watch & listen to series messages
part 1
- Luke 10:1-24
- Jun 9, 2024
part 2
- Luke 10:25-42
- Jun 16, 2024
Sermon notes
Part 1, Luke 10:1-24
The Kingdom of God Series from Luke 10-Luke 19. We are in the book of Luke, In the Kingdom of God series from chapters 10 through 19, and so we will break down the kingdom into a few mini series that are more manageable. This week and next we are in a series about the Kingdom of God, “Proclaiming the Kingdom.”
Jesus knew that the time was short before His crucifixion, and that there were still many villages that had not yet heard His message. Jesus turned to this larger group of His disciples to be His messengers, to prepare these places ahead of Him (where He Himself was about to go). This reminds us that there was a larger group of interested followers of Jesus beyond the 12 He chose as disciples and apostles. From among this larger group Jesus appointed seventy others to do His work.
There are a few reasons why He chose seventy. Perhaps seventy was simply the wise number that made the most effective use of the people at hand. Perhaps seventy suggested a connection with the seventy members of the Sanhedrin, and Jesus showed He had established a new order, a new leadership. Perhaps, and this one is my favorite, seventy suggested a connection with the seventy elders who went up with Moses on Sinai and saw the glory of God (Exodus 24:1, 9).
Jesus chose these seventy to see the glory of God in action as they served and represented Him. I shared with you about Jesus meeting with Moses and Elijah but what is so powerful about this is now Jesus is seen as a new Moses and a new Elijah leading and doing what God anointed and called Him to do. This is the King of the Kingdom of God and He is greater than Elijah and greater than Moses. One commentator said this about the seventy and it is noteworthy for us: Better to be one of the unnamed seventy, who did their work and were very happy in it, and whose names are only known to God. Better: perhaps safer too. There was a Judas in the twelve: we never read of one among the seventy. Why do I share this with you? Because in proclaiming the kingdom of God, we have got to be clear that this is a work of the Holy Spirit, empowering the believer to share of God’s kingdom, not our own. It requires humility from us. It requires an openness to God.
Jesus says, The harvest is plentiful: Using the analogy of a ripe field of grain, Jesus explained why He felt an increased urgency about His work. He considered the multitude of humanity to be like a harvest field ready for gathering. He thought of the greatness of human need, and saw it as an opportunity. Using the picture suggested by Jesus, we can say that the field itself is large, and the ready harvest is also large.
This wasn’t the only time Jesus said this; some time before and at a different place Jesus said basically the same thing (Matthew 9:37-38). Perhaps this was almost a proverbial statement of Jesus, something He observed and said often. This is still true. If we believe that it is but a short time until Jesus comes back, we should make the principles of Jesus’ commission to the seventy our own. Can you picture the distress of a farmer when he sees his fields golden with harvest, and not a tractor or family member in sight? It was such an agony that filled the heart of Jesus as He looked out on His harvest field.
He then said The laborers are few: This means not only that there must be more workers, but also that those engaged in the work must have appropriate focus on their work. When there is a lot of work and few workers, one must be busy with the work. This is a harvest that needs laborers. The good of a harvest can go to waste if there are no laborers to take advantage of the bounty. Jesus warned us that opportunities to meet human need and bring people into His kingdom may be wasted because of a shortage of laborers. Jesus then leaves us with a command here- Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest: Jesus commanded them to pray; the work before them was great and could not be accomplished without much prayer. Specifically, they were to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. This speaks powerfully to a few points I’ll put on the screen to how we as christians join in proclaiming the kingdom of God, don’t miss this:
- The need for prayer in the work of proclaiming the kingdom (therefore pray).
- The maker of the harvest (the Lord of the harvest).
- The need for workers in the work of proclaiming the kingdom (laborers).
- The calling of God for the work of the harvest (to send out).
- The nature of harvest participation, work (laborers).
- The need to recognize Whom the harvest belongs to (His harvest).
We have our part to play in proclaiming the kingdom of God that everyone is called to: prayer. I believe that as we pray this way, God will provide laborers for the harvest until our whole valley knows. Jesus commanded them to go, because God would use them to answer their own prayers. Praying, “Lord, send out workers to Your harvest” is just the kind of prayer that builds a harvest-interest within the one who prays. I send you out as lambs among wolves: Jesus commanded them to go with a certain kind of heart, trusting God and not seeking to abuse and manipulate others. Going as lambs among wolves doesn’t sound very attractive; yet, it was exactly how Jesus was sent, and how the power of God worked through Him mightily.
Jesus gives specific guidelines for their ministry. First Jesus told them to pray; then He told them to go; then He told them how to go. Jesus gave the seventy specific instructions that were to display a particular attitude for their work in representing Jesus and His message. Here is our 10 step process to proclaiming the kingdom of God. Are you ready?
1) Go (Luke 10:3). This is foundational. The 70 were to divide into pairs and visit all the places where Jesus was about to go.
2) Be wary (Luke 10:3). The 70 were like lambs among wolves, surrounded by danger.
3) Live by faith (Luke 10:4). The 70 were to carry no extra provisions. They carried the message of Jesus and didn’t need to be burdened down with material things.
4) Be focused (Luke 10:4). The 70 were to greet no one along the road and not allow themselves to be sidetracked from the more important mission of evangelism.
5) Extend your blessing (Luke 10:5–6). Whoever housed the 70 were to be blessed, using the common greeting of the day, “Peace to this house.”
6) Be content (Luke 10:7). The 70 were told not to seek better accommodations; they were to stay in the home that first received them.
7) Receive your due (Luke 10:7). The laborer is worthy of his wages (cf. 1 Timothy 5:17–18). Doing evangelistic work is indeed work and is worthy of compensation. It is also worthy of eternal rewards in heaven, don’t miss this.
8) Be flexible (Luke 10:7–8). The 70 were to eat whatever their hosts served; as God’s servants, they were not to be finicky. One of my favorite proverbs from the late great pastor Chuck Smith is, “Blessed are the flexible for they will not be broken.”
9) Heal the sick (Luke 10:9). Jesus gave the 70 disciples specific authority to heal diseases and illness. It was as if the Great Physician had 70 interns making house calls. When the 70 returned to Jesus, they jubilantly recounted how they were able not only to heal diseases but to cast out demons as well (verse 17). This point reminds us that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do this work. It is not a work in and of ourselves, it is kingdom work empowered by the King Himself.
10) Proclaim the kingdom (Luke 10:9). The message of the 70 disciples was simple: “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” This was a clear-cut call to faith in the King who would soon visit each village, that they must follow Him. This is still our message today. The kingdom of God has come near to you through Jesus now finished work. Come, repent, and receive all that God has promised.
We learn of what would happen to those who would reject the message. The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you: Jesus told His disciples to publicly say this in the streets of any city that rejected the seventy messengers and their message. It was important that those cities knew the price of rejecting Jesus and His kingdom. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near you: Their message and the evidence of the kingdom’s power was to be clear enough that they could say this publicly to a city that rejected them. The cities of Sodom and Tyre and Sidon were notoriously sinful. Jesus said that the cities that rejected His message were in more trouble before God than these, because they saw a greater work of God than any of those sinful cities did; yet they still rejected Him. The more we hear God’s truth and the more we see Him move, the more we are accountable for. Since the people of Chorazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum had received such convincing signs, they were held to greater account for what they had seen. It is a great mystery why some receive so many chances and such clear help, yet refuse to repent. Jesus said that it would be more tolerable for some on the day of judgment than for others. This leads us to believe that on that day, some will receive worse judgment than others. No one will have it good in hell, but some will have it worse than others.
As He sent His seventy disciples with the anticipation that some would reject them, Jesus also encouraged them with the thought that they were His representatives, and should not take their rejection (or acceptance) too personally. If others rejected the messengers, they rejected Jesus, and also rejected His Father. It is helpful for all servants of God to not hold either praise or rejection too tightly. If they truly represent their Master, the success or rejection of their work is more due to Him than to them. Their greatest concern should not be with success or rejection, but with properly representing Jesus their Master.
We see the joy at the return of the 70 and Jesus warning. This was a good day. The disciples and followers of Jesus endured their share of confusion and hardship, but they also enjoyed some wonderful blessings of effective service. Isn’t that true of serving the Lord? I believe all of us who had the opportunity to serve Jesus this week during VBS can say this. There is a sincere joy in serving Jesus that takes precedence over all other things like being tired, or kids fighting, or anything else. Thank you Jesus that we get to serve you and your kingdom! Even the demons are subject to us in Your name: A careful look at the instructions Jesus gave these seventy (Luke 10:9) shows that Jesus had not originally commissioned them to cast out demons. These seventy disciples learned that when we boldly do what Jesus tells us to do, we can anticipate that He will bless us in ways beyond our expectation. In Your name shows they didn’t take the credit to themselves. They knew it was the power and authority of Jesus. “Be sure to rely, not on numbers or organization, but on the name of Jesus, used not as a charm, but as representing his living and ascended might. The success of these commissioned disciples – especially their authority over demonic spirits – caused Jesus to speak of the fall of Satan, when he fell as quick and dramatic as lightning from heaven.
The Bible actually mentions four falls of Satan: From glorified to profane (Ezekiel 28:14-16). From having access to heaven (Job 1:12, 1 Kings 22:21, Zechariah 3:1) to restriction to the earth (Revelation 12:9). From the earth to bondage in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-3). From the pit to the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). Here Jesus spoke of Satan’s first fall, from glorified to profane. Fall like lightning from heaven doesn’t mean that Satan fell from heaven, but that his fall was as dramatic and sudden as a bolt of lightning from heaven. According to Job 1:12, 1 Kings 22:21, and Zechariah 3:1, Satan still has access to heaven. Yet the success of the disciples against demonic spirits was confirmation that Satan had fallen from his place of authority and power, and though was still powerful, was in an inferior place.
Satan’s fall was God’s immediate judgment upon that rebellious spirit (though not complete judgment, which still awaits). Every time the kingdom of Jesus is presented in truth and power, it is like another judgment upon Satan and all who share his rebellious spirit. “So, where the gospel is preached with divine power, Satan comes down from his throne, in human hearts and human minds, as rapidly as the lightning-flash falls from heaven; and when we see his kingdom shaken, then, like Jesus, we rejoice in spirit. In remembering the fall of Satan, Jesus also warned them against pride. After all, if Satan could fall like lightning from his place of high spiritual status and privilege, so could they. “In the most holy work there always lurks this danger of the glorification of self-life. Because Satan had fallen and the disciples were messengers of Jesus and His kingdom, they enjoyed the superior power of God over Satan. Because If you dare to live in the risen Christ, you share His empire and all the fruits of His victory over Satan.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. It wasn’t wrong for them to rejoice in the success of their service; but they must have a greater joy in a greater miracle – the promise of their own salvation. Some people get emotionally intoxicated after successful service or the display of spiritual power. After God uses them in some way, they are arrogantly impressed with all they did for God. God wants us to always see that what He did for us always is far greater than what we could ever do for Him. It’s good for us to enjoy and take joy in the fact that God uses us and we have talents, gifts, and success. Absolutely! But we boast in the Lord, not in ourselves because our names are written in heaven. Thank you, Jesus!
In that Same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit: Jesus was genuinely excited. Literally, the ancient Greek says He was thrilled with joy. This singular specific example of Jesus rejoicing was over the work of His servants. God delights in using us. And I so want Jesus to be thrilled with Friends Church, amen? This is the only occasion in the gospels where it is specifically said that Jesus rejoiced. Jesus’ joy made Him break out into prayer. He praised God the Father for His wisdom, for His plan, and for His own unique relationship with God the Father. Jesus thanked the Father, not praising His own work. Jesus thanked the Father for His wise, sometimes unexpected plan.
Jesus thanked the Father for the fellow servants in His midst. Jesus thanked the Father for the simplicity of His servants. Jesus spoke of His unity with the Father (All things have been delivered to Me by My Father). Jesus spoke of His special relationship with the Father (no one knows who the Son is but the Father, and who the Father is but the Son). Jesus spoke of how God allows us to have some part in that special relationship (and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him). The disciples lived in a unique time, and it was good for them to realize that it was a special blessing for them to be part of the work of the Messiah. The great men of the Old Testament would have longed to see Jesus’ ministry and to minister for Him.
As we continue to proclaim the Kingdom of God, let us commit to prayer, go out with humility and faith, rejoice in our eternal hope, and delight in the joy of our Savior. May we, like the seventy, see the glory of God in action and be filled with the joy of serving Him. Let’s go forth this week, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to proclaim that the Kingdom of God has come near. Let’s worship together.
Part 2, Luke 10:25-42
We proclaim the kingdom of God in who we are and what we do. It is best seen in two key areas of our life: Kindness and goodness. Kindness can be seen in our actions, those moments when we extend a helping hand or speak a gentle word. Goodness, however, is the wellspring from which those actions flow—a state of being that aligns our entire lives with the will and love of God. Goodness is who we are, and kindness is what we do.
A certain lawyer stood up and tested Him: The lawyer (an expert in the Jewish Mosaic and rabbinical law) tested Jesus. The idea behind the ancient Greek word for tested isn’t necessarily mean or evil. This may have been a sincere question from a sincere seeker. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? The Biblical understanding of eternal life doesn’t necessarily refer to duration of life, because every person is immortal, either in heaven or hell. It doesn’t refer to a life that begins only when we die. Eternal life is a particular quality of life; a life that comes from God, and a life we can have right now. What is written in the law? Jesus pointed the lawyer back to the commandments of God. If the question was “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” then the answer was simple: keep the law of God, and keep it perfectly.
Practical Application: What I love about Jesus’ ministry in how He proclaims the Kingdom of God is how it is always biblically based. His answer wasn’t some great sagacious Jesus proverb, it’s the very living and breathing word of God. We must also learn that when we are proclaiming the Kingdom of God that it is just saturated in the word of God. Point them to God’s word. Why? Let’s nuance this a bit further. Why does Jesus point them to the word of God and why should we? Because of what it does, how it lasts, and what we do with it.
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:9 & 105 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 This has to become foundational to who we are. If not it just becomes background noise. It becomes the way we think, act, and speak.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,” and “your neighbor as yourself: The lawyer was wise enough to know this was the essence of the law. Knowing the requirements of the law, now all he had to do was live it: do this and you will live. It is clear enough what it means to love God with all we are, though it is impossible to do completely. But there has been much confusion about what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. This doesn’t mean that we must love ourselves before we can love anyone else; it means that in the same way we take care of ourselves and are concerned about our own interests, we should take care and have concern for the interests of others.
But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” The lawyer measured himself against both commands. He figured that he obeyed the first command well enough, but his keeping of the second commandment depended on how one defined “neighbor.” His first and perhaps greatest mistake was in assuming that he had fulfilled the first commandment. When we really consider what the words mean, then who among us has loved God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind? It is easy for us to be distracted in any one of these areas even when we worship God; even more so in our daily living.
His second mistake was in thinking that he could fulfill the commandment to love God with all he had and still possibly not fulfill the command to love his neighbor. If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. His third mistake was in the way that he wanted to narrowly define neighbor.
If only our friends and those who are easy to love are our neighbors, then perhaps this man fulfilled it in an imperfect way. It all depends on how broad the definition is. The Jews in Jesus’ day did believe that you had to love your neighbor; but it was also taught among them that it was a duty before God to hate your enemy. It all depends on who your neighbor is and who your enemy is.
Jesus defines neighbor in an illustration. A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves: The road from Jerusalem to Jericho was infamous for crime and robbery. It wasn’t surprising to Jesus’ listeners that He set the story on this particular road. Now by chance a certain priest came down that road: The priest and the Levite (both categories of religious officials) saw their Jewish brother lying in his terrible condition – but neither of them did anything. They both passed by on the other side.
Priest and Levite are mentioned here, partly because they were the most frequent travellers on this road, and partly to show that these were the persons who, from the nature of their office, were most obliged to perform works of mercy; and from whom a person in distress had a right to expect immediate succour and comfort; and their inhuman conduct here was a flat breach of the law. Think of all the excuses that they could have used: “This road is too dangerous for me to stop and help the man.” “He might be a decoy for an ambush.” “I’ve got to get to the temple and perform my service for the Lord.” “I’ve got to get home and see my family.” “Someone really should help that man.” “If I’m going to serve at the temple I can’t get my clothes bloody.” “I don’t know first aid.” “It’s a hopeless case.” “I’m only one person; the job is too big.” “I can pray for him.” “He brought it on himself, he should have never been alone on such a dangerous road.” “He never asked for help.” But all of these are simply excuses. “I never knew a man refuse to help the poor who failed to give at least one admirable excuse.
But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion: When Jesus’ listeners heard about the priest and the Levite, they probably expected Jesus to say next that a common Jewish man came and helped. If that happened, this story would be another way Jesus showed the corruption of the religious leaders in that day. But Jesus shocked them by saying that the man who helped was a Samaritan.
Generally speaking, Jews and Samaritans despised each other both racially and religiously. The culture gave the Samaritan plenty of reasons to hate this Jewish man and pass him by. Instead of passing by, the Samaritan loved him sacrificially. He didn’t wait to be asked; to see the need right in front of him was enough to make him do something. He also gave freely of both his time and his resources. The wine, containing alcohol, had an antiseptic effect on the man’s wounds. The oil helped to soothe the wounds, easing the pain. To set him on his own animal meant that the Samaritan himself walked. It seems that two denarii would provide for the man’s needs in the inn for at least two or three weeks.
There are many ways that the Samaritan was like Jesus. The Samaritan was an outsider, despised by many. The Samaritan came after others failed to meet the need. The Samaritan came before it was too late. The Samaritan came with everything necessary. The Samaritan came right to the afflicted man. The Samaritan gave tender care. The Samaritan provided for future needs.
Jesus now applies the parable. Which of these three do you think was neighbor: According to the thinking of the day, the priest and the Levite were neighbor to the man who had been beaten and robbed. But they didn’t act like neighbors at all. He who showed mercy on him: The lawyer knew who the true neighbor was; yet he could not bring himself to say the name “Samaritan.” We might have expected him to be an enemy, but he was instead a neighbor who showed mercy on him. Obviously the lawyer knew that he could no longer justify himself. He did not have this kind of love, a love that went beyond what he wanted to think of as “neighbor.”
Go and do likewise: Jesus allowed the parable to answer the lawyer’s question and guide the application. I am to love my neighbor, and my neighbor is the one who others might consider my enemy. My neighbor is the one with a need right in front of me. This doesn’t mean running after every need that might present itself. After all, the Samaritan didn’t establish a hospital for unfortunate travelers. But it does mean a concern for the ones plain before us, in both social and spiritual needs. “The world would be a changed place if every Christian attended to the sorrows that are plain before him. Many – even most – people don’t have this kind of love for God or others. How then will they receive eternal life? First, by refusing to inherit eternal life by doing. Instead, believe on Jesus; trust God that Jesus paid the penalty you deserve for every time you have fallen short of loving God or loving others the way you should. Then, having received eternal life – God’s kind of life in you – God will give you the resources to love Him and other people in a much better way. You can’t do it apart from having His life in you. Let it never be forgotten that what the law demands of us the gospel really produces in us.
We now shift from the good samaritan to a story about goodness. Mary and Martha. Martha and Mary, along with their brother Lazarus, were two dear friends of Jesus who lived in Bethany. It’s easy to imagine that Martha wanted everything perfect when Jesus came to visit. Martha didn’t get the help she wanted from her. Martha was distracted with much serving: Martha did nothing wrong in working hard for Jesus – that was good. Her problem was that she became distracted with much serving. She was distracted from Jesus. It is easy to look at all we do and to criticize those who don’t seem to do as much. But Martha’s real problem wasn’t Mary; it was Martha. She had become distracted and had taken her eyes off Jesus. Martha’s frustration is typical of those who diligently serve with good intent, but forget to also sit at Jesus’ feet. The Martha spirit says, if the work is done, is not that all? The Mary spirit asks whether Jesus is well pleased or no? All must be done in his name and by his Spirit, or nothing is done.
We can almost sense the love in Jesus’ voice as He said this. Martha did good – she wanted to serve Jesus; but she had not added the one thing that is needed. The Bible speaks of one thing over again.
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)
When Jesus heard these things, he said to him, “You still lack one thing…come, follow Me.” (Luke 18:22)
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14) The one thing needful evidently is that which Mary chose — that good part which should not be taken away from her. Very clearly this was to sit at Jesus’ feet, and hear his word.
To sit at the feet of Jesus implies readiness to accept and obey what Jesus teaches.
To sit at the feet of Jesus implies submission to Jesus; rebellion is done with.
To sit at the feet of Jesus implies faith in who Jesus is.
To sit at the feet of Jesus implies discipleship.
To sit at the feet of Jesus implies love.
If we would be strong for service in the strength that prevents distraction and unrest, we must know what it is to find time amid all the duties of life to sit at His feet as disciples. Mary’s good part was her simple devotion to Jesus, loving Him by listening to His word. This was Mary’s chosen focus. One might say that this account from the life of Jesus shows us three types of those who say they follow Jesus Christ. There are people like Mary: Those who know how to serve and also sit at Jesus’ feet. There are people like Martha: Those who diligently, and with the best intention serve God, but without adding the one thing – a continued focus on Jesus – and it results in great frustration. There are people who don’t do either. They are not even in the house with Jesus, for they are too busy with their own pursuits.
As we draw to a close on this reflection from Luke 10:25-42, let’s remember the profound message Jesus conveyed through both the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the story of Mary and Martha.
We are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God not only through our words but through our actions, embodying kindness and goodness in every aspect of our lives. The lawyer’s question about inheriting eternal life led Jesus to highlight the importance of loving God completely and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Yet, Jesus redefined what it means to be a neighbor through the actions of the Samaritan, an unexpected hero who showed mercy and compassion beyond social and cultural boundaries.
This story challenges us to look beyond our comfort zones, to extend kindness and goodness even to those we might consider our enemies or those who are different from us. It’s a call to active love, a love that sees and responds to the needs right before us, without hesitation or excuse. Just as the Samaritan did not wait to be asked, but acted out of compassion, we too must be proactive in our love and service to others.
In the account of Mary and Martha, we see another dimension of goodness—prioritizing our devotion to Jesus. Martha’s service, though well-intentioned, became a source of distraction and frustration because she lost sight of what was most important. Mary, on the other hand, chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, embodying the one thing needed: a heart fully devoted to Him.
From these narratives, we learn that our service and actions must be rooted in a deep relationship with Jesus. It is this relationship that fuels our ability to love others genuinely and sacrificially. The word of God, as Jesus pointed out, is living and active, guiding us in truth and transforming our hearts to reflect His love and goodness.
As we leave here today, let us commit to being both hearers and doers of the word. Let’s strive to be like the Good Samaritan, showing mercy and kindness to all, and like Mary, prioritizing our relationship with Jesus above all else. By doing so, we truly proclaim the Kingdom of God in how we are and who we are. May our lives be a testament to His love, marked by the kindness and goodness that flows from a heart devoted to Him. Go forth and do likewise, loving God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and loving your neighbor as yourself. Amen.e.