to his house justified rather than the other: The justification of the tax collector was immediate. He humbly came to God on the basis of His atoning sacrifice and was justified. He didn’t earn his justification, and he didn’t have a probationary period; he was simply justified. Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 18: 14 Essentially, the Pharisee saw prayer and his spiritual life as a way to be exalted, but the tax collector approached God in humility. True humbleness is simply seeing things the way they are. The Pharisee saw himself as something great when he wasn’t, and the tax collector saw himself as a sinner needing God’s mercy, which he was.
Jesus now uses children as examples of humility. Children love to come to Jesus, and it says something about our Savior that children loved Him and that He loved children. Jesus was not a mean, sour man because children don’t love mean, sour people. Our dedications this morning mirror a bit of that. It was the custom for mothers to bring their children to some distinguished Rabbi on the first birthday that he might bless them. That He might touch them: Jesus knew that these infants, though they did not understand speech or Jesus’ eloquent teaching, could respond to a touch. Jesus knows how to communicate in the way we need. Matthew 19:13 says specifically that He might put His hands on them and pray. With this, Jesus blessed the children. The laying on of hands is used Biblically as a way to bestow blessing on another (Acts 6:6, Acts 8:17, Acts 9:17, 1 Timothy 5:22, 2 Timothy 1:6). One of the points that surely gets across is, because children love to come to Jesus, we should never block the way – or fail to provide them a way. We know more about Jesus than the women of Judea did; so there is no good reason for us to keep our children from Jesus. Children receive the blessing of Jesus without trying to make themselves worthy of it, or pretending they don’t need it. We need to receive God’s blessings the same way, through humility. Not only did Jesus welcome these little human beings as members of the kingdom of God; He also extolled them as model citizens of the kingdom, because of their capacity to trust and love. Therefore to trust and love Jesus displays the kingdom’s reality of humility.
We look at the story of the rich young ruler who questions Jesus. Good Teacher: This was an impressive and perhaps surprising way to address Jesus. “Good Teacher” was a title never applied to other rabbis in Jesus’ day, because it implied being without sin and complete goodness. Jesus, and everyone else, recognized that Good Teacher was a unique title. What good thing shall I do to inherit eternal life? This question demonstrates that this man, like all people by nature, had an orientation towards earning eternal life. He wanted to know what good work or noble deed he should do to inherit eternal life. Why do you call Me good? In this, Jesus did not deny His own goodness. Instead, He asked the man, “Do you understand what you are saying when you call Me good? Because no one is good but One, that is, God.” It was as if Jesus said, “You come to Me asking about what good thing you can do to inherit eternal life; but what do you really know about goodness?” “The argument is clear: either Jesus was good, or he ought not to have called him good; but as there is none good but God, Jesus who is good must be God.” V20-21 You know the commandments: This ruler was an educated Jew of his day, so of course he knew the commandments. Jesus could appeal to the man on this common knowledge. You shall not murder: Jesus asked the man about the commandments relevant to man’s relation to man. In response, the young man claimed, “All these things I have kept from my youth,” thus claiming to fulfill all of God’s commands regarding how we must treat other people. It is fair to ask if this man really had kept these commandments. It is likely that he actually did keep them in a way that made him righteous in the eyes of men, in the sense that Paul could say concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless in Philippians 3:6. But he certainly did not keep them in the full and perfect sense in which Jesus spoke of in the Sermon on the Mount. V22-23 So when Jesus heard these things: Jesus spoke the following to this one man, in light of who the man was and what he said. What we have to realize is this was a specific word for a specific man, yet in principle it has application for all. Mark’s account adds something here. Mark wrote: Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him (Mark 10:21). The response of Jesus to this man was said in love – no doubt, because Jesus perceived that he was misguided and empty. One might say that this man had climbed to the top of the ladder of success, only to find his ladder leaned against the wrong building. You still lack one thing: Though the man had everything – riches, an outwardly righteous life, respect, and prestige, Jesus could still say to him, “You still lack one thing.” The man had everything but knew that he did not have eternal life – so he really had nothing. Instead of challenging the man’s fulfillment of the law (which Jesus had every right to do), Jesus pointed him to what is commonly called the first table of the law – the laws having to do with our relationship with God. He thinks he nailed table 2, how to deal with man, but Jesus challenged him to put God first; to fulfill the law to love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). Jesus asked the ruler to give up his money because He could see money was an idol. He asked him to give it to the poor because He could see that he didn’t love others the way he should. The call to forsake everything and follow Jesus is a call to put God first in all things. It is full obedience to the first table of the law, which dealt with a man’s relation to God. We may make two mistakes here. The one is to believe this applies to everyone, when Jesus never made this a general command to all who would follow Him, but especially to this one rich man whose riches were clearly an obstacle to his discipleship. Instead, many rich people can do more good in the world by continuing to make money and using those resources for the glory of God and the good of others. The second mistake is to believe this applies to no one, when there are clearly those today for whom the best thing they could do for themselves spiritually is to radically forsake the materialism that is ruining them. Yet we notice that Jesus simply called this man to be His disciple, in saying, “Follow Me.” He used similar language in calling many of His disciples (Matthew 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; Mark 2:14). Jesus simply called this man to be His follower; but for this man it meant leaving behind the riches he had set his heart upon. The principle remains: God may challenge and require an individual to give something up for the sake of His kingdom that He still allows to someone else. There are many who perish because they will not forsake what God tells them to. It takes great humility before God. V24-27 Jesus explains the problem with riches. Jesus didn’t change the demands of discipleship when the rich man walked away. He did use the man’s sorrow as an occasion to teach His disciples and all who would hear. How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! Riches are a problem because they tend to make us satisfied with this life, instead of longing for the age to come. As well, sometimes riches are sought at the expense of seeking God. Clearly Jesus said that riches are an obstacle to the kingdom of God. We usually only think of poverty as a problem. Jesus told us that riches may present a much more serious problem. We often excuse ourselves from what Jesus said here because we don’t consider ourselves rich. Pride in what we have or who we are can overtake the humility needed to surrender your life to Jesus like the rich young ruler. That is the serious problem. For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God: With this humorous image, Jesus illustrated the difficulty riches present to entering the kingdom of God. We immediately think of this as being impossible. Who then can be saved? The response from those who heard this is true to human nature. We also find it hard to see how riches can hinder us from the kingdom of God. We think only of the blessing and good that riches might bring. They had probably hoped that their following of Jesus would make them rich and influential, and prominent leaders in His Messianic government. “In a culture where wealth was regarded as a sign of God’s blessing and where a religious teacher was therefore expected to be at least moderately wealthy, the lifestyle of Jesus and his disciples was conspicuously different. We remember what Paul said to Timothy: But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:9-10). The things which are impossible with men are possible with God: It is possible for the rich man to be saved. God’s grace is enough to save the rich man; we have the examples of people like Zacchaeus, Joseph of Arimathea, and Barnabas. These all were rich men still able to put God first, not their riches. Jesus is not saying that all poor people and none of the wealthy enter the kingdom of heaven. That would exclude Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to say nothing of Kings David and Solomon. V28-30 and we’ll wrap up the rich young ruler here as Jesus shares about our reward and the solution to the problem of riches. See, we have left all and followed You: In contrast to the rich young ruler, the disciples did give up everything (or most everything) to follow Jesus. Peter wondered what reward would be promised to them who obeyed where the rich young ruler disobeyed. I hope you hear our Lord’s words over you this morning: Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”
Jesus again announces His coming fate in Jerusalem. I want to draw your attention to two things here. First, In saying “all things,” Jesus emphasized the aspects concerning the Son of Man that were commonly neglected and overlooked by the Jewish people of His day – that the Messiah would suffer and die as a sin-bearing servant. Jesus reminded His disciples of His coming suffering and death, emphasizing the shame and humiliation He would bear. And Second, Jesus triumphantly told His disciples that the story would not end with His suffering, humiliation, and death. He would rise again in resurrected glory. He confidently announced to His disciples that this would happen. Embodying the kingdom reality of Humility, Jesus shares about His destiny, death, and resurrection.
We close with Jesus Healing a blind man. The blind man couldn’t see Jesus, but he could hear Him – so, hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. Instead of giving up because he could not seek Jesus by sight, he sought Jesus the way that he could – by hearing. The man heard Jesus was passing by, and was desperate to get Jesus’ attention. He would not be embarrassed, and he would not be shut up. He knew that Jesus was the Son of David, meaning the Messiah, and kept shouting for His mercy. The blind man knew he needed mercy from Jesus. He didn’t think that God owed him; he wanted mercy. V40-43 What do you want Me to do for you? This is a wonderful, simple question God has not stopped asking. Sometimes “we go without” when God would want to give us something simply because we will not answer this question, and we do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2). Jesus asked this question with full knowledge that this man was blind. He knew what he needed and what he wanted, but God still wants us to tell Him our needs as a constant expression of our trust and reliance on Him. It requires great humility to ask for something, even and especially from God. The blind man knew how to submit to Jesus – he called Jesus “Lord” and asked to receive his sight. Receive your sight; your faith has made you well: Jesus granted the man’s request and healed him of blindness. Jesus connected the man’s healing with the man’s faith. The man’s faith is connected with the humility to ask. There were many notable aspects of this man’s faith that made him ready to receive from Jesus. It was faith that wanted Jesus. It was faith that knew who He was. It was faith that knew what he deserved from Jesus. It was faith that could tell Jesus what it wanted. It was faith that could call Jesus Lord. He received his sight, and followed Him, glorifying God: The blind man, now healed and saved, began to follow Jesus. The way of Jesus became his way. Through faith, witnessed by the kingdom reality of Humility.
Part 3, Luke 19:1-27
True transformation in the Kingdom of God is marked by repentance and faithful stewardship of all we’ve been given.
We just finished talking about how hard it is for a rich man to come to faith in Jesus, and now we start Luke 19 with that exact story, a rich man coming to faith in Jesus. Part of the story of Zacchaeus we can’t miss, and every bible commentator holds to this supreme piece of theology is that, “Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see.”
In verse 35 of Luke 18 Jesus was drawing near to Jericho after telling His disciples that they were on their way to Jerusalem and we pick up in verse one with Jesus passing through Jericho. All of these moments of geographical locations are significant for our next parable I promise. Jericho is significant to our story as a landmark in traveling, but it has some major roles in the bible. In Joshua 2-6 Jericho is most famously mentioned in the conquest by Joshua, where the walls of Jericho fall after the Israelites march around the city for seven days, do you remember that story? good! 1 Kings 16:34: It is referenced when Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho during the reign of King Ahab, at the cost of his sons, fulfilling a prophecy made by Joshua. At the time of Jesus’ ministry, Jericho was an ancient and affluent place. This plays a significant role as to why Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, is there. Why? Zacchaeus was not just any tax collector, but the leader or overseer of a group of tax collectors in the region. The word Chief Tax Collector appears only here in the New Testament, showing us a specific position of authority. He’s the top dog, with maybe a bit of a Napoleon complex. During this time, the Roman Empire imposed heavy taxes on provinces like Judea and local tax collectors were responsible for gathering these taxes. The Roman government often auctioned off the right to collect taxes to the highest bidder, meaning people like Zacchaeus had to pay Rome upfront. In return, they could collect taxes (and often overcharge) to make a profit. See that’s the problem: Tax collectors were given some leeway to determine the actual amount to collect from the people, leading to widespread corruption and greed. For this reason, Tax collectors were considered traitors by their fellow Jews because they worked for the Roman oppressors and often exploited their own people. IRS on steroids. They were viewed as unclean, sinful, and corrupt. A “chief tax collector” would have been even more reviled, as he would have been seen as the primary figure responsible for extortion and collaboration with the Romans. It seems that Zacchaeus is overseeing all of the affluence of this region, Jericho’s district and its surroundings because of how much he can take advantage of rich people. Now that’s his position, chief tax collector. Let’s dive into his name for a second. The name Zacchaeus comes from the Hebrew name זַכַּי (Zakkai), which means “pure” or “innocent”. Isn’t this deeply ironic yet symbolic when applied to Zacchaeus in the context of his profession as a chief tax collector? Here’s the Ironic Contrast: Zacchaeus, as a chief tax collector, was far from being perceived as pure or innocent by his fellow Jews. He was seen as corrupt, morally compromised, and impure because of his involvement with the Roman taxation system. His actions would have been viewed as the opposite of what his name suggested. But we know this key theme today: True transformation in the Kingdom of God is marked by repentance and faithful stewardship of all we’ve been given. Zacchaeus wanted to set his eyes on Jesus; he sought after Him. Perhaps Zacchaeus had heard that Jesus accepted people like him; he longed to see this remarkable Man Jesus for himself. This desire to see Jesus reflects a key component of transformation in the Kingdom of God: seeking the presence of God. Zacchaeus might have been unsure of what to expect, but his heart was open, and that is the beginning of repentance—a willingness to turn toward Jesus and away from his former life.
What’s remarkable is that Jesus meets Zacchaeus’ seeking with an even greater pursuit—He calls Zacchaeus by name and invites Himself to Zacchaeus’ home. Jesus recognizes Zacchaeus, not for his wealth or sins, but for who he truly is—a person in need of redemption, someone who, deep down, still bears the name “pure” and “innocent.” Jesus didn’t merely want to preach to Zacchaeus and convert him. Jesus wanted to have a real relationship with Zacchaeus, beginning with a meal and time spent together. I love that about Jesus. This is a point of Jesus ministry we all need to learn from. Build relational equity. Learn to do the hard work of ministry of sitting down at a dinner table and loving one another. Notice how it says he received Him. Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus’ invitation is immediate and joyful. This marks the turning point of his transformation. Not only is Zacchaeus eager to welcome Jesus into his home, but his repentance becomes evident in his actions. Jesus never forces His way into anyone’s life. Just like a respectful guest, He waits for an invitation. If He were to enter without someone’s willingness, He wouldn’t be acting as a guest but more like an intruder, and that’s not His way. Christ wants to be welcomed openly and willingly, allowing a relationship to form from genuine desire, not obligation or force! One of my friends and favorite bible commentators said it this way: Zacchaeus is a model to everyone of how to receive Jesus:
- Receive Jesus by seeking after Him with real effort.
- Receive Jesus by humbling yourself.
- Receive Jesus no matter how sinful or hated you are.
- Receive Jesus as He invites you by name.
- Receive Jesus without delay.
- Receive Jesus by coming down to Him.
- Receive Jesus Himself.
- Receive Jesus into your life, your home.
- Receive Jesus joyfully.
- Receive Jesus despite what others say.
- Receive Jesus with repentance.
If you are joining with us this morning, there is no greater message that we want to share with you, then this: Receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch how He transforms you into all that He desires from your life.
In verse 7, when “they all grumbled,” it’s like the ancient version of a social media comment section gone wrong—full of complaints and judgment! The crowd couldn’t see past Zacchaeus’ reputation, but while they were busy grumbling, Jesus was busy transforming. It’s a reminder that while people may focus on your past, Jesus is more concerned with your future and your willingness to change. Instead of letting the grumblers get the last word, Jesus shows that transformation is available to anyone who seeks Him with a sincere heart. Zacchaeus’ response in verse 8 is powerful because it shows us the essence of true repentance and transformation. Here’s what it reveals:
- Immediate Change of Heart: Zacchaeus doesn’t delay. He stands up and makes his declaration before Jesus and the crowd. His response is spontaneous and from the heart. He shows that genuine encounters with Jesus can bring about immediate conviction and a desire to change. Zacchaeus doesn’t need to be coerced into repentance—his response is a natural outflow of his meeting with Christ
- Action Over Words: Instead of just offering a verbal apology, Zacchaeus goes beyond words by making a tangible commitment to right his wrongs. He offers to give half of his possessions to the poor—a radical step for a man whose life had been built around accumulating wealth. This shows that repentance isn’t just about feeling sorry; it’s about taking real steps to address past wrongs. Nathan told me, he’s being a really good boy!
- Restitution and Justice: Zacchaeus promises to repay four times the amount he had cheated from anyone. This goes above and beyond what was required by Jewish law, which only mandated restitution of the original amount plus 20% (Leviticus 6:1-5). His decision to repay fourfold demonstrates not only his commitment to justice but also his desire to overcompensate for his wrongdoing, reflecting a heart deeply transformed.
- Stewardship of Wealth: Zacchaeus’ response also ties into the theme of faithful stewardship. After his encounter with Jesus, he no longer views his wealth as something to hoard for personal gain, but as a tool for restoration and generosity. He uses what he has to bless others, which reflects a key Kingdom principle: that the resources we have are to be used for the good of others, not just ourselves
- Repentance as Liberation: By freely offering to give away much of his wealth and make restitution, Zacchaeus shows that his heart has been set free from the grip of greed and materialism. His wealth, which was once a source of corruption and exploitation, becomes a means of blessing others. In this sense, Zacchaeus’ repentance is not just about turning from sin; it’s about embracing a new way of living that reflects the values of God’s Kingdom—generosity, justice, and stewardship.
- Contrast with the Rich Ruler: Zacchaeus’ actions stand in stark contrast to the rich ruler in Luke 18:18-23, who couldn’t part with his possessions to follow Jesus. While the rich ruler walked away sorrowful, Zacchaeus finds joy in giving up his wealth for the sake of others. This shows that true transformation in the Kingdom is not about what you have, but what you’re willing to let go of in order to follow Jesus.
“Today salvation has come to this house” emphasizes that salvation is immediate. Zacchaeus didn’t have to wait or prove himself through a lengthy process; his repentance and faith brought about an instant change in his standing with God. Jesus affirms that when a heart is truly transformed, salvation is not a distant future hope but a present reality. Salvation is not a slow, earned process but a gift of grace that transforms the present. When someone turns to Jesus in repentance, the past no longer holds them, and a new life begins today. By saying that salvation has come to Zacchaeus’ house, Jesus is acknowledging the wider impact of one person’s transformation. In biblical culture, households were not just limited to immediate family but often included servants, workers, and extended family. Zacchaeus’ conversion wasn’t just a personal experience—it would have touched everyone around him. True transformation in the Kingdom has a ripple effect. When one person repents and is saved, it impacts their entire household and community. Jesus calls Zacchaeus “a son of Abraham”, which is incredibly significant. Zacchaeus, as a tax collector and collaborator with the Romans, would have been seen as a traitor by his fellow Jews, essentially cut off from his heritage and identity as part of God’s chosen people. By referring to him as a son of Abraham, Jesus is restoring Zacchaeus to his rightful place within the covenant community of Israel. V10 In verse 10, Jesus says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” This final verse is a powerful conclusion to the story of Zacchaeus and serves as a declaration of Jesus’ mission. Jesus identifies Himself as the Son of Man, a Messianic title that emphasizes His role in God’s redemptive plan. But rather than focusing on judgment or power, Jesus explains that His mission is to “seek” the lost. Jesus’ ministry is not passive; it’s actively seeking those who are far from God. Zacchaeus wasn’t just waiting to be found—Jesus sought him out, called him by name, and initiated the relationship. God has always taken the first step in pursuing you. Will you respond to Him this morning? In the case of Zacchaeus, Jesus didn’t wait for him to get his life together or make things right first. Instead, He sought Zacchaeus out in the midst of his sin.
We jump into the parable of the ten minas. In verse 11, Luke tells us why Jesus tells this parable: Because he was near to Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately. Here is that geographical piece and why it matters: Remember all of this has been leading into Jesus getting to Jerusalem. There are high expectations of what’s going to happen when Jesus gets there. Passover, one of the highest holidays on the Jewish calendar, is upon them and there are tons of people headed to Jerusalem for this. Many expected an immediate political or military rule. Jesus tells this parable to explain that the Kingdom of God does not unfold according to human expectations. Instead of instant, visible dominance, the Kingdom requires faithful stewardship and patient expectation during the time between Jesus’ first and second coming. Let’s get an overview of what’s happening. A nobleman goes to a distant country to receive royal authority (symbolizing Jesus’ ascension to heaven and His return as King). Before leaving, he entrusts ten of his servants with one mina each, a significant amount of money (about three months’ wages), instructing them to “engage in business until I return.” The nobleman represents Jesus, the servants represent His followers, and the minas symbolize the resources, opportunities, and responsibilities we are given to advance God’s Kingdom. Upon the nobleman’s return, he calls the servants to give an account of how they managed the money. Two of the servants report that they’ve multiplied their mina—one gaining tenfold, and another fivefold. In response, the nobleman rewards them with greater responsibility, appointing them over cities. Faithful stewardship leads to increased responsibility in the Kingdom of God. The reward for using what we’ve been given well isn’t just personal gain; it’s the opportunity to participate even more fully in God’s work. One servant, however, hides the mina in a cloth, explaining that he feared the nobleman’s harshness and didn’t want to risk losing it. The nobleman rebukes this servant for not even putting the money in a bank to earn interest and takes the mina away from him, giving it to the servant who had earned ten minas. Failure to use what we’ve been given for the Kingdom leads to loss. The servant’s fear and inaction show that he did not trust the nobleman, and his refusal to engage in the mission results in harsh judgment. It demonstrates that God expects His people to act in faith, not fear, and to use all we have for the sake of the Kingdom. Finally, the nobleman deals with those who actively opposed his reign, ordering them to be brought before him and executed. This part of the parable emphasizes the ultimate judgment that will come upon those who reject Jesus’ rule. The parable ends with a warning about rejecting Christ’s kingship. While the focus is on stewardship, the final note is a reminder that those who reject Jesus’ reign altogether will face eternal separation from God.
We learn a few key things here:
- The Nature of the Kingdom: Jesus’ Kingdom doesn’t unfold with immediate, visible dominance. Instead, there’s a period of waiting between His first coming (the nobleman leaving) and His return (the nobleman coming back as king). During this time, followers of Jesus are expected to be active, faithful participants in the mission of the Kingdom, not passive onlookers.
- Faithful Stewardship: Like the servants in the parable, we are entrusted with resources, opportunities, gifts, and responsibilities in the Kingdom of God. Whether it’s material wealth, talents, influence, or time, the question is how we use these things to advance God’s purposes.
- Judgment and Reward: faithfulness will be rewarded with greater responsibility and greater participation in the Kingdom. The servants who faithfully used their minas were entrusted with rulership over cities, symbolizing the increased responsibilities and opportunities in the future Kingdom.
- Consequences: While the parable focuses on stewardship, it also serves as a warning to those who reject Jesus’ authority. Just as the nobleman deals with his enemies, Jesus will ultimately judge those who reject His kingship. The parable emphasizes that there is both grace for the repentant (as seen in Zacchaeus earlier) and judgment for the unrepentant. The bible is very black and white on salvation.
In both the story of Zacchaeus and the parable of the ten minas, we see a profound truth: true transformation in the Kingdom of God is not passive—it is marked by repentance that leads to action, and action that leads to faithful stewardship. Zacchaeus, after encountering Jesus, doesn’t stop at feeling remorse for his past; he responds by using his wealth for justice and generosity, embodying what it means to be a transformed disciple.
The parable of the minas takes Zacchaeus’ personal story and universalizes it: all believers are called to faithfully steward what God has entrusted to them—whether that’s wealth, influence, or spiritual gifts. The Kingdom of God is not about standing still or holding onto what we have; it’s about multiplying what God has given us for His glory and the good of others. The reward for faithful stewardship isn’t just personal growth or gain but increased responsibility and participation in God’s Kingdom mission.
Ultimately, the challenge is clear: we are invited to join the mission of seeking and saving the lost, just as Jesus did, by using everything we’ve been given—our Time, Talents, and treasures—to advance God’s purposes on earth. Repentance brings transformation, and transformation requires faithful action. The question is: how will we steward the opportunities God has placed in our hands?