From Death to Life

This series shows how Jesus endured trials, both in court and in the hearts of people, emphasizing the contrast between human rejection and God’s relentless love. His journey to the cross highlights the call to discipleship, as seen in Simon of Cyrene, whose faith transformed his family and legacy. The resurrection account will remind you that we live in the power of Christ’s victory over death, gathering each week to celebrate His risen glory. This series will deepen your faith, challenge you to carry your cross, and encourage you to walk in the fullness of resurrection power.

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part 1

Part 2

Part 3

part 4

Sermon notes

This morning we start a new series that will take us through the month of November and the end of Luke titled “Death to Life.” In our first part of this series we are looking at this portion of the Jesus story where Jesus is on trial. He’s on trial by a few different groups of people. I believe the trial started in the garden when the soldiers arrested Jesus. The next scene is Peter at the campfire and Jesus is on trial in Peter’s heart also. Campfires, as I’ve noticed in my life, can bring out some of the best thoughts and discussions. 

Friday night we were having dinner over a campfire as a family and we just got to hanging out for a bit. I was holding Nathan and I said Nathan I love you. I’m really thankful you’re my son. It’s one of my greatest treasures in life to be your dad. Nathan said, “Dad, I know we use small marshmallows for hot chocolate, I sometimes like the medium ones for smores but the jumbos are the best.” 

He had zero concept of what I was talking about and zero concept of the relational equity I’m investing in him. Or maybe that’s just assumed. My love in his life is just assumed. There’s an assumption that every biblical author has and it’s found succinctly in 1 John 4:8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. Love is so primal and so primary to our account that the overwhelming love of God leaps off of the pages and is in stark contrast to the evil vile things that people will put Jesus through. 

It’s very clear that they just have no concept of the love that is set before them. Jesus even says in one of these trials I’m not going to tell you anything because you won’t believe me. And I’m not going to ask you because you won’t tell me the truth. Because you don’t love and you don’t know God. If you want truth, if you want love, if you want good news this morning, you are in the right place. We put Jesus on trial this morning and we will allow the Holy Spirit to be our guide through the Scriptures and I ask you today through Jesus’s informal and formal trials in our text to answer the same question that everyone is asking: Is the Lord among us or not? Today would you approach this question with all sincerity?



We pick up in verses 63-65 in an informal trial. Luke did not record the proceedings of this first, nighttime trial of Jesus before the high priest though Matthew did in (Matthew 26:57-68). He did record what happened immediately after that trial – that Jesus was mocked and beaten at the hands of the religious leaders. The very thing they mocked, Jesus’ prophetic ability, had just been shown in the previous scene: Peter denied his Lord three times, just as Jesus predicted. Why this trial?

What’s so important about this one? It was important to demonstrate that the proper reply to hate is not more hate, but love. It was important to demonstrate His trust in God the Father. It was important so that those who are abused and humiliated can find refuge in a God who knows what they experience. His persecutors could not make him give way to anger.

They could not destroy his mercy; they could not slay his love; they could not cause him to think of himself; they could not make him declare that he would go no further with his work of saving sinners. What is their verdict? False Prophet. Our first trial we witnessed this morning is that they mocked and beat Him as they came to the conclusion that Jesus is a false prophet. I’m thankful that Luke records the truth in this last sentence of verse 65, They were blaspheming Him. This is actually what sets the tone for our next trial, the next trial is that of the sanhedrin.



Finally they have an official trial. After they’ve roughed Him up and had their own trial, now they are going to pass Him through a more official trial. The problem is they are going to break so many of their own rules just to make this look like they did it, “the right way.”

They get down to the moment they’ve been waiting for: If you are the Christ, tell us. Jesus in all honesty gives it to them: If I tell you, you won’t believe me, and If I ask you, you won’t tell me. So His response? I’ll prove it to you. He’s saying, you’ve already decided you are going to kill me. Get on with it and I’ll show you that I am the Christ.

How do I know that? Because He quotes from Psalm 110:1 The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” By saying this, Jesus is telling them that they will be His footstool. They 100% know what He’s saying because they respond with so you’re saying you are the son of God then? Jesus is saying you think you sit in the seat of judgment now and that might be true, but I am the ultimate judge.

The Sanhedrin’s verdict? Jesus is a blasphemer. The truth is, if Jesus wasn’t God, they’d be right. This is exactly what blasphemy would look like if it came from anyone else’s mouth but God. Blasphemy is a transliteration of a Greek word meaning literally “to speak harm.” In the biblical context, blasphemy is an attitude of disrespect that finds expression in an act directed against the character of God. blasphemy reflects improper action with regard to the use of God’s name. God revealed His character and invited personal relationship through the revelation of His name.

This is why taking the Lord’s name in vain is so crucial to God that God even made it the third of 10 commandments. It’s not just saying oh my God or something that trivial, it’s degrading the very character of God and the personal relationship He offers us predicated upon His name. I can’t tell you how many times people tell me, “The Lord said! Or, God told me!” Be very careful in using the name of the Lord when He did not say or did not do anything. 



The Sanhedrin takes the case that they believe they have and they bring it before Pontius Pilate. Now this guy is known for being ruthless. He doesn’t care about your feelings, and if he wants you dead then you are dead. No trial, no nothing. He’s known for this. That’s why they bring Jesus before Pilate. Because Pilate doesn’t care for their religious views at all, they bring 3 charges against Jesus: 1. He’s Misleading our nation, meaning He’s acting like a revolutionist. 2. He’s not letting us pay our taxes. 3.

And he’s saying that He is Christ our king. Can you imagine this scene? Pilate has these people foaming at the mouth before him, pointing to this beaten and bloodied Jesus and they are telling him that Jesus is saying He’s king. Pilate almost jokingly asks him, are you their king? This was Pilate’s verdict. Though Pilate was a ruthless man he wasn’t stupid. He could see through the motives of the religious leaders and knew this was a setup.

You see the Jews couldn’t execute someone under Roman law, only the Romans could so Pilate knew that’s what they wanted. He had no problem in estimating Jesus and the whole situation by his verdict, “I find no guilt in this Man.

They pressed Pilate to put Jesus to death so much that he wasn’t certain of his decision at this point so he sent him off to King Herod now that he learned Jesus is from Galilee. It’s as soon as he heard that Jesus is stirring up the people, he seemed to realize there is some truth to that claim. And maybe, just maybe Jesus is the rebel these leaders said he was. How does Jesus fair this trial? Guiltless, but potentially still a rebel. 



Jesus is before Herod now, the same Herod that beheaded John the baptist by the way. He wants to see Jesus because he wants to be entertained by Jesus the performer. I prayed like this all the time before I knew Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. Oh yes! As a teenager I prayed Once a month. I prayed, “Oh God! If you’re real, don’t let my girlfriend be pregnant!” I want to ask you to protect your heart from this as you put Jesus on trial today.

Protect your heart from thinking, “I would totally believe in Jesus if I just saw a miracle!” Sometimes this can sound like a good idea. If God just heals me, If God just restored my relationship with my family member, If God just gets me out of this crisis. Here’s the thing, If God just does what you want, then you are God and He’s not.

You’ve made God into a genie in a bottle. That’s not God. This is the verdict of Herod Jesus is a performer who won’t perform for me. Notice that Jesus never said a word to this man who murdered his cousin, dressed him up, mocked and beat Him. Jesus decided this attitude isn’t worth even talking to. Herod and Pilate became friends over this whole trial. The relationship they missed out on is one with Jesus and becoming brothers in Christ. What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul? The question must be answered, Is the Lord among us or not? Is this God or is this just a Jewish miracle worker?



Jesus is sent back to Pilate. And Pilate tells them, look guys, I tried him and so did Herod, Jesus hasn’t done anything worthy of death. Because he’s caused such a fuss for you, I’ll beat Him and tell him not to do it again and we can call it a day. I’m thinking back to my campfire with the boys on Friday. David and I were looking up at the stars together. And I said David, how far away is that star up in the sky? About 500, dad. I said Nice, 500 what? 500 milliliters.

It’s one of my favorite measurements now. He doesn’t know how to gauge that distance, gosh I don’t even know how to gauge that distance. I just found out that a light year is a measurement of distance not time. What am I getting at here? Pilate has no concept here of what’s going on. His only gauge is if Jesus is causing a problem for Rome and it seems pretty clear to him and to Herod that Jesus is not the Rebel that he’s being hyped up to be.

He doesn’t care nor understand anything about blasphemy in Jewish law. This isn’t the reason that Jesus is on trial though. It might be the reason the Jewish leaders are trying to convince Pilate of, but the real reason He’s on trial is because Jesus is claiming to be God. The trial is to deduce our question, Is the lord among us or not? The verdict here by Pilate? Not guilty, but he also doesn’t care about the main point. Pilate believed he had a way for Jesus to escape death. He planned to release Him according to the custom of releasing a prisoner every Passover season. He’s probably thinking, even if the Jewish leaders want Jesus dead, the crowd won’t condemn him to death for nothing.



Takes a huge shift in the trial. Pilate has got this guy by the name of Barabbas who is an insurrectionist and he is a known murderer. The crowd, whom Pilate was convinced would release Jesus, instead condemned Him. Because of this, Pilate did not find the courage to oppose both the religious leaders and the crowd. This was a strange, almost insane scene: a ruthless Roman governor trying to win the life of a miracle-working Jewish teacher against all odds of both the Jewish leaders and the crowd.

But they kept shouting, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”-Luke 23:21 Their voices prevailed, Pilate decided that he would grant their request, and verse 25 tells us that Jesus was handed over to their will. The final verdict? Death as Jesus is used as a Pawn in political propaganda. Pilate didn’t want to lose his position and prestige in the public eye so he uses Jesus to gain favor.

Even when given the simple choice of choosing between a murderer and a guy that people don’t like right now, he failed. Here’s a side not from our story but applicable and helpful to the time we are living in: We have an opportunity this week to play our part in the politics of our country. And thank Hod we do, what a blessing it is to live in this country and to vote. And yet again Jesus is being used as a pawn for a political agenda.

Don’t allow that to happen in your heart and mind. Don’t allow His trials, crucifixion, death, and resurrection to be tarnished in this. What am I saying? Honor the Lord as is your right and privilege in the kingdom of God. And go vote as is your right and privilege as an American. In that order. 



Today, and every day, Jesus stands on trial. Within our hearts and our minds Jesus ever stands trial. Today there are some of you who have decided to answer this question and you have decided that the Lord is among us and for that reason you want to be baptized into Christ Jesus. I want to invite you to get stand and get ready for your baptism. Please make your way over to our baptism coordinators in the hall. You see there was one other time in the Scriptures that God stood trial. It’s the story of the people of Israel wandering in the desert.

The question was more than just where is water? The question is, is God leading us? Is God here? Is this God among us or is this just us? Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people will drink.” And Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel.

And he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the quarreling of the people of Israel, and because they tested the Lord by saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”-Exodus 17:6-7 God on trial here. Jesus is our rock, water is a symbol of life and so what does He say? I will stand trial before you, strike me, and out of me will flow life. Drink it and you too will live. Jesus never believed for a moment that men could defeat the purposes of God.

The love of God is on full display in that first trial. They didn’t understand what was happening, they just wanted water. In Jesus trial they didn’t understand what was happening, they just wanted their comforts in life to not be messed with yet again. God in both trials would say that He has come that you may have life and life abundantly. He stood trial because of His great love for you! Don’t miss that today.

In His death, Jesus bore it all so we could move from the weight of sin to the promise of hope.


Simon of Cyrene carried Jesus’ cross. This has to be one of the most intimate discipleship moments that could be sorely missed if we aren’t reading our bibles carefully. Notice how Luke has led us here:

 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27

And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus. Luke 23:26

Luke seems more interested in providing a reminder of the implications of Jesus’ faithfulness to God’s purpose for those who want to follow Jesus in discipleship than why Jesus needed the help. Luke is normally really good at introducing characters to us but we have a Simon, Greek name, from Cyrene, a capital of the Roman province in modern day Libya in North Africa.

This is our first mention of him but when we get to the book of Acts you’ll notice that Luke mentions devout Jews from Cyrene in Acts 2 and Cyrenian synagogue in Acts 6. We gain one other crucial detail, he is described as coming from the country which means one thing: Simon had not participated in the Riot scene to crucify Jesus. So you can imagine this scene: You have this Jew from North Africa who has finally saved up enough money to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem to have Passover in Jerusalem. How beautiful!

And the day before Shabbat he’s preparing and he gets snatched by a Roman guard and is forced to carry the cross of a criminal. Little does he know in that moment that he is carrying not just any criminals cross but he is carrying the cross by which we will crucify the Savior of the world. This is not the end of our beloved Simon, but just the beginning of His story. We use the bible to interpret the bible and what we learn of this character is so Jesus. You know what I mean?

Jesus has a way of taking your life and making something so ordinary so extraordinary. Watch this unfolds: We have a detail in Mark 15:21 that Simon is the father of Alexander and Rufus. We believe that Mark wrote his account first for the gentile believers in Rome. You don’t identify a man by his sons unless they are well known. This would be a significant detail for the church in Rome because Alexander and Rufus were there in the church of Rome.

We know that because in the letter from Paul to the Romans he says this: Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; also his mother, who has been a mother to me as well. Romans 16:13  After the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7), believers from Cyrene were among the first to be scattered by the persecution in Jerusalem; arriving in Antioch, they preached to the Gentiles there (Acts 11:20).

These believers were instrumental in the formation of the church at Antioch, where, for the first time, “the disciples were called Christians” (Acts 11:26). So can I do a bit of pulling this all together for us? In the Jesus story, this man Simon is seized by a Roman guard and is forced to carry the cross of Jesus. After witnessing all that is happening, I believe he makes the decision to put his faith in Jesus Christ.

So not only does he carry Jesus’ cross but then he himself chooses to pick up his cross and follow Jesus in discipleship. He goes home and shares the gospel with his family. His wife puts her faith in Jesus, his sons put their faith in Jesus. They serve the Lord faithfully that Paul would write about this man’s son inspired by the Holy Spirit to call him “Chosen in the Lord” which only happened 8 times in the New Testament by the way and was all in the gospels and Acts about choosing disciples and Apostles.

And His beloved wife would not just mother and nurture their sons faith to produce in them the godliness that the Lord desires but would be a mother in the faith to Paul the Apostle. Come on! Is this not the goal of your faith as a father? This should be our prayer, I wrote this prayer for you through tears, dads of Friends Church. Stand and receive this charge from the Lord and carry this prayer with you through the week. “Father in heaven, give me the faith of Simon of Cyrene that I would love my wife as Christ loves the church and love my children and raise them in your ways that my whole family would stand before you Jesus and give you the glory and honor due your name.

Produce a faith in my wife that nurtures faith in my children and my community. Produce faith in me that is so powerful it would spur my family on to good works. Produce a faith in my sons and daughters that remind them that they are chosen in the Lord and given good gifts to walk in for you. Light a fire in our family Lord! Set us ablaze by your Holy Spirit for the work of your kingdom! Crucify me with Christ that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me! Help me to carry my cross daily! In Jesus’ name we ask this.” This is the promise of hope. We have made it through one verse this morning. Oh, Lord be with me.



Jesus speaks to the daughters of Jerusalem. In contrast to their weeping, Jesus turns to them and prophecies over them and what will happen in the time following His death. He says weep for yourselves and for your children. This is so backwards thinking for them. In Jewish culture, those who were barren and couldn’t have children were considered cursed by God. and now Jesus is saying again, the days are coming. The days are coming that you will not want blessing and you would rather die.

This is significant. Jesus shares prophecies that were in Hosea and Ezekiel as well as Revelation in this portion of our text. This wasn’t a stop crying because you’re gonna get yours sort of thing. Jesus here is offering yet again a moment of repentance. Look at this murder weapon, you know the pain I will go through. Turn from your ways and turn to God. Cry out for help that He would save you! Even in this prophecy, the promise of hope is Christ Himself!



He was led to the place that is called The Skull. There was a specific place outside the city walls of Jerusalem yet still close, where people were crucified. At this place called The Skull, or maybe you’ve heard it called Golgotha, or Calvary. Jesus died for our sins, and our salvation was accomplished. Calvary and Golgotha means, “place of the skull,” and it was the place where criminals were crucified. He was crucified with 2 criminals and they crucified one on each side of him to mock Jesus even further that His death wasn’t special.

For Jesus, it serves as another reason that He would identify Himself with our sin; even though He knew no sin. In v34 he says famously, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” You’ve heard it said, “It’s not how you start that’s important, it’s how you finish!” In the case of Jesus, how He started is how He finished. He started into this world, on mission with God to dwell among us perfect, innocent, holy. He finished on mission with God, identified by my sin yet perfect, innocent, holy. How you finish matters.

And one of the last prayers Jesus utters, the last intercession from His mouth while on Earth is that of forgiveness. There is nothing more eternally beautiful, rare, and rewarding as forgiveness. If you are to pick up your cross and follow after Jesus this has to be at the very core of who you are. Our savior was nothing if He wasn’t forgiving. He was known by His love and it was seen in His forgiveness. Here’s what He taught:  Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. -Matt. 5:44 and Here’s what He did: “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” -Luke 23:34 They split Jesus’ garments as was prophesied in Isaiah 53:12.

They continued to mock Jesus in different ways about being the Messiah, coming to save, and being the king of the Jews while He was doing the work of the Messiah, dying for their salvation, as King of kings and lord of Lords. The irony is just so painful here.



The first criminal tells Jesus to save Himself and to save them if He’s the Christ. How far gone do you have to be to spend your last moments mocking the dude who’s dying next to you? He doesn’t understand that this is why Jesus came in the first place. While dying, the other criminal rebukes him and tells him do you not fear God? -Luke 23:40a  

Application: What a profound statement to make. In death, this man realizes wisdom is actually placed right next to him. Wisdom is personified throughout the Proverbs but is fully seen in the person of Jesus Christ. Here’s a list of what the proverbs say about fearing God, are you ready?

Proverbs in reference to “Fear of The Lord”





















I want to hone in on one of these verses for you: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.- Proverbs 1:7 This frames everything in this scene. You have one criminal who is walking in knowledge and recognizes wisdom, Jesus himself. And you have another criminal who is a fool who despises wisdom.

He says We deserve to die for what we did but this man did nothing. Somehow on that cross this guy figures out the gospel. They deserve death and Jesus doesn’t yet Jesus is dying a criminal’s death. His profession of faith is simply this, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He recognized that Jesus is king and that He wanted to be on team Jesus. I wish to hear these words from Jesus, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” -Luke 23:43 I believe that Jesus extended salvation to this man on the cross for his faith in Him.

This is the requirement of the law of grace. Christ and Christ alone. I didn’t hear him Say I believe in the Lord Jesus and I’m going to live my life for him from now on. I didn’t see him get baptized or take communion. He didn’t fill out his membership form and take the class. You don’t hear of anything else from this man except this: 

  • He knew his life (We are receiving the due reward of our deeds). His sin was on full display 
  • He knew Jesus’ Life  (this man has done nothing wrong) Jesus’ righteousness on display. 
  • He knew He needed King Jesus (Remember me when you come into your kingdom). 


Do I think that’s the standard and that’s all you need in this life? No. There’s a reason we have a whole bible and not just this story. I think this is a rare case of a death bed confession in scripture to remind us of a few things:

  1. No one is too far gone or outside of the mercy and grace of Jesus. No one. No matter how long you’ve been in your sin, no matter how bad it is, come to Jesus. No one is outside of the mercy and grace of Jesus.


  2. You’re not getting to heaven because of what you’ve done. The thief on the cross has to be an enigma in your theology.

    Allistair Begg has this funny bit of the thief on the cross getting to heaven. On what basis are you here? The man on the middle cross said I can come. And that is the only answer. You’re not getting to heaven because of what you’ve done.

  3. Don’t give up on sharing the gospel no matter what stage of life you are in. Jesus is literally hanging on the cross and still doing the work of the ministry! As long as there is breath in your lungs, do all that you can for the kingdom of God! The mission isn’t over until we are home in the kingdom of God.

    How amazing is it that Jesus taught on leaving the 99 and going after the 1 and even in His death on the cross He did that for the criminal who is now our brother in Christ.



From the sixth hour until the ninth hour, so it’s now noon. Noon until 3pm it’s in total darkness as Jesus hangs on that cross. The sun’s light fails as the son of light is victorious. It’s very real, it’s very poetic.  and the curtain in the temple is torn in two. Highly symbolic prophetic language to tell us that Jesus really is the son of God pointing to two things: First, now man has free access to the throne of grace by the cross. Second, no one should ever think again that God dwells in temples made with hands.

The last words of Jesus before His death recorded by Luke are, “Father into your hands I commit my spirit.” -Luke 23:46 While there was still breath in Jesus’ lungs He served the kingdom of God. It says He breathed His last. The mission is finished. Before Jesus took His final breath, before the veil was torn apart, before His triumphant cry of “It is finished,” an extraordinary spiritual exchange occurred. In that profound moment, the Father placed upon Him the full weight of our guilt and the righteous wrath our sins warranted. Jesus bore it completely within Himself, fully and flawlessly satisfying God’s wrath on our behalf. The prophets spoke of it this way well before he was ever on that cross:

“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” -Isaiah 53:3-5 He was obedient even to the point of death on a cross. The centurion saw this and praised God and was restored in his faith.

Even in death Jesus is preaching the good news. The crowds went home beating their breasts. We saw in Luke 18 the tax collector beating his breasts crying out to God for his sin; I believe Luke is leading us to believe that this is what’s happening in this scene also. In both passages, the act of beating the breast is a physical expression of deep emotional and spiritual awareness. Both highlight an encounter with holiness that brings the weight of human sin into sharp focus. Together, these scenes in Luke speak of the need for repentance, recognition of sin, and the transformative power of humility before God.



It seems that there was still at least one good godly man left on the Sanhedrin council, Joseph of Arimathea. He did not consent or go along with the vote to condemn Jesus. He is remembered in scripture for being a good and righteous man and looking for the kingdom of God. How powerful is that? He actually went to Pilate and requested the body of Jesus, wrapped His body in linen and laid him down in a tomb of his own. He served Jesus in a way that only he could and sets the example that we should all serve Jesus in the ways that we can.

There’s a promise of hope that even he is clinging to now. Can you imagine his thoughts? I didn’t speak up for Jesus in the council. I didn’t cry out in the crowd to stop the crucifixion, I didn’t help in any way until Jesus died. The weight of Joseph’s sin on his mind must have been so heavy. And yet the way we remember this Joseph of Arimathea is in how he loved Jesus and gave him an honorable burial. The ladies were preparing for the Sabbath. The women who followed Jesus from Galilee now knew where He was buried and went to prepare spices and ointments for His body as was their custom.

After all of the preparation, they rested on the Sabbath because they were following the command that Jesus gave all of Israel so many years ago. I believe that Jesus was honored in their preparation, and in their obedience to follow His command to rest on the sabbath. It is important to prepare and to be obedient and we see this all over scripture because God is pleased with us when we prepare and obey. Though no one could have prepared for His death or resurrection properly, there still is a promise of hope in how they prepare and obey the commands of God.  



God gives us a promise in hope all throughout the scriptures but there has never been a promise so clear as the promise of hope that is at the cross. At the cross is where Simon’s pilgrimage found its purpose,  at the cross is where the daughters of Jerusalem find the hope that dries their tears, at the cross is where the criminal finds wisdom, at the cross the centurion finds faith and crowds realize their sin, at the cross Joseph of Arimathea finds purpose and Jesus’ disciples prepare and obey.

Peter tells us in 1 Peter 3:15 to honor Christ as holy and always being prepared to make a defense or give an answer for the hope that is in you. The apostle Paul said for I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The hope for my daughter is Christ and Him crucified.

The hope for me and my family is Christ and Him crucified. The hope for this world? Christ and Him crucified. The answer that leaps from our lips and from the bottom of our soul? Christ and Him crucified. I’m not certain if you have ever publicly done this, but there is no better place or easier place to do this than in church.

Today, stand up and  honor Christ as holy and give an answer for the hope that is in you. My hope is Christ and Him crucified. Stand up and say it today! 

We are in the final chapter of Luke! Today we are looking at resurrection power. We Stand in Resurrection Power.

V1 But on the first day of the week at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared.

It’s now Sunday. These ladies wake up and the first thing on their hearts and minds is to go see Jesus. I pray that every Sunday morning for us; that we would see Jesus. That we would minister to Jesus together as these ladies did.

Have you ever thought about why we meet as a church on a Sunday? It’s not found in the Old Testament. It has nothing to do with the sabbath. It is this right here and every gospel account agrees: Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and it is the first day of the week on the Jewish calendar, Sunday.

We magnify Jesus weekly on the day of the week that He rose from the dead. Let me show you a few places in your bible as well as church history that reinforce this idea: 

Biblical References:

  1. Acts 20:7 – “On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread…” This passage shows us that early Christians met on Sunday for worship and communion, marking it as a special day of gathering.
  2. 1 Corinthians 16:2 – “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper…” Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians implies that the first day of the week was already designated for Christian worship.
  3. Revelation 1:10 – “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…” The term “Lord’s Day” is commonly understood to mean Sunday, recognizing it as the day of Christ’s resurrection.


Early Church Writings:

  1. The Didache (Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) – This early Christian document (circa late 1st to early 2nd century) outlines Christian practices and states: “But every Lord’s day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions…” This reinforces that Sunday worship was established early in church history.


  2. Justin Martyr’s First Apology (circa 155 AD) – In his writings, Justin Martyr details early Christian practices, including Sunday worship: “And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place… because Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead.”


Why does this matter to us? I think there is something special when we have biblical proof for traditions we make. When we look at something and ask a genuine question that all should ask of their life at some point, we ask, “Why do we do what we do?” This should be one of the first questions you ask in leadership, it’s a clarifying question.

If the answer comes back, “This is the way we’ve always done it.” It can mean 1 of 2 things: Either someone put some serious thought into that tradition and it has become normalized; really great! We love that, we want that! Or, we’ve never questioned it and we don’t know why we do what we do. I have a great deal of respect for tradition that is biblical and leads us to resurrection power.

I have the same disdain that Jesus showed us all throughout Luke for tradition that leads us away from God and His word. So, to answer that question, “Why do we do what we do?” The answer is, Because He is Risen! And weekly we honor Jesus by gathering as His people on that very day He rose from the dead and we worship Him and give him all the adoration due His name as we live in resurrection power, amen?


V2-3 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

The Gospels don’t detail the act of Jesus’ resurrection itself, but they offer a thorough and compelling record of its astonishing discovery, especially here in Luke saying, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. The Gospel writers make no effort to embellish the Resurrection account. They could’ve tossed all of these beautiful glamorous points about it but it would’ve felt like a fairy tale.

One of the greatest reasons why we believe this account to be real is because it was given by women. I tried disagreeing with my wife once. Once. It’s actually ironic how it works out. Here’s the thing: No one ever took an account from women in those days! I’m not making a joke, and don’t shoot the messenger, but this was the truth of the ancient world. An eyewitness account from women meant nothing, it was inadmissible in both Roman and Jewish courts.

What is so powerful about this, and ironic, is that for this very reason many have come to faith because if you were going to make up a story like this, you wouldn’t have written it being shared with women first therefore it adds to the validity of the story. This isn’t a fairy tale, this isn’t a made up story, this is resurrection power. Since we are on the subject, can we talk about how powerful of a stance Jesus makes here? That the first eye witnesses of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would be women?

There is no greater honor and privilege in all of Christianity than to bear witness to the resurrection. And the very first time this happens, this great honor and privilege is given to women. It is to say this: You cannot understand the image of God without seeing both male and female, and you cannot make a biblical case for the profound impact of the ministry teams of both Jesus and the apostle Paul without the women that are called, gifted, anointed, and placed by God in their roles. Thank you Jesus for women in ministry.

I think of our team alone: Amy, April, Becky Mcleod, Becky Mills, Dawn, Jody, Marilyn, Melanie, Sadie, Vickie. I can’t imagine doing ministry without them and I am very grateful to be on their team serving Jesus and living in resurrection power. For this very reason the stone was rolled away, not to let Jesus out, as John 20:19 reveals that His resurrected body could pass through physical walls, instead, the stone was rolled away to allow us to look inside and be convinced of resurrection power. 



As the ladies are standing there questioning what happened to Jesus, they are met by two angels. These ladies are frightened, which is the biblical response to meeting angels. All over scripture you see this. Just as angels announced Jesus’ birth we now see them announce His resurrection. The angels are going to do 3 amazing things that we will take note of. They start by asking the great question of our text, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” -Luke 24:5 The angels seemed almost puzzled at the women’s perplexities; after all, they had heard Jesus’ words about His resurrection and knew the women had heard them too.

Their question carried a powerful reminder: the living aren’t found among the dead. We will not find the living God among dead things. Too often, people search for Jesus in dead traditions, dead people, and dead conviction. But Jesus can only be found where there is true resurrection power, among the living, where He is worshiped in Spirit and truth. I would wager that there is no greater place to find the Resurrected Jesus, the living God, than in the ever active, living word of God which we endeavor to seek out every Sunday for resurrection power.

I believe that there is a real sense of application in these words also, go seek the living God with your whole life among life giving things. I think Christians should be known for having the most life giving conversations, hobbies, life giving pursuits and everything else in between. 

  1.  Recognize Where True Life Is Found The angels’ question points us to the reality that Jesus is found among the living, in the dynamic, life-giving presence of God. We must seek Jesus in places where His Spirit is active—in genuine worship, community, Scripture, and moments that bear fruit and transformation. True life is found in Jesus. We need to be reoriented back to Jesus’ focused life. We need this as believers so badly!

  2. Evaluate Where You Search for Life Just as the women were searching for Jesus in a place of death, we too often seek fulfillment, hope, or spiritual connection in places that cannot offer life. This is “checking the box” Christianity. Made it to church, check. Read my bible, check. Did a good thing. Check. Didn’t do too many bad things and road rage doesn’t count. Check. Ask yourself, “Am I looking for spiritual nourishment in dead things—empty traditions, rigid rules, or things that can’t point me to Jesus?” Reflect on where you’re placing your hope and energy, and whether it’s truly bringing you life.

The second part of what the angels say is, “He is not here for He is risen.” The angel’s words, “He is not here, for He is risen,” are among the most profound and impactful statements ever delivered to humanity. They encapsulate the very heart of the Christian faith: the triumph of life over death and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive promise. These words start the shift from despair to hope, from defeat to victory, and from the finality of death to the reality of eternal life. Let’s take it a step further.

What is it that angels do by very nature? They are messengers. They bring a message from God to His people. This is a declaration from the throne of God the Father declaring His son Jesus to be risen from the dead! Our authority, our power, our victory isn’t because we said so it’s because He said so! The Father tells us Jesus is risen! And He is risen indeed!

Third and finally, they say, “Remember how He told you” There seems to be a constant biblical theme to remember what God tells us. This was already spoken of. Jesus already said this would happen. Remember His words, remember His ways, and watch what God does. Some of us need that today.

The angels share the good news of the gospel here, and some of us need this today: Jesus the son of man was delivered up into the hands of sinful men and He was crucified. But here it is, and on the third day He rose. Remember all that He has done. Remember your great God, remember your great need for a savior. And Remember that you now stand in resurrection power with Christ. 



They remembered. Notice what happens here: Hope first sparked in the hearts of the women when they recalled Jesus’ words. The empty tomb, the angelic presence, and even the angels’ powerful declaration could not transform their hearts on their own—but His words, Jesus’ words, had the power to ignite faith and bring joy to their souls. We must ever heed the voice of our good shepherd.

The women are now named here and I believe this is because it’s like an ancient footnote in Luke’s gospel. Their names stand on the pages of scripture so that, upon the first reading of this gospel account, anyone who read it could go to these ladies and ask them about it. It’s like Luke saying, ok, you don’t believe me?

Go ask Mary Magdalene, go ask Joanna, go ask James’ mom Mary. But how much more meaningful that their actions are forever immortalized in God’s word for how they loved Jesus and spread this gospel to the apostles I might add. That’s resurrection power.



We have a moment where we see the faithless and disheartened apostles totally disregard these women. So painful to see this. Luke uses the word “Idle-tale” “Layros” in the Greek to say that they are speaking nonsense. They needed to be convinced of the resurrection. I pray that today, you are convinced of the resurrection by the Holy Spirit and the living word of God so that you may stand in resurrection power. 



But Peter. Oh, Peter. I love this start to his redemption story. The last time we saw Peter he was denying that he ever knew Jesus. And what do we see now? Luke 24:12 “But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened.” Can you imagine what’s going through his head right now?

Maybe it’s Jesus, if this is real, I have to see you. I have to tell you what’s been on my mind and heart. I screwed up and I just need you right now. We know from John 20:3-8 that both Peter and John ran to the tomb together. They saw grave clothes, but not as if they had been taken off or ripped off. They saw the grave clothes of Jesus lying in perfect order, as if a body had just passed out of them (John 20:6-7). When John saw that, he believed, and Peter marveled. 

They had not seen the risen Jesus, but they knew that something powerful had happened to cause a body to leave behind the grave clothes in such a manner. Peter and John both observed what was in the tomb and John believed (John 20:8).

This tells us that Peter analyzed the situation; he knew something spectacular had happened because of the condition of the grave clothes, but he, because he had forgotten the words of Jesus (John 20:9), he did not yet understand and believe the way John had. You might be aware that Jesus rose from the dead, but without understanding His words, it won’t fully resonate like Peter here.

Without knowing His life and teachings, His words and ways, the significance remains a bit unclear. This is why we spent all year working through the book of Luke for this moment right here. Because I want you to know very clearly what the resurrection means and what you believe in as a Christian:


  • You can know that the resurrection means the payment Jesus offered on the cross was perfect and complete.
  • You can understand that the cross was the payment and the empty tomb is the receipt.
  • You can be assured that death holds no power over the redeemed.
  • You can understand that when God’s love and man’s hate clashed at the cross, God’s love triumphed.
  • You can trust that because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too can be resurrected in Him.
  • This is the resurrection power that we now stand in fighting for victory from victory!


I want to invite you to step into that resurrection power. To seek Him where life is found—in worship, in His Word, and in the community of believers. To live as people transformed by His victory, and let that victory shape your life, your actions, and your hope. Today there is no clearer picture of what Jesus has done for us. He lived a perfect life, died a criminal’s death, was raised from the dead, for you and for me. So that we may have life everlasting. Today you can stand in resurrection power. 

Today we close the book of Luke! It is bittersweet for me. I’ve had an amazing time walking you through this book. One of the greatest treasures of my life is the word of God and to be able to teach it to you is my greatest joy.

Today is a special day for this reason and I hope to show you why it means so much to me which comes from our text today: All of the Scriptures point to Jesus, and Jesus is the main character, catalyst, and king of the scriptures. 

Don’t take my word for it, allow me to show you this truth from the Scriptures: 

1. Jesus as the Main Character of the Scriptures

The Bible tells one unified story of God’s redemption plan through Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation, the Scriptures point to Him.

  • Luke 24:27: After His resurrection, Jesus walked with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, where it says, “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” This passage confirms that Jesus is the central figure in the entire Bible.
  • John 5:39: Jesus tells the Pharisees, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” This demonstrates that all Scripture ultimately leads to and is fulfilled in Him.
  • Genesis 3:15: The first promise of a Savior is given immediately after the Fall, where the “offspring of the woman” would crush the serpent’s head. This points to Jesus as the main character in God’s plan of redemption.


2. Jesus as the Catalyst of the Scriptures

Jesus is the agent through whom God’s promises, prophecies, and purposes are fulfilled.

  • Matthew 5:17: Jesus declares, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Jesus is the catalyst for the completion of God’s purposes revealed in the Old Testament.
  • 2 Corinthians 1:20: “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him.” This emphasizes that every covenant, prophecy, and promise in the Bible comes to fruition in Christ.
  • Colossians 1:16-17: Jesus is presented as the sustainer and purpose of all creation: “All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” This makes Him the driving force (catalyst) behind all that Scripture teaches about God’s plan.


3. Jesus as the King of the Scriptures

Jesus is the ultimate King to whom all Scripture points and who reigns over all.

  • Psalm 2:6-7: “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” This messianic psalm points to Jesus as the King God has appointed to rule over all nations.
  • Isaiah 9:6-7: The prophecy of the coming King says, “Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom.” Jesus is the eternal King who fulfills this prophecy.
  • Revelation 19:16: At His return, Jesus is revealed as “King of kings and Lord of lords.” The culmination of Scripture shows Him reigning over all creation.

We are looking at 3 portions of our text: The road to Emmaus, Jesus’ appearance to the 11, and His ascension. Let’s start with the road to Emmaus. 



You have to see the structure of this whole passage of the road to Emmaus for it to be clear for you:

The Journey from Jerusalem (vv 14-15)

Appearance,”Obstructed Eyes,” Lack of Recognition (V 16)

Interaction (vv 17-18)

Summary of “the things” (VV 19-21)

Empty Tomb and Vision (vv 22-23a)

JESUS IS ALIVE!! (v 23b)

Empty Tomb, but No Vision (V 24)

Interpretation of “the things” (vv 25-27)

Interaction (vv 28-30)

“Opened Eyes,” Recognition, and Disappearance (vv 31-32)

The Journey to Jerusalem (wv 33-35) 

This whole section is summarized in this pattern through a beautiful word picture. Please take a picture of it while it is on the screen. The entire piece is pointing us to one simple conclusion: Jesus is alive! This is the great mystery that is unfolding throughout the entire text but what we cannot miss is the simple but exclusive fact of the Jesus story: All of the Scriptures point to Jesus, and Jesus is the main character, catalyst, and king of the scriptures. This is the big deal of the bible.

So in the middle of two disciples walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, about a 3 hour walk, Jesus shows up in the middle of their conversation. Isn’t that so Jesus? I love how often we speak of Jesus and then Jesus is there with us. Like whenever I get to talk Jesus with Heidi or Amy often it turns to prayer and Jesus is invited into that conversation.

You too get the opportunity to converse with God and invite the king of the Scriptures into your daily conversations. Notice how it says that Jesus drew near. James will tell us something powerful about God when He writes, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”-James 4:8.

Jesus wants this from your life. He wants to draw near to you. If you are here this morning, you have taken that first step of drawing near to God. Now you get to see the very real Jesus draw near to you. Uniquely to these disciples, it says their eyes were kept from seeing Him. I actually love this, hold on to this because I think there is more than meets the eye here.



Says that as they are walking Jesus asks what they are talking about and they stop and stand still sad. Can you imagine? All these guys have lived for the past 3 years and some guy walking the same road they are walking has no clue about the main character, catalyst, and king of their lives? It hurts so bad that Cleopas one of the two turns and says are you the only visitor who has no clue what’s going on? The irony is so intense here.

This IS Jesus who all of this happens to, and technically Cleopas isn’t wrong, he was a visitor. But Jesus was only a visitor in human form for a short time, He was, and is, and is to come always has been and always will be the king of kings and Lord of Lords. And Jesus says, What things? I don’t think Jesus is trying to trick them in a negative sense here, I think part of our faith and part of how strongly we believe something comes out in how we speak about it and Jesus is now passing on from being their teacher day in and day out to soon them becoming the teachers.

One of the greatest ways you know a student has got something is when they can teach it to someone else so Jesus is drawing this out of their mouths, why? Jesus taught us this already in Luke 6:45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Jesus is saying, what is in your hearts? Let’s get to the brass tax here.



They explain the whole Jesus story, the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus to Jesus. And yet, Jesus understands what is happening in the heart. It’s what wasn’t said because they stopped at, “But him they did not see.”



Now hold on to that, Him they did not see, are there final words, their eyes were kept from seeing him, and now what happens? Verse 25 Jesus says, “o foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into His glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” Luke 24:25-27 What is the beginning of their hearts believing and their eyes being opened? The word of God revealing Jesus. Our hearts believe and our eyes begin to open because of the word of God. 


Seminary Story: Uniquely UnQualified

The word of God means everything to me. I can’t express that in a more sincere way for you to grasp it. The word of God has to become instrumental in all that you do, and say, and think or it will become another book on a shelf. It’s the tool Jesus used. It’s the very method Jesus used to demonstrate His resurrection.

See God is in this world and walking with many but unless your eyes are opened by the scriptures, there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make the difference. It must be the work of the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Scriptures, that brings you to the table of the Holy God to change you forever. 



Then Jesus sits, prays, breaks bread and their eyes are opened. You know how I know this had nothing to do with His prayer or the bread, or the sitting down? Because when Jesus vanishes, notice their words about the encounter: Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures? Luke 24:32 This is the power of the Scriptures in our lives and how it points us to Jesus.

Even when they didn’t know it was Jesus, even when they didn’t believe He was risen from the dead, their heart still burned because of the ministry of God’s Word and of Jesus, the Living Word of God. Neither of them knew the other’s heart burned until Jesus left. After that, they could have a fellowship of hearts on fire together. One reason Jesus left was so that they would love one another, and minister to one another as He had commanded previously. 



They get up and walk those seven miles back the other way. Why? Because when you encounter Jesus, and you are filled with the Holy Spirit, and you understand God’s word, there is nothing else you can do other than join the mission of God and run after your friends and family and all who will hear of the good news of our risen Lord and savior Jesus Christ. That’s how this works! That’s how the gospel spreads!



Now as they said these things, Jesus stood with them and confirmed all of what they were saying. That is the confirmation: Jesus standing with them. And what does He say? “Peace to you.” Luke 24:36 This has to be so crucial because Jesus has already taught them to be a peacemaker and here He is giving peace in a situation where the disciples have no peace.

Picture the scene: Jesus, risen from the dead, stands before His disciples and first reveals His wounded hands and feet. In this powerful moment, Jesus is doing more than just proving He’s alive—He’s anchoring His identity and showing them that He is fully present in a resurrected, transformed body. This was the same body that walked with them, hung on the cross, and lay in the tomb, now gloriously changed yet undeniably physical. He wasn’t a ghost, not a phantom, but flesh and blood—of a new and eternal order.

Yet even as they stood face-to-face with their risen Lord, their joy was so overwhelming it delayed their belief. It seemed too good to be true. We know that feeling: when something extraordinary shatters what we thought possible, and we hesitate to embrace it. But Jesus didn’t want a shallow, fleeting excitement. He called them—and calls us—to a faith that is thoughtful, reasoned, and rooted in truth. To drive the reality of His resurrection home, Jesus did something so familiar: He ate with them. He took food, ate it in their presence, and reminded them that He was still Jesus.

The same Jesus who had shared countless meals with them before the cross now broke bread, or fish, with them in victory over death. In every bite, He proved His identity and the tangible reality of His resurrection. This moment wasn’t just for the disciples—it’s for us too. Jesus invites us to a faith that not only marvels but thinks, wrestles, and believes. His resurrection isn’t an idea; it’s a reality. A risen King who ate, walked, and spoke, showing us that life in Him is as real as the hands and feet that bore His scars. I love this scene.



He opened their minds to the scriptures. Again and again, Jesus pointed His disciples to the Word of God, grounding them in the truth that the Scriptures reveal who He is. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection weren’t random events or detours—they were the heartbeat of God’s redemptive plan, written and foretold long before. The cross wasn’t an accident or a tragedy to overcome; it was the very center of God’s plan to save humanity. Through the crucified and risen Savior, the message of repentance and the forgiveness of sins would go out into the world.

Jesus made it abundantly clear what His disciples were to do: Preach. He told them exactly what to preach, where to preach it, and even how to preach it. They were to proclaim this message in His name, a charge that carried immense weight. To preach in Jesus’ name means:

  • Preaching under His command, not our own agenda.
  • Speaking with His authority, not our own qualifications.
  • Declaring that repentance and forgiveness are possible only because of the power in His name.
  • Refusing to preach for self-promotion but to exalt Jesus alone.


Jesus reminded them they were witnesses—eyewitnesses to His life, His miracles, His death, His resurrection, and now His commission. They weren’t just tasked with passing on a story but were entrusted with the greatest mission in history: to spread the gospel. It wasn’t a solo effort; it was a shared responsibility among all who had seen and believed.

This charge wasn’t just for the disciples—it’s for us, too. We are witnesses to the transforming power of Jesus in our lives. Like them, we are called to go, to speak, and to live under His authority, preaching repentance and forgiveness in the only name that saves. This mission isn’t optional; it’s essential. It’s the legacy of those first witnesses, carried on by every believer, empowered to bring hope to the world in the name of Jesus. 



Finally we see the ascension. Jesus declared to His disciples, “I send the Promise of My Father upon you.” This wasn’t just an assurance; it was a game-changer. The disciples were called to a mission far beyond their own strength or ability. But Jesus made it clear: they would not go alone. The power to accomplish His work would come from on high, as the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon them. Only through this divine empowerment could they fulfill the mission He had given them.

This promise wasn’t just for the disciples—it’s for all who follow Him. When Jesus blesses you, nothing in heaven, earth, or hell can undo it. His blessing is unshakable, His power is unstoppable, and His Spirit is irrevocable. What He gives, no force can take away. The Holy Spirit equips, sustains, and strengthens us for every task, every challenge, and every calling.

The same Spirit who hovered over creation, who raised Jesus from the dead, now lives in us, enabling us to live boldly and proclaim His name with power. Whatever He’s called you to do, you’re not left to your own resources. The promise of the Father is yours, and with it, the unmatchable power of heaven at work in your life. Let no fear or doubt hold you back, for when Jesus blesses and commissions you, nothing can stand against it! 

Picture this final moment: Jesus stands before His disciples, His hands outstretched in blessing. As He speaks, He ascends into heaven, leaving them awestruck yet filled with purpose. His departure wasn’t an ending but a beginning. Jesus had to ascend so their confidence would shift from His physical presence to the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit. His ascension marked the transfer of divine authority to His followers, empowered by the Spirit to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. The disciples’ response says everything about the transformation Jesus worked in their lives. They worshiped Him—fully recognizing that He was God, giving Him the honor and devotion He deserves. They returned to Jerusalem with great joy—not fear or confusion, but joyful obedience. They trusted Him completely, doing exactly what He told them to do. And they praised and blessed God continually—their hearts were so full of gratitude that worship became their rhythm of life. 

As we close the book of Luke, let’s not simply marvel at the story we’ve walked through together—let’s live it. Every page, every word, every moment points us to Jesus: the main character of Scripture, the catalyst of redemption, and the King who reigns over all. His resurrection is real, His Spirit is powerful, and His mission is clear. So, let us worship Him as Lord, walk in obedience to His call, and live lives overflowing with praise. And as we go, may we proclaim His name boldly, knowing He is alive, He is with us, and He is working through us to bring His kingdom to earth. The story isn’t finished—it’s ours to carry forward as we Love God. Love people. Until the whole valley knows!

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