
This sermon series will challenge us to reflect on what it truly means to follow Jesus. We will learn that following Him is not a casual decision but a total commitment that requires prioritizing Him above all else, even our relationships and possessions. We will be called to live out His teachings, bear witness to His Kingdom, depend fully on God’s provision, and walk in repentance and forgiveness. As we answer Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?” we will grow in our understanding of His identity and mission, strengthening our faith in Him as the Messiah. Finally, we will be encouraged to follow with endurance and obedience, trusting that even in failure and struggle, Jesus is teaching us, leading us, and calling us into a deeper relationship with Him.

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part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Sermon notes

As we open up our new series “Follow,” today, I want to talk about something that can transform our lives in the most radical way possible: following Jesus. There are 7 essential parts to following Jesus:

1. Total Commitment

  • Leaving everything behind (Luke 5:11) 
  • Unwavering loyalty (Luke 9:23-24)

    The Gospel of Luke paints a vivid picture of what it means to answer His call, and it’s not just about attending church on Sundays or saying a quick prayer before meals. It’s a total, all-in commitment that shakes up our entire existence! Imagine being one of those first disciples in Luke’s Gospel. When Jesus called Simon Peter, James, and John, they dropped everything—left their nets, their boats, their entire livelihoods—to follow Him. They didn’t hesitate. They didn’t look back. They were all in. 


2. Prioritizing Jesus Above All 

  • Family and social ties (Luke 14:26) 
  • Possessions (Luke 14:33)

    Luke shows us that following Jesus means making Him our number one priority, even above our closest relationships and our material possessions. But it doesn’t stop there. 


3. Living Out Jesus’ Teachings 

  • Compassion and mercy (Luke 6:27-36) 
  • Humility and servanthood (Luke 22:26)

    Following Jesus means living out His teachings every single day. We’re called to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who mistreat us. This is radical compassion and mercy in action. It’s about turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, and embodying humility and servanthood in a world that often values power and prestige. And here’s the exciting part: Jesus invites us to join Him in His mission. 


Part of the mission includes: 

4. Bearing Witness to Jesus 

  • Proclaiming the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:2) 
  • Being prepared for rejection (Luke 10:3)

    Just as He sent out His disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God and bring healing, He sends us out into our communities, our workplaces, our schools—to be His hands and feet. Yes, it’s challenging. Yes, we might face opposition. But Jesus prepares us to go out with courage and faith, knowing that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. 

5. Dependence on God 

  • Trusting in God’s provision (Luke 12:22-31)
  •  Prayer and persistence (Luke 18:1-8)

    Following Jesus also means leaning into a deep dependence on God. In Luke, Jesus teaches us not to worry about our needs but to trust in God’s provision. This kind of trust isn’t passive; it’s active. It’s about seeking God’s Kingdom first and foremost, believing that everything else will fall into place. It’s about persistent prayer and unwavering faith, even when the going gets tough. That active trust is also seen in the way we live our lives.


6. Living a Life of Repentance and Forgiveness 

  • Repentance (Luke 13:3-5) 
  • Forgiveness (Luke 17:3-4)

    And let’s not forget repentance and forgiveness. Jesus calls us to turn away from our sins, turn to God, and to forgive others, just as we’ve been forgiven. It’s a continuous process of transformation, a journey of grace that we embark on every day. Pastor Jeremy, there are a few tools we use on this journey. Give it to us: 


7. Endurance and Faithfulness 

  • Perseverance in faith (Luke 21:19)

    Finally, following Jesus requires endurance. It’s not a sprint; it’s a marathon. In the face of trials and persecutions, we are called to persevere, to stay faithful, knowing that our endurance will be rewarded. As we dive into what it means to follow Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke, let’s get ready to be challenged and inspired. Let’s be ready to leave behind what holds us back, to embrace His teachings fully, and to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to His mission. Following Jesus is the greatest adventure we can ever embark on. It’s not easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. So, let’s open our hearts and minds today to the transformative power of Jesus’ call. 


Faith that Follows

So as we closed out our series last week on faith, and we open our new series today which is follow, our point this morning is simply Faith that Follows – you guys okay with that? 


V1-6 Sending of the 12 

In verses 1-6 we read about the sending of the 12 disciples. Now since Luke 6 the disciples had been together with Jesus before he sent them out to delegate some of the work in Luke 9. But before we get into the weeds of that, I think a really interesting piece to this that I want us to look at is the 

Disciples age – Now we do not know this for sure, but it is likely that the disciples were all either in their teens or early twenties, while Jesus was around 30, and it was the norm that students of a rabbi were always younger than their teacher. So that is one way we could assume the disciples’ age. 

We also have evidence that only Peter was married, and usually men in the Jewish tradition during the 1st century would marry somewhere around the age of 18. Revealing to us that Peter was most likely the oldest, and the other disciples were younger than him. So these men were young, and they were already being sent out. 

Another interesting thing to note is that up until this point, Jesus is still early in his ministry. 

So it is likely, most of the disciples did not feel ready to do what Jesus was calling them to do. They were young and were not top of the class students. We know this because when they finished their formal education at age 15, which by the way, would make the American education system look like a cake walk in comparison, no offense, but they would do one of two things at age 15 and do one of two things – either further their education and be a disciple of a rabbi until the age of 30 where they themselves would take on disciples, or they would begin working full time in their family business. And since we already know Jesus called the disciples who, most of them, were already working other trades, they may have felt a bit behind the average disciple of the day, or even considered an outcast compared to their peers, because they were not smart enough to be a disciple before Jesus called them. 

So, why do I say all this? Because despite their age and their “lack of education,” they still knew the Word of God because of the training they did have, and just so happened to follow their Messiah, so Jesus would not send them out empty handed. Because our God is not concerned with an intelligent mind, but more so with a devoted and faithful heart. And He gave them power and authority because 



This was a turning point for the disciples. The first real test to their devotion and faith to their rabbi. Would they be all in? Would they be obedient to God’s call in their life? Because regardless if they felt ready enough, regardless if they felt worthy enough, they were being called to follow him. And not just follow him, but to step out in action.  

And in the same way God calls me and you and he equips us, despite how we feel about ourselves, or whether or not we think we are ready. So to our graduates, whether you feel confident and excited to graduate, or whether you’re like, I am not ready, I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life, would you know wherever you are at, we don’t put our trust in ourselves but we put our trust in God. 

We rely on the teaching of our parents, our church community, and the education we have received, and we remain confident that where we are headed, Whether we know 100% where that is, or whether we are still unsure, we are confident that Jesus is leading us, and we can trust where he is taking us. Because where he calls, he also equips in his power and authority! 

For the disciples in this specific moment in our text, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, but that does not mean it will be the same for us. So, we don’t read this and expect that every person who follows Jesus has the gift of healing. But we do expect every follower of Jesus to preach the Kingdom of God. If you remember one of the points from last week, healing and miracles was not the focus, Jesus was the focus and he was bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. That was what he was empowering his disciples to do, to show people the Kingdom of God. And church our job, even for this week, it’s to show people the Kingdom of God. You are the Kingdom of God! And it is a Kingdom that is on the move, and it’s active. 

We get a taste of that when Jesus calls his disciples to movement. And in this call, he tells them to bring nothing for their journey, except the clothes on their back. 

Now there are a couple of things to note here. 1) this command that he gave them to take nothing with them would have been familiar to them. You see, rabbis of the day would have nothing on them when they would enter a temple to show their commitment and dedication to the message they were presenting. Making it clear to everyone that their focus was only on their service to the Lord, and not on any other kind of business. So it is true here with the disciples. Jesus was helping them remove the distractions that would be in their way, so that they would follow him and focus on the message they were given to share with others. 2) Traveling light also required them to be dependent on God. They were being called to trust the Lord as their provider. Jesus asks much of them in this moment. He was inviting them to rely on him, while also calling them to proclaim the message of Christ and his Kingdom is at hand. 

And then he tells them that if a city doesn’t receive the message, then they are to shake the dust off their feet and leave. Sounds harsh.. But if we look at it culturally, if Jewish people had to enter a Gentile city, they would shake off the dust from their shoes basically saying they don’t want to take anything with them from this Gentile city. So Jesus was telling his disciples, if a Jewish city rejects their message, then treat it as a gentile city. 

And after this they left, and actually did what Jesus had called them to do. Following Jesus can be scary sometimes. Here is the reality, God calls those who follow him to give up everything. To be fully dependent on him and his leading, to expect rejection, and be ready for a life that is full of uncertainty. But through a faith that follows Jesus, he offers us a life of joy and freedom. One that he is gracious enough to join us in and walk with us through the twists and turns that our circumstances can often bring.  


V7-9 Herod Perplexed 

In verses 7 through 9 Herod is perplexed. There is no indication that Herod was a man of sincere spiritual interest. Yet he was interested in Jesus as a famous man, a miracle worker, and perhaps as a rival. Herod absorbed the popular thinking about who Jesus was. Some thought Jesus was a herald of national repentance, like John the Baptist. Some thought Jesus was a famous worker of miracles, like Elijah, whose return before the coming of the Messiah was promised in Malachi 4:5-6. Some thought Jesus was one of the old prophets, perhaps the one Moses promised would come (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). Herod’s mindset about Jesus teaches us something so true about following Jesus.

Practical Application: When we talk about following Jesus, we aren’t just talking about being interested in Jesus. It may start there, then you put your faith in Jesus. Once that happens, We then follow him. If you remain in a place of interest, you will always be perplexed just like Herod because without faith in Jesus, and the action of faith, which is following Jesus, we don’t gain what He has always promised and offered freely: Real and right relationship with God. Let me nuance this a bit more for you: Following Jesus means more than admiration or intellectual agreement.

It involves a wholehearted dedication to live according to His teachings and example. It requires us to align our thoughts, actions, and values with His will. This process often involves self-denial, taking up our cross, and embracing the transformative power of His grace. We heap grace upon grace upon grace in these steps. See, if you remain in a state of mere interest, you will inevitably find yourself in a place of confusion and perplexity, much like Herod.

Herod was intrigued by Jesus, fascinated by His miracles and teachings, yet he never moved beyond curiosity to faith. Without taking that crucial step of faith and committing to follow Jesus, we miss out on the fullness of what He offers. Jesus promises a real and right relationship with God, one that brings peace, purpose, and eternal life. This relationship is not achieved through superficial interest but through the deep, ongoing commitment of faith that follows.

By following Jesus, we embark on a journey of transformation, where we grow in understanding, experience His love, and participate in His mission. Faith in Jesus is dynamic and active. It calls us to trust Him in every aspect of our lives, to seek His guidance, and to obey His commands. Through this faithful following, we receive the abundant life He promised, a life characterized by the presence and power of God working within us. Our charge this morning is to move beyond mere interest and take the step of faith, choosing to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. In doing so, we will discover the true depth and richness of the relationship with God that He offers freely to all who believe. Are you interested in Jesus this morning? Lean into that and see how God meets you with a faith that follows.


V10-17 Feeding of the 5,000 

Speaking of a faith that follows, we now look at our final bible story for the day: the feeding of the 5,000. Notice the shift here, When they left Jesus in Luke 9:1, they were called disciples – that is, “learners.” When they came back after their preaching mission, they were called apostles – that is, “those sent with authority and a message.” They certainly remained disciples but knew both the message and the authority in a much better way after their work. Jesus wanted to know how they had done. Jesus is concerned with the results of our work for Him. Did you know that? Jesus is concerned with a faith that follows and what it produces. Notice the latter half of verse 10 and what Jesus does. It says, He took them and withdrew: Jesus did this to serve and bless those to whom He delegated His work. Jesus has a special care to bless and serve those who serve Him. 

It’s not about what you produce in the kingdom of God. what you produce is secondary to who you are and who you follow. In verse 11, Jesus served the seeking, needy multitudes in three ways and this defines for us how we follow Jesus-

  • He received them: This speaks of His attitude. He didn’t run from the crowd or tell them to go away. With love and service, He received them.
  • He spoke to them: about the kingdom of God: This speaks of His teaching. As was the emphasis in His work, Jesus proclaimed a message to the multitudes.
  • He healed them: Jesus did not only give them spiritual instruction, but He also did good among them with supernatural empowering.

This is what it looks like to have a faith that follows: When we love the way God has called us to, the way He does, our attitude, our words, and our actions all represent Him to the world around us. 

This passage also teaches us what “faith that follows” truly looks like. Jeremy show us the first few ways.

  1. Recognizing the Need (Luke 9:12) As the day drew to a close, the disciples saw the multitude’s need for food and rest. They approached Jesus, suggesting He send the crowd away to find provisions and lodging in nearby towns. Their concern for the crowd’s well-being was genuine, but their solution was limited by what they perceived as possible. Here, “faith that follows” begins by recognizing needs around us and being moved to act, even if we don’t yet know how.


  2. A Divine Challenge (Luke 9:13) In response, Jesus issued a surprising challenge: “You give them something to eat.” This must have seemed impossible to the disciples, who only had five loaves and two fish. Jesus’ command stretched their faith and compassion, highlighting a crucial point: “faith that follows” is willing to step into the impossible, trusting that God can do abundantly more than we can imagine.


  3. Organizing for the Miracle (Luke 9:14-15) Jesus instructed His disciples to have the crowd sit in groups of fifty. This organization wasn’t just practical; it fostered a sense of community and anticipation. It transformed a chaotic multitude into orderly groups, ready to receive a blessing. “Faith that follows” prepares and organizes, creating space for God’s work and ensuring that everyone is ready to receive His blessings.


  4. The Act of Thanksgiving (Luke 9:16) Before distributing the food, Jesus looked up to heaven, blessed, and broke the loaves and fish. His prayer wasn’t about blessing the food itself but thanking God for His provision. This act of gratitude acknowledges that every good gift comes from God. “Faith that follows” is marked by continual thanksgiving, recognizing that all we have comes from the Father and that He can multiply even our smallest offerings.


  5. Distribution Through Disciples (Luke 9:16) Jesus didn’t perform the miracle directly to the crowd. Instead, He gave the food to His disciples to distribute. This is significant. It shows that Jesus involves us in His miraculous work. We are His hands and feet, called to share His blessings with others. “Faith that follows” actively participates in God’s mission, distributing His love and provision to those in need.


  6. Abundant Provision (Luke 9:17) The result of Jesus’ miracle was that everyone ate and was satisfied, with twelve baskets of leftovers. This abundance demonstrates God’s generosity and care. He provides more than enough for our needs. If anyone left hungry, it was not because of a lack of provision but because they either refused the bread or were not following. “Faith that follows” trusts in God’s abundant provision and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to receive from Jesus.



As we do close Luke 9:1-17, we see a clear picture of what “faith that follows” looks like. It’s a faith that moves beyond mere interest and curiosity about Jesus to a deep, transformative commitment that touches every aspect of our lives. From being sent out, to the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000, Luke shows us that following Jesus takes great faith, offers good news, and gives an abundant life in Christ.

Let’s commit ourselves to a faith that follows Jesus as we Live on mission with God, as we Offer of our time, talents, and treasures, as we Value the words and the ways of Jesus and family as the core unit of discipleship, and as we Educate ourselves and others in all that God gives us freely. Ultimately we prove we have a Faith that Follows in the way we love God, and Love others, until the whole valley knows. Let’s worship together.

“Follow series” Who do you say I am? This has to be one of the most important questions we have to answer in following Jesus. Who do you say that Jesus is?


This scene began with Jesus praying, and the disciples joining Him. The text reads that they either joined with Him in prayer, or they interrupted His time of prayer. Nonetheless, When Jesus was done praying, He asked them a question: Who do the crowds say that I am? Jesus didn’t ask this question because He was ignorant on this point and needed information from His disciples. He asked because He would use this question to introduce a more important follow-up question.

People who thought that Jesus was John the Baptist didn’t know much about Him, because He and John worked at the same time. Both John and Elijah were national reformers who stood against the corrupt rulers of their day, and the similarity with the courage and righteousness of Jesus may have suggested this connection in their minds. Perhaps in seeing Jesus as John or Elijah, the people hoped for a political messiah, one who would overthrow the corrupt powers that oppressed Israel. Jesus then Asked: Who do you say that I am? It was fine for the disciples to know what the crowds thought about Jesus.

But Jesus had to ask them, as individuals, what they believed about Jesus. Jesus assumed that the disciples would have a different opinion of Him than the crowds. They didn’t just receive the conventional wisdom or the popular opinion. They should know who Jesus was and we should know who Jesus was. Peter’s answer is The Christ of God: Peter knew Jesus better than the crowds did. He knew that Jesus is the Christ of God, God’s Messiah, the promised redeemer from the Old Testament, the Messiah from the heart of God, not the Messiah from the desire of man.

Practical Application: This is the question placed before all who hear of Jesus; and it is we, not He, who are judged by our answer. In fact, we answer this question every day by what we believe and do. If we really believe Jesus is who He says He is, it will affect the way that we live.sho do you say that Jesus is this morning? 


Jesus reveals the true nature of His mission: He strictly warned and commanded them to tell this to no one: Jesus was pleased that His disciples were coming to know who He was in truth, but He still didn’t want His identity popularly known before the proper time. Why? Because the crowds couldn’t understand that Jesus really was the Messiah yet had to suffer – the disciples had to learn this first. Before they could preach that Jesus was the Messiah, they had to learn what that meant.

They also had to follow Him to understand this well. He then said, The Son of Man must suffer many things: After hearing what the crowd thought of Him, Jesus then told them what He had really come to do: suffer, be rejected, be killed, and be raised the third day. This wasn’t what His disciples or the crowds expected or wanted at all. An important word here is must. This wasn’t just a plan or an idea or a prediction; this was the fulfillment of what was planned before the world began for our salvation (1 Peter 1:20 and Revelation 13:8). The resurrection was as much a must as any other aspect of His suffering; Jesus had to rise from the dead.

Practical Application: to be on mission with God we must know Him and Know His mission, it’s how we follow. You can’t follow if you don’t know Him and Know the game plan. ELABORATE



Then He said to them all: It was bad enough for the disciples to hear that Jesus would suffer, be rejected, and die on a cross. Now He told them that they must do the same; or at least have the same intention. Jesus then defines following Him in this way- Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me: As Jesus spoke these words, everybody knew what Jesus meant. In the Roman world, before a man died on a cross, he had to carry his cross (or at least the horizontal beam of the cross) to the place of execution.

When the Romans crucified a criminal, they didn’t just hang them on a cross. They first hung a cross on him. Carrying a cross always led to death on a cross. No one carried a cross for fun. The first hearers of Jesus didn’t need an explanation of the cross; they knew it was an unrelenting instrument of torture, death, and humiliation. If someone took up his cross, he never came back. It was a one-way journey. In the real-life crosses of the Roman world, no one took them up (suggesting a voluntary action). Instead, crosses were impressed upon people, quite apart from their willingness. Here Jesus said that those who follow Him must voluntarily take up their cross. This isn’t to suggest that we can choose our way to die a living death as followers of Jesus; but as the unchosen circumstances come into life, we choose to bear them as a way to daily die for Jesus’ glory.

Jesus made deny himself equal with take up his cross. The two phrases expressed the same idea. The cross wasn’t about self-promotion or self-affirmation. The person carrying a cross knew they couldn’t save themselves, and that self was destined to die. Denying yourself means to live as an others-centered person. Jesus was the only person to do this perfectly, but we are to follow in His steps. Jesus made it clear that He spoke spiritually when He added the word daily. No one could be crucified literally everyday. Daily they could have the same attitude as Jesus had. This is following Jesus at its simplest: He carried a cross, so His followers carry one. He walked to His self-death, so must those who would follow Him.

Practical Application: Who do you say He is? Are you following Jesus in the way He intended you to? Are you following Jesus the way He commanded you to or are you following Jesus the way you want to? Here’s what I mean: following Jesus is fun while it’s fun; but what about this denial and death portion? Can I encourage you this morning? God sees the trials of your life right now. We don’t win in this life or the next by how great we are: we win when we follow Jesus through every circumstance. We win when we deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow Him. Let’s do this together. 


We now look at why we must take up our cross and follow Jesus. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it: We must follow Jesus this way because it is the only way that we will ever find life. It sounds strange to say, “You will never live until you walk to your death with Jesus,” but that is the idea. You can’t gain resurrection life without dying first.

This is a strong and sure promise of the afterlife. If there is no life after death then what Jesus said makes no sense, there is no reward for either the dying martyr or the living martyr. Jesus continues by saying, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world: Avoiding the walk to death with Jesus means that we may gain the whole world – and end up losing everything. Jesus Himself had the opportunity to gain the whole world by worshiping Satan in Luke 4:5-8 but found life and victory in obedience instead.

When we follow Jesus well in obedience, we too find life and victory in Him. Amazingly, the people who live this way before Jesus are the ones who are really, genuinely happy. Giving our lives to Jesus all the way, and living as an others-centered person does not take away from our lives, it adds to it. Then Jesus said: For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory: It isn’t easy to walk death row with Jesus. It means that we have to associate ourselves with someone who was despised and executed – but if we are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of us.

This is a radical call to personal allegiance to Jesus. He wanted to know if we would be ashamed of Him or of His words. If Jesus were not God, this was an invitation to idolatry; because He is God, this is a call to worship. It’s peculiar that He used the words Ashamed of Me: It’s no wonder that some were ashamed of Jesus during the days of His earthly ministry; it is astounding that any would be ashamed of Him today.

  • Jesus, revealed in the full glory of His sacrificial love.
  • Jesus, revealed in the full power of His resurrected glory.
  • Jesus, ascended to heaven and honored.
  • Jesus, loving and interceding for His people from heaven.


Who could be ashamed of that?

Yet, some are ashamed. The ashamed man believes; you can’t be ashamed of something you don’t believe in. He believes, but doesn’t take satisfaction and confidence in his belief.

  • Ashamed means that you don’t want to be seen together in public.
  • Ashamed means that you don’t want to talk about Him.
  • Ashamed means that you avoid Him when possible.


Some are ashamed out of fear, some out of social pressure, some out of intellectual or cultural pride. If you’re here this morning, then hear this morning, Jesus has never been ashamed of you. He chose to walk with you in this life and will walk with you always. He’d say it this way: I am with you always, even to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

 After this extreme call to follow Jesus unto death, He added a promise of significant glory (till they see the kingdom of God). Jesus wanted them to know that it wasn’t all suffering and death, the end of it all wasn’t death. The end of it all is the kingdom of God. Remember our great reward this morning: one day, face to face with Jesus our great reward, in His kingdom, heaven. 



We now move to a powerful portion of Scripture, the mount of transfiguration. He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray: What started as a mountain top prayer meeting quickly changed into the shining forth of the glory of Jesus, and as He prayed, Jesus was transformed right before the eyes of the disciples.

It says The appearance of His face was altered: After carefully setting the context of prayer, Luke explained what happened to Jesus. He changed in His appearance in what has become known as the transfiguration. White and glistening translates a word that has the idea of “flashing like lightning.” Jesus’ entire appearance was transformed in a brilliant radiance of light. Matthew says that Jesus’ face shone like the sun (Matthew 17:2), and both Matthew and Mark used the word transfigured to describe what happened to Jesus.

For this brief time, Jesus took on an appearance more appropriate for the King of Glory than for a humble man. This was not a new miracle, but the temporary pause of an ongoing miracle. The real miracle was that Jesus, most of the time, could keep from displaying His glory. This was important at this point in Jesus’ ministry because He had just told His disciples that He would go the way of the cross, and that they should follow Him spiritually.

It would have been easy for them to lose confidence in Jesus after such a seemingly defeatist statement. Yet in His transfigured radiance, Jesus showed His glory as King over all God’s Kingdom. Let’s not get it confused, it was a short 30 some years that He took on flesh here on earth. For eternity He rules and reigns in heaven. 

Practical Application:  If they would listen, this would give great confidence to the disciples. Jesus knows what He is doing. He promised that He would suffer, die, and rise again, but He is still the King of Glory. Isn’t that good news for us also? He’s still the king of glory. Look nowhere else, follow nothing else but Jesus. Jesus showed in an acted-out way that cross bearers would be glory receivers. The end isn’t the cross; the end is the glory of God.



Two men talked with Him: Jesus was not alone in this display of glory. Two men also appeared with Him, whom the disciples seemed to immediately recognize as Moses and Elijah. Their immediate recognition of these men who appeared in glory without prior introduction gives some evidence that we will also be able to immediately recognize others in heaven. There won’t be a need for name tags.

Many wonder why it was these two particular men from the Old Testament, and not two others. It wasn’t Abraham or David or Joshua or Joseph or Daniel; it was Moses and Elijah. It may be because Moses and Elijah represent those who are caught up to God (Jude 9 and 2 Kings 2:11). Moses represents those who die and go to glory, and Elijah represents those who are caught up to heaven without death (as in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). It can also be said that they represent the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) and I love this idea.

The sum of Old Testament revelation came to meet with Jesus at the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses and Elijah also figure together in prophecy, because they are likely the witnesses of Revelation 11:3-13. Of all the things they might have discussed, they chose this topic. It seems that Moses and Elijah were interested in the outworking of God’s plan through Jesus; they spoke about what Jesus was about to accomplish at Jerusalem



As they were parting from Him makes it clear that Peter said what he said when Moses and Elijah began to leave. Peter didn’t want the scene of glory to stop. Perhaps his thinking went something like this: This is how it should be! Forget this idea of suffering, being rejected, and crucified; let’s build some tabernacles so we can live this way with the glorified Jesus all the time. Peter’s suggestion meant that not only would Jesus avoid the future cross, but so also would Peter.

Also, in suggesting three tabernacles, Peter made the mistake of putting Jesus on an equal level with Moses and Elijah, with one tabernacle for each of them. They are not equal to Jesus and never have been. Almost as if the Father was shutting Peter up, our text says: While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them: As Peter said this, they were overshadowed with the cloud of God’s glory called in the Old Testament the Shekinah. The shekinah glory of God. This is the same idea of overshadow by the way in Luke 1:35, when the glory of God came upon Mary and she received the child Jesus. They were fearful as they entered the cloud: Peter and the apostles at first felt it is good for us to be here, but as the glory intensified, it began to create in them the awe and dread that sinners feel in the presence of God. Peter may not have known what he said, but he knew what he saw – the cloud of glory was real, and he was wide-awake when he and the apostles saw it.



And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” The voice from the cloud of glory made it clear that Jesus was not on the same level as Moses and Elijah. He is the beloved Son – so Hear Him! Moses and Elijah were great men, and each have an important place in God’s unfolding plan of the ages. Yet compared to Jesus the Messiah, to God the Son, they were insignificant – so all the focus and attention should be focused upon Jesus. None of these noble servants can compare to the beloved Son, so Hear Him!

When the voice had ceased, Jesus was found alone: it’s as if God made it impossible to focus on them any longer. Jesus deserved all the focus. They told no one in those days, but they couldn’t keep quiet about it. Peter clearly remembered and referred to this event in 2 Peter 1:16-18. For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son,[a] with whom I am well pleased,” we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. They remembered this powerful experience that showed Jesus in both His glory and singular role as Messiah, greater than even Moses and Elijah.

As impressive as this experience was, it in itself did not change the lives of the disciples as much as being born again did. Being born again by the Spirit of God is the great miracle, the greatest display of the glory of God ever. You cannot follow Jesus unless you are born again by the Spirit of the living God.



As we close today, let’s revisit the central question Jesus asks “Who do you say I am?” This question is not just a momentary reflection but a daily challenge and a lifelong journey. In Luke 9:18-36, we see Jesus guiding His disciples—and us—through understanding His true identity and mission. Peter’s declaration, “The Christ of God,” sets a profound example.

Knowing Jesus as the Messiah is not about a superficial acknowledgment but about a deep, transforming belief that shapes our every action. Jesus’ revelation of His suffering and resurrection reminds us that following Him is not about comfort but about embracing His path of sacrifice and love. Jesus’ call to deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily, and follow Him is radical and demanding. It requires us to live counter-culturally, prioritizing His mission over our desires.

Yet, in this surrender, we find true life, purpose, and fulfillment. The promise of resurrection life is not just future hope but a present reality for those who live in obedience to Christ. The Transfiguration on the mountain is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ divine glory and authority. It encourages us that despite the trials and sacrifices, our journey with Jesus leads to the ultimate revelation of His glory. The disciples’ glimpse of this glory fortified their faith and commitment, and it should do the same for us.

So, who do you say Jesus is? Your answer to this question is reflected in how you live each day. Are you walking the path of self-denial, carrying your cross, and following Jesus wholeheartedly? Are you listening to His voice above all others, allowing His glory to transform you from within? Today, let’s renew our commitment to follow Jesus with everything we have. Let’s embrace His mission, knowing that our sacrifices are not in vain but lead to the eternal glory of God’s Kingdom.

As we leave here, let this truth resonate in our hearts: following Jesus means seeing His glory in our daily lives, bearing our crosses with faith, and living out His love in every action. May we be a people who boldly declare, in the way we think, act, and speak, that Jesus is the Christ of God, our Savior, and our King. Let’s worship together.

Faith that follows, Jesus identity and mission and today, obedience. Following Jesus has been previously defined as long obedience in the same direction. And though I like that definition, I don’t love it, I believe that discipleship or following Jesus is best defined as Long obedience in the right direction.


We look at the request from the father of a demon-possessed boy. Immediately after the radiant glory of the transfiguration, Jesus and the disciples came down from the mountain and were met by demonic trouble and opposition. Teacher, I implore You, look on my son: The father felt (rightly so), that all Jesus had to do was look on his son and the compassion of the Savior would lead Him to help the afflicted boy.

The description fits what we would call an epileptic seizure. In this case, Jesus knew (and it was demonstrated) that a demonic force brought it on, not merely physiological causes. There are ranks of demonic powers (Ephesians 6:12), and evidently, some demons are stronger (more stubborn, resistant) than others. In Matthew 17:21, Jesus said that their failure was due to a lack of prayer and fasting. It isn’t that prayer and fasting make us worthier to cast out demons. The idea is that prayer and fasting draw us closer to the heart of God and put us more in line with His power. Their failure was in fact good for them. Their failure taught them.

  • It taught them not to get into a rut of mechanical ministry.
  • It taught them the great superiority of Jesus.
  • It taught them to wish for the presence of Jesus.
  • It taught them to come to Jesus with the problem.


One commentator said it this way: They were confounded at their want of success-but not at their want of faith, which was the cause of their inability to cast out the demon.

Practical Application: Isn’t this the truth of life? We want to hold on to experiences like the mountain top. Those are real experiences. But it isn’t the norm for our life. When we come back into the ordinary life we lead we are given the opportunity or invitation to make those moments just as holy as the mountain top experience. I’ve shared with you about this in church. Church can sometimes feel like a mountain top experience where we come together and love on each other, we feast on God’s word, we worship through praise in a powerful and beautiful way, but if you’ve noticed, we have designed our church gatherings to model to you how to be present with God in the ordinary, in the Monday through Saturday. You are invited to worship God in this same way.

We don’t leave mountain top experiences like camps, mission trips, VBS, Sunday morning experiences, we don’t do this just for the experience. To say it succinctly to you: We are not here for the experience, we are here for obedience. Let me nuance that a bit more. The experience doesn’t have the presence and power of God. God has the power and presence of God. He offers us both His power and His presence through His promised Holy Spirit as we follow Him. We cannot follow Jesus if we miss this key concept: We rely on Him. How do we rely on Him? We obey His words and His ways. Therefore to follow Jesus means to walk in obedience to Jesus. We are not here for the experience, we are here for obedience. And from there we get the richness of God’s power and presence. Thank you, Jesus!



Let’s look at Jesus’ answer- “O, Faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here.” There is a sense that Jesus was frustrated with His disciples. His season of ministry before the cross was coming to an end, and perhaps He felt frustration that the disciples did not have more faith. As he was coming to Jesus, the demon dashed him down. It is the Greek word used of a boxer dealing a knock-out blow to his opponent or of a wrestler throwing someone. 

Practical Application: In a sermon titled The Devil’s Last Throw, Spurgeon considered how the devil often strikes hard against a person just as they begin to come to the Savior. “I have seen men, just when they were beginning to hear and beginning to think, taken on a sudden with such violence of sin, and so fearfully carried away by it, that if I had not seen the same thing before I should have despaired of them.” Let’s consider some of the lies that Satan uses to throw people down just as they are coming to Jesus: “God doesn’t care about you.” “You’re too big of a sinner.”  “It’s too late.”  “There’s no use in trying – give it up.” “This won’t work for you.” Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child: Not intimidated by this last display of demonic power, Jesus delivered the demon-possessed boy instantly. What was too hard for the disciples was not too hard for Jesus. What’s too hard for us isn’t too hard for Jesus. Put your faith in Jesus, Follow Him, Obey Him, and see how He will make much of your life. 



Jesus reminds His disciples about His mission. they were all amazed at the majesty of God: Jesus had just revealed His glory in two spectacular ways – the transfiguration and the casting out of a difficult demon. Yet, He reminded His disciples that His mission had not changed; He still had come to die on the cross for our sins, and the Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men. Let these words sink down into your ears: I’ve heard it said this way- To all other words, you may lend occasional attention-but to Jesus words, and what concerns His sufferings and death you must forever listen. Let them constantly occupy a place in your heart and mind. But they did not understand this saying: Though they were frequent, the disciples forgot these reminders about Jesus’ suffering and resurrection until after His resurrection (Luke 24:6-8).

Practical Application: To be obedient to Christ is to let His words sink down into your ears. It doesn’t happen any other way. Have you thought about why it is so important for us as a church to teach the bible? We believe so wholeheartedly in what God has said to us and that it is essential to who we are that we need it to sink down into our ears. We need it to saturate our hearts and souls.

The word of God cannot be secondary to anything else in your Christian life. We live in a day and age that the word of God is so accessible. If you don’t like reading, no problem, we have someone to read it to you! You can watch it in story form, you can podcast it, you can read it digitally on paperback, in the original languages, you have so much opportunity to get God’s word, but if we are honest with ourselves it’s not an accessibility thing, it’s an obedience thing. Jesus calls us to let His words sink down into our ears. To Follow Jesus in this aspect means to be obedient to His commands and His word. 



We take a shift here because The disciples were often concerned about the question of greatness. They seem to ask this question thinking that Jesus has already chosen one of them as greatest, or as if they wanted Jesus to decide among them. This particular time, this fight probably arose because Jesus had taken Peter, John, and James up into the mountain top with him and the others were jealous. We can imagine the disciples arguing among themselves about which one was the greatest (as they did later again in Luke 22:24 and other places), and then saying, “Let’s let Jesus settle this.” They probably thought in terms of position and advancement in the glorious work of Jesus. How curious, He spoke of his abasement as they thought of their own advancement; and this is happening at the same time. The word says, And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him: Jesus might have answered the question, “who is the greatest?” by pointing to Himself. Instead, Jesus drew their attention to His nature by having them look at a little child as an example. Jesus overheard their conversation, but more importantly understood the thought of their heart behind the conversation.

He understood their motives and impulses. The little child was the model of greatness. By this act, Jesus said to the disciples: “If you want to be great, learn something from this little child.” Especially in that culture, children were of little importance, were not threatening, unconcerned for social status, and not jaded by success and ambition. When we most fulfill the humble place a child had in that culture, we are then on our way to greatness.

No one should think that a little child shows us everything about greatness and the kingdom, but certainly some things, and important things at that. The most important thing a child-like faith that follows Jesus shows us is that of obedience. Children learn obedience. The principle being established by Jesus was that in the kingdom of God there is a reversal of values involved. The last will be first; the least will be the greatest. Jesus said that the child was a representation or reflection of Himself, and that Jesus is a reflection of His Father in heaven.

Using the child as an example, Jesus indirectly pointed to Himself as the greatest in the kingdom as the Son of God. We know that one Man was actually the greatest among them and among all: Jesus Christ. This means that Jesus Himself was humble like a little child. He wasn’t concerned about his own status. He didn’t have to be the center of attention. He could not deceive, and He didn’t have an intimidating presence. Jesus is obedient to the Father, and this is what defines our faith, defines how we follow, and it defines the Jesus we follow. Without this key concept of obedience, there is no kingdom of God. Since the nature of Jesus is like one of these little children, how we treat those who are humble like children shows what we think of the nature of Jesus.

You have to see the great contrast of Luke 9 in what the devil does with children (Luke 9:39) and what Jesus does with children. The devil possesses the poor boy and destroys the relationship between father and son, while Jesus loves the child and uses the child as a prime example of His kingdom. Drastic contrast between the two. Jesus then challenged His followers to be the least. The desire to be praised and to gain recognition should be foreign to a follower of Jesus.

Jesus wants His followers to embrace least as a choice, allowing others to be preferred, and not because we are forced to be least. It is easy to actually despise humble people. They are the losers; the kind who will never make it in our competitive and aggressive and get-ahead world. Yet when we despise humble people, we actually despise Jesus. This aspect of humility and giving preference to others in the Christian faith has been often derided and despised. The famous Nietzsche and others glorified the will to power and looked down on Jesus and His followers as weak and worthy of disregard. Yet Nietzsche is gone and largely discredited; Jesus and His followers live and transform lives and cultures through the power exemplified (in some ways) by a child. That of humility, meekness, love, faith, and obedience. The way we follow Jesus in these ways matters deeply to who we are and who Jesus is.



We find out the following Jesus isn’t cliquish. This must have been frustrating to the disciples, because it showed that other followers of Jesus were able to cast out demons when they sometimes were not able (Luke 9:40). No wonder John wanted them to stop! Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side: Jesus taught them to have a more generous spirit. There are many that are wrong in some aspect of their presentation or teaching, yet they still set forth Jesus in some manner. Let God deal with them.

Those who are not against a Biblical Jesus are still on our side, at least in some way. Paul saw many men preaching Christ from many motives, some of them evil motives – yet he could rejoice that Christ was being preached. Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then?

Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. (Philippians 1:15-18) Can I be honest with you about how I feel about this? I don’t like this. This is hard for me to do. It’s hard for me to trust God in this area when I see other churches and other Christians who I believe aren’t doing it right. Now, this is not to say there is no such thing as false teaching that leads people astray.

We call that what it is, we keep people from that as Jesus commands us to. But nevertheless I believe this to be about people who love Jesus but don’t do what we do. This isn’t to say we all partner together and frolic in the fields and everythings all cheesecake and rainbows. No, it’s to say that we remain obedient in following Jesus and trust. Trust that He will absolutely use His church as He sees fit. 



This is the beginning of a new section of the Gospel of Luke. Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem to be received up. He would be received up to the higher-elevation city of Jerusalem. He would be received up on a cross. He would be received up to heaven in a glorious Ascension. Our text says, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem: Jesus undertook this final journey towards Jerusalem with steadfastness fitting the difficulty of the task ahead of Him.  Isaiah 50:7 speaks prophetically of the Messiah, the Great Servant: For the Lord GOD will help Me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.

This is Jesus, who steadfastly set His face – like a flint, as Isaiah wrote – going to Jerusalem to suffer and die. Jesus hardened His face; not in the sense of becoming a hard or angry man, but in the sense of having focus, and having focus through a difficult time. There are two kinds of courage – the courage of moment, which requires no previous thought, and a planned courage, which sees the difficulty ahead and steadfastly marches towards it. Jesus had this kind of courage; He saw the cross on the horizon, but still steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.

He was obedient to the call on His life. He was obedient to His mission and purpose. He was obedient to follow the path the Father put Him on. They entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. But they did not receive Him. Because Jesus was going to Jerusalem these particular Samaritans did not welcome Jesus. They didn’t have good relations with the Jews, and were prejudiced against them. We may also see this as the opposition (knowing or not) that comes the way of all who set their face steadfastly to do God’s will to follow in obedience.



James and John, outraged by the poor reception Jesus received among the Samaritans, offered to destroy the city in spectacular judgment for Jesus’ sake. It’s interesting and perhaps amusing that James and John were so confident that they could do this, especially after their recent failure with the demon-possessed boy. Their angry reaction shows why Jesus sometimes called them Sons of Thunder. He turned and rebuked them: Their offense – even on behalf of Jesus – was not appreciated.

The determination of Jesus mentioned in the previous verses did not mean that He was tough or angry. They saw the flint-face of Jesus and thought it meant mean or tough. They didn’t understand that it meant focus and being more focused on love than ever before. That flint-like face will end up on the cross in the ultimate demonstration of love, not the ultimate demonstration of anger. Perhaps they thought they were being like Jesus, or showing the character of God.

They were mistaken, and did not represent God and His heart. He loved the Samaritans and wanted them to repent and be saved. They didn’t know Jesus and His mission. He came to save the lost, not to burn them up with fire from heaven.Following Jesus means being merciful to others, instead of harsh with them. Especially, we should remember that God says Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord (Romans 12:19). 

Practical Application: It shows us a very practical insight to following Jesus in obedience. The ability to receive correction and the ability to listen and learn from Jesus. If you’ve ever been rebuked or corrected you know it’s not fun. It’s not fun to be told you are wrong. It is a sign of following Jesus well when you follow the authority Jesus has given over you, and listen and learn from it. Thank God He has given us good godly men and women in our lives to listen and learn from. And thank God He gave us His word as the ultimate authority.

Here’s a verse that has helped me so much in following Jesus in this matter:  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 I’m going to put one more up on the screen for you because I believe this also matters deeply to our conversation of obedience to God. I wholeheartedly believe that God’s mission is carried out by His people. And our God chooses to use the church, there’s no plan B for this world. In following Jesus He gave us those who would help us.

Let’s look at Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. It’s important for us to understand the “why” behind church leadership. The “Why” is, Jesus calls leaders to watch over your souls and to lead. He then calls you to follow Him in obedience and a part of how that works is submitting to those He called to lead you. 



We close chapter 9 and our Mini series “Follow” With Jesus telling us that there is a cost to follow Him. Lord, I will follow You wherever You go was the man’s response to Jesus. Jesus shares in a few examples here that following Him takes effort. He summed it up in His final response about a farmer plowing a field. In plowing a field that day, a farmer kept the rows straight by focusing on an object in front and in the distance (such as a tree). If the farmer started to plow and kept looking behind, he would never make straight rows and do a good job plowing. In following Jesus, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus, and never take our eyes off Him. Plowmen also do something else of great importance: they hold on. A plowman who lets go is no plowman at all. Plowmen are not usually learned persons, nor are they often poets in disguise. But there is one virtue they possess pre-eminently, and that is the virtue of quietly holding to it. Faithfulness to Jesus and following Jesus are one in the same, Long obedience in the right direction. Let’s worship together. 

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