
This sermon series will deepen our understanding of faith and what it truly means to trust in Jesus. We will learn that faith is not just believing in Jesus but fully relying on Him as the only way to salvation. Through the stories of John the Baptist and the people who followed Jesus, we will see how faith shapes our lives, humbles us, and calls us to a greater purpose. We will also be challenged to examine our own hearts, asking whether we view success through the lens of faith or the world’s standards. Ultimately, this series will encourage us to trust Jesus completely, embrace His Kingdom, and live out our faith with boldness and humility.

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part 1

part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Sermon notes

This morning we pick up in Luke chapter 7 with a new subseries of Luke titled, “Faith.” Faith is one of those words that we use that is so easy to understand and yet so complex all at the same time. The bible says faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things that are unseen. To have faith in Jesus means to trust Him. Simply. Fully. Without reservation. When a person has faith in Jesus, it means that he or she believes who Jesus is (God the Son who took on flesh) and trusts what Jesus has done (died and resurrected). This faith in the person and work of Christ is what saves “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God” Without faith in Jesus, we remain in sin and cannot be accepted into God’s presence in His perfect heaven. To have faith in Jesus is to reject all other ways of salvation. We cannot trust in Jesus and anything else. We trust in Jesus alone.  without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6

I know that each and every one of us has a faith story. We have a moment that we can point to that we know that God met us in our faith and made much of Himself. This is a portion that doesn’t fit in my theology, and yet I know God met me in these moments and is pleased.



This centurion appears as a devout, kind, humble man – yet, all the same he was a centurion – not only a Gentile, but a Roman soldier, and an instrument of Israel’s oppression. The centurion had an unusual attitude towards his slave. Under Roman law, a master had the right to kill his slave, and it was expected that he would do so if the slave became ill or injured to the point where he could not work. That’s the norm, but faith does something to us. It changes the lens in which we view this world.

He sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant: Apparently, the centurion did not think himself worthy of a personal meeting with Jesus, and perhaps thought Jesus would not want to meet with a Gentile like himself, so he sent Jewish leaders as his representatives to Jesus.  The Jewish leaders did this for the centurion because he was a worthy man. In contrast, we can come to Jesus directly without a representative even when we are unworthy; He justifies the ungodly (Romans 4:5). At one point in our lives, when we didn’t have faith in Jesus, we were without God and therefore ungodly. Now we are justified because of our faith in him. 



Jesus did not hesitate to go to the centurion’s house, and we half wish the centurion would have allowed Him. Would Jesus have entered a Gentile’s house? It was completely against Jewish custom, but not against God’s law. Jesus has been making sure to disrupt Jewish customs while still holding to God’s law so it wouldn’t be uncommon here. Notice the Centurion’s response- Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof: The centurion knew that it might be a problem for this prominent rabbi to come into his home, so he had his friends meet Jesus on the way to say that it was not necessary for Him to come all the way to the home.

The centurion was a remarkable man. The elders said he was worthy; he said he was not worthy. They praised him for building a house of worship; he felt unworthy that Jesus would come to his house. They said he was deserving; he felt himself undeserving. Strong faith and great humility are entirely compatible. Two features of character blend in him which do not often meet in such graceful harmony. He won the high opinion of others and yet he held a low estimation of himself.

I find that this has got to be one of the greatest things about faith: When we have faith, the lens in which we view the world and view ourselves changes. This world is in such need of God and so are we. When we come to that realization it should remove all pride and arrogance from our view of the world, others, and ourselves and it should produce a great humility. This is great faith. He continues on to demonstrate his faith when he tells Jesus- But say the word, and my servant will be healed: The centurion fully understood that Jesus’ healing power was not a magic trick that required the magician’s presence. Instead he knew Jesus had true authority and could command things to be done and see them completed outside His immediate presence. The centurion showed great faith in Jesus’ word. He understood that Jesus could heal with His word just as easily as with a touch.

Practical Application: What do you believe about Jesus’ word? Is it authoritative in your life? I know that as a church we value the way of Jesus and the word of God. I also know that we can’t know the way of Jesus without knowing His word. So I ask again, what do you believe about Jesus’ word? Is it authoritative in your life? Let me share how it becomes authoritative- I read it. I start understanding the way of Jesus and then, by faith, the way of Jesus and the word of God becomes the lens and filter in which I view and do this life. I don’t know where I would be or who I would be without the word of God in my life. I want to encourage you to get serious about knowing Jesus through His word. It will be revolutionary to your life like no other thing this world offers.

The centurion continues to share his faith through the way in which he leads by saying- For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me: The centurion also knew about the military chain of command, and how the orders of one in authority were unquestioningly obeyed. He saw that Jesus had at least that much authority. This is a unique view of Jesus that says, Jesus you’re a leader and I need to follow, obey, and submit to your authority. Everyone who has a job with a chain of command understands this key point, but it is by faith that we see Jesus as commander in chief of our lives and His kingdom.



We have to pause at this, it says, He marveled at him: The centurion’s understanding of Jesus’ spiritual authority made Jesus marvel. His simple confidence in the ability of Jesus’ mere word to heal showed a faith that was free of superstitious reliance on merely external things. This was great faith, worthy of praise. Jesus only marveled on a few occasions. He did so here, at the faith of the centurion, and also at the unbelief of His own people in Mark 6:6. This goes to show us that Jesus can be amazed at either our faith or our unbelief. I want to amaze Jesus with my faith. I want to be so full of faith in the way I love, in the way I live, the way I offer my time, talents, and treasures, I want to be full of faith in the things that I value, and in the way in which I educate. This is how we love and how we press on to the upward call in Christ Jesus. This is how we do life to one day hear those words: Well done, good and faithful servant. Notice what Jesus says next, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! Jesus considered the faith of this Gentile centurion – who is a living symbol of Jewish oppression – and thought it greater than any faith He had seen among the people of Israel. Jesus both answered the centurion’s unselfish request and proved that He really did have the authority the centurion trusted Him to have.



We shift to the next faith story, Jesus raising a widow’s son. The fame and popularity of Jesus continued to grow. Many – more than only the twelve – were disciples of Jesus (in some sense). Any funeral is a tragedy, but this was a special loss. The deceased was the only son of his mother and the mother herself was a widow. The loss of her only son meant a miserable future for the widow. We are specifically told of the compassion of Jesus on this occasion. He instantly understood the situation and had sympathy upon the widow, giving her hope despite the tragedy of the situation. That’s my Jesus. By way of application- You have to understand this, The spiritually dead cause great grief to their gracious friends. When we live without faith, we are spiritually dead. When we are drawing people to Jesus, it’s not for behavioral modification, it’s not a gimmick, it’s because by faith we believe that when anyone comes to know Jesus, He gives them life. Jesus gives abundant life here and now and in the age to come, that is eternal life. This is what our God does. He can meet you in the hardest of moments, and He meets you in compassion, in power, in love. And He says, don’t weep. Just like the story of singing over my sons, I don’t know how Jesus does this. But I do know that He does it. I do know that when He said it is finished, that it truly is finished. 



Luke gives the vivid image of an open coffin. Jesus looked at the boy and spoke to a dead person as if he were alive. Jesus spoke to the dead as if they were alive. Romans 4:17 says that this is what God alone does; to speak to the dead as if they were alive. God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17).  On more than one occasion Jesus broke up funeral processions by raising the dead. This was also true for Jarius’ daughter (Luke 8:41-56) and Lazarus (John 11:1-45). Jesus didn’t like death, and He regarded it as an enemy that had to be defeated.

Death is a robber and it wasn’t what God had intended for us. This young man was not resurrected but resuscitated; he rose from the dead only to die again. See God promises that we will be resurrected and rise from the dead never to die again. This is one of the most beautiful promises of our faith. We will live with God in perfection, forever. Thank you, Jesus! 

I heard this story where D.L. Moody, a famous preacher, was asked to conduct a funeral and he started searching the scriptures to see how Jesus did it. Unfortunately, every time Jesus is supposed to be at a funeral He’s raising them from the dead so we don’t have Jesus’s funeral sermons on hand.



In verse 18 our story shifts back to John the baptist. Do you remember where we left John’s story in Luke 3? He was imprisoned after baptizing Jesus. John clearly recognized Jesus as the Messiah. His doubt might be explained because perhaps he himself had misunderstood the ministry of the Messiah. Perhaps John thought that if Jesus were really the Messiah, He would perform works connected with a political deliverance of Israel – or at least the deliverance of John, who was in prison. It is possible that John made a mistaken distinction between the Coming One and the Christ, the Messiah.

There is some indication that some Jews of that time distinguished between a prophet to come promised by Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15) and the Messiah. The dominant note here is one of confusion; John’s long trial in prison had confused him. John was already in prison, and things began to appear incomprehensible to him. He had expected that Christ would speedily destroy the powers of darkness and judge the unrighteous. But instead of doing this, He leaves him, His forerunner, His friend, helpless in prison. There may have even been a lapse in faith here. 

Practical Application: When you put your faith in Jesus, and things don’t go according to plan, it can be difficult to walk with Jesus as you once did. Sometimes our circumstances become complex and we start thinking, Jesus are you really who you say you are? I really believed you at one point and now I’m questioning if you really do care about me. Here’s what Jesus would say to that in verses 20-23.



This was the real power of the Messiah in action; yet performed in personal, even humble ways. Most of these miracles fulfill some promise found in the prophecies of Isaiah:

  • The blind see (Isaiah 61:1, 35:5).
  • The lame walk (Isaiah 35:6).
  • The deaf hear (Isaiah 35:5).
  • The dead live (Isaiah 26:19).
  • The poor hear the good news (Isaiah 61:1).

 Jesus wanted to assure both John and his disciples that He was the Messiah. But He also reminded them that His power would be displayed mostly in humble acts of service, meeting individual needs and not in spectacular displays of political deliverance.

We might phrase John’s question like this: “Jesus, why don’t You do more?” To all such restless impatience, He utters the same warning. For the most part, the way of the Lord’s service is the way of perseverance in the doing of apparently small things. The history of the Church shows that this is one of the most difficult lessons to learn: perseverance. James would say it this way: Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me: Jesus knew that the focus of His ministry was offensive to the expectation of the Jewish people, who longed for political deliverance from Roman domination. But there was a blessing for those who were not offended because of the Messiah who came against the expectation of the people. It is remarkable that the same word is predicated of John the Baptist and Israel concerning their response to Jesus – scandalized. Israel was scandalized by Jesus, and we must take Jesus seriously in Luke 7:23 that it was possible for His audience to be offended at His nontraditional role, including John the Baptist who had great faith. This is another beautiful proverb of Jesus, Blessed is he who is not offended because of me. 



Respond in faith. There is great blessing in putting your faith in Jesus. Our journey through Luke chapter 7 richly illustrates the dynamic and transformative nature of faith. We see in the centurion a man of notable power and humility, embodying true faith by engaging Jesus indirectly, acknowledging his unworthiness, yet wholeheartedly trusting in Christ’s sovereign command over every situation. His faith transcends cultural boundaries and redefines the criteria of worthiness before God. Furthermore, the poignant narrative of Jesus reviving the widow’s son highlights the deeply personal and life-giving ministry of Jesus, showcasing His compassionate response to human suffering and His mastery over life and death.

These stories collectively illuminate the essence of Christ’s kingdom, which is characterized not by overt displays of political power, but by subtle, heartfelt acts of service and healing that profoundly touch individual lives. As we reflect on the centurion’s remarkable faith and the widow’s renewal, we are called to reevaluate our own perceptions of Jesus’ authority and its implications for living according to His word. This passage challenges us to deepen our faith, recognizing that it involves more than witnessing miracles—it’s about consistently recognizing Jesus as the Lord of our lives, astonished by His grace in the most routine moments. Moving forward, let us embrace the humility of the centurion and the assurance of Jesus’ intervention in our lives.

May our faith astonish us as we become beacons of steadfast trust in our communities, ever ready to declare, like the centurion, that a mere word from Jesus has the power to restore and transform. By doing so, we not only glorify God but also pave pathways of faith that can deeply influence the hearts and lives of those around us. May this message of faith, humility, and divine authority resonate through all facets of our lives, guiding us to embody the gospel in ways that draw others to the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

Did you enjoy reading the chapter this week? Luke 7 is an amazing chapter. Some of the greatest stories of faith in Jesus are contained in this chapter and we are going to pick up where we left off with the disciples of John questioning Jesus and we hear Jesus’ response in verse 24.  



Jesus teaches about John. What did you go out into the wilderness to see? Jesus explained that John was a great man of God, one who did not live for his own comfort or the approval of others. John was a chosen prophet of God, not a man-pleaser. Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You: Jesus quoted the Malachi (Malachi 3:1) passage about the coming of John, because the prophets themselves were not prophesied, but John was, and this was one way that he was greater than all previous prophets.

  • John was steady, not shaken easily like a reed. John was sober, in that he lived a disciplined life, not in love with the luxuries and comforts of this world. John was a servant, a prophet of God. John was sent, as the special messenger of the Lord. John was special, in that he could be considered the greatest under the Old Covenant. John was second to even the least in the kingdom under the New Covenant.

For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: Yet, John was greater than all the prophets, mainly because he had the privilege of saying of the Messiah “He is here” instead of “He is coming.” But he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he: Though John was great, he was not born again under the New Covenant. This is because he lived and died before the completion of Jesus’ work at the cross and empty tomb. Therefore, he did not enjoy the benefits of the New Covenant. As we may say, as a rule, that the darkest day is lighter than the brightest night; so John, though first of his own order, is behind the last of the new or Gospel order. The least in the Gospel stands on higher ground than the greatest under the law. (Spurgeon)

Needless to say, John was a man of great faith.



Notice the contrast here between the 2 parties hearing Jesus’ word: One group- wretched sinners who in that culture’s eyes were worthless like tax collectors, they received what Jesus said by faith. We know this because these are those who had repented in preparation for the Messiah by receiving John’s baptism, and now they found it easy to receive what Jesus said.

In Contrast, those who should have easily received what Jesus said, the Pharisees and religious leaders, did not.  The religious leaders had little use for the demonstration of repentance in John’s baptism. Their hearts were hard towards John, so it was no surprise that they were also hard towards Jesus. Notice how intense Luke’s words get here. He says that they rejected the purpose of God for themselves. Those are intense words. 

Practical application: Which camp do you find yourself in? Do you find it easy to receive the words of Jesus or is it difficult for you? What do I mean? The words and the way of Jesus become a litmus test of our faith. All that we believe is predicated upon the way and word of Jesus. Sometimes religious things can become ruts instead of rhythms to us and keep us from experiencing the things of God in our lives. I find that when I compare myself to the wrong things it’s easy for me to get into ruts.

When I start comparing my walk with God to someone else’s instead of hearing the words of Jesus and measuring myself up to the standard which is Jesus Himself, I find myself in these religious ruts. When I start living my life in a way that values the input of the bible in my day to day life, and it’s not this lofty pedestal thing that is unattainable but rather a very real and tangible resource for how I work, how I love my wife, how I raise my kids, how I respond to friends, enemies, and everything in between, I have found that this is how I steer clear of a rejection as our text says, a rejection of the purpose of God in my life. 



Jesus is going to speak to this very rejection with a bit more nuance and imagery. Jesus considered the nature of His current generation, and how they were choosy and uncertain in receiving God’s message and His messengers. The idea was that those who have a heart to criticize will find something to criticize. Many people wouldn’t be pleased with either John or Jesus. If you’re tripped up by Jesus talking about flutes and dancing and things you have to realize It is probable that our Lord alludes here to some play or game among the Jewish children, no account of which is now on record. The point is clear enough. If the message is unwelcome, nothing that the messenger can say or do will be right.

Notice what Jesus says of John in verse 33, He didn’t eat bread or drink wine and so you said he has a demon. The religious leaders looked at the ascetic lifestyle of John and concluded that he was mad and demon possessed. In stark contrast, Jesus is saying I eat just like you and I drink wine just like you, and instead of that being normal, you call me a glutton and a drunkard! What do you want? You see a man of abstinence and think he is demonic and Jesus who is God Himself eating and drinking wine and you call him a friend of sinners?

And not only that but then they try and attack Jesus for who He’s influencing. He wasn’t a friend of tax collectors and sinners in the sense that He was like them, or in the sense that He helped them commit their sin. This is what the religious leaders meant by their accusation, and it was a false accusation. He was a friend of tax collectors and sinners in the sense that He loved them; He did not despise them or push them away.

He genuinely wanted to help them and rescue them from the guilt, the shame, the power, and the penalty of their sin. Here is Jesus’ crescendo moment in verse 35 and I’ll put it up on the screens for you: Yet wisdom is justified by all her children. the wise man is proved to be wise by his wise actions. Jesus had especially in mind the wisdom to accept both Jesus and John for what they were and what they were called to do.  People criticized John but look at what he did – he led thousands of people into repentance, preparing the way for the Messiah.

People criticized Jesus but look at what He did – taught and worked and loved and died like no one ever has. This has nothing to do with eating or drinking Jesus is saying here. Look at our fruit. Look at what is happening here. This is a faith thing. This is a trust in the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength sort of thing. And would you please see that God is at work in and through us and stop pointing to the things that don’t matter. 

Practical Application: This is a very clear place in scripture where Jesus says he is eating bread and drinking wine. He’s also pointing to John the baptist who did neither and both of them glorify God. How is that possible? Well, the bible is clear eating and drinking are not sinful. Gluttony is sinful, and so is drunkenness. But why? Gluttony is eating to excess. Aquinas defined gluttony as “an inordinate desire” for food and drink that goes beyond reasonableness and therefore departs from goodness (Summa Theologica, Secunda Secundæ Partis, Question 148). Gluttony can be seen as a form of greed—a selfish desire for something—which is definitely sin. Jesus warned us to guard ourselves against “all kinds of greed” (Luke 12:15). Gluttony can also be seen as a lack of self-control, and self-control is a quality believers are to pursue (2 Peter 1:5–6).

Gluttony is a sin because it gives too high a priority to physical desires. Paul took care not to be “disqualified” from the ministry, and part of that care was physical: “I discipline my body and keep it under control” (1 Corinthians 9:27, ESV). He determined that he would “not be mastered by anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Believers are not to “indulge the flesh” (Galatians 5:13). All of this seems to indicate that gluttony—eating to excess—is wrong. In contrast to Paul’s commitment to exercise control over his body, the enemies of the gospel give free rein to their appetites: “Their god is their stomach” (Philippians 3:19). Proverbs 23:19–21 mentions gluttony directly. In giving wisdom to those who would avoid self-induced hardship, the wise man says, Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path: Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

The path of those who indulge in too much wine and too much food is a painful path and practically leads to a place no one wants to be. The bible would say it this way, “it’s not the right path. It’s the path of the fool” I’ll tell you in plain English, “It’s just stupid. It isn’t helpful to your life and it’s not the way to live in the goodness of God.” Moderation in all things is much preferred over gluttony and it seems that Jesus is the perfect model of a man of moderation. We are called to self control and there are many things about our bodies that we must control: our tongues (James 3:1–12), our hands (Proverbs 16:17), our feet (Proverbs 16:18), our sexual behavior (1 Thessalonians 4:4), and our eyes (Mark 9:47). It stands to reason that we must also control our stomachs.

The ability to say “no” to anything in excess is a godly skill. God “richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17), and that includes an incredible variety of foods that are delicious, nutritious, and pleasurable. We should thank God for the colors, aromas, textures, and tastes that we enjoy at our meals. And we should honor God by partaking of His gifts in appropriate quantities. Paul has a great discourse for us on this in 1 Corinthians 10:23-33.

I want to share his conclusion with you in verses 30 and 31- If I partake with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of that for which I give thanks? So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. That is the biblical truth. Our current reality of living in the United States, which has a history of gluttony, drunkenness, and excess may cause you to restrain yourself even further in certain times and settings. There is wisdom in how we exercise the freedom we have in Christ just as much as there is wisdom in knowing our freedom in Christ.

If you have questions about these things, I’d love to have a conversation with you after in the foyer or we can even setup a time to meet and chat. But I want your big takeaway from this to be: Without Faith it is impossible to please God. and that Wisdom will be seen by the fruit of your life. 


V36-38 Then one of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with him

It’s curious to me that they are calling him a glutton and a drunkard and then one guy in the crowd is like, Hey Jesus, wanna come over to my place? I eat and drink at dinner time also. This seems to show that relations between Jesus and the religious leaders were not yet totally antagonistic. There were some Pharisees who at least wanted a closer, honest look at Jesus. Juxtaposed to the pharisee is a woman who was a sinner. This tells us more than that she was a sinner in the sense that all people are. She was a particularly notorious sinner – most suppose that she was a prostitute. Her presence in the Pharisee’s home showed courage and determination. 

It was bold for a woman with a sinful reputation to come into the house of a Pharisee, but she was willing to do anything to express her love for Jesus. Both the container and the contents show that this was an expensive gift she brought to honor Jesus. We can imagine that as the woman anointed Jesus’ feet with oil, she was overcome with emotion. With tears flowing from her eyes, she washed His feet with her tears, wiped them clean with her hair, and she kissed His feet repeatedly. The way in which we love Jesus is seen through the outworkings of our faith. Through the way we think, act, and speak we communicate a love for Jesus. I wish I had the faith of this prostitute that would so brightly shine before others that they would glorify my father in heaven. 



The tune of the pharisee changes. The host now became a questioner, possibly a hostile one. Simon the Pharisee doubted that Jesus was a prophet because he thought that Jesus was unable to see this woman’s heart. Jesus will show that He can read the heart of man by exposing Simon’s heart.

He says, Simon, I have something to say to you: Jesus broke the silence – probably a terribly awkward silence – by saying that He had something to say, and to say personally to Simon. When all the philosophers are dumb, and cannot give one word of help or comfort; when learning has no message to inspire or to console the heart; when sympathy hesitates to break the silence…the Lord has something to say. And it is in our best interest to listen.



Jesus answers with a parable. Jesus used a simple parable to illustrate the point that the more we are forgiven, the more we should love. Jesus tells the self-conceited Pharisee by this parable, that he was a sinner also as well as the woman, and as a debtor to God’s judgment, had as much need of his grace in Christ for remission of sin and removal of wrath. That’s a hard pill to swallow. Jesus says that all humans are debtors to God; yet some are greater debtors than others. 



Jesus now applies this parable to both Simon and the woman. Do you see this woman? Simon the Pharisee thought that Jesus was the one who could not see her. His thought was, “Jesus, don’t you see this shameful woman associating so closely to You?” Jesus turned the thought around on Simon, saying, “Do you see this woman? Simon, do you see her love, her repentance, her devotion? That’s what I see.” The same Jesus that saw the love, repentance, and devotion in this woman sees you this morning, sees me this morning.

Simon the Pharisee did not see the woman as she was (a humble sinner seeking forgiveness, pouring out love for Jesus) because he looked at her as she had been (a notorious sinner). Simon the Pharisee denied Jesus the common courtesies from a host to a guest – washing the feet, a kiss for a greeting, and anointing the head with oil. Yet, he criticized the woman for giving these courtesies to Jesus. Jesus noticed neglect and appreciated devotion. He did not reject deeply emotional devotion. Instead, Jesus’ response was this: I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little. She wasn’t forgiven because of her great love; her great love was evidence that she had been forgiven.

Practical Application: Our faith doesn’t change the past, but it definitely paves the way for the future. When I put my faith in Jesus I stand fully accepted, fully loved, and fully forgiven. He fully sees me. It doesn’t change what I have done, but it does change who I am and my standing before God. I have to be able to rely upon God in this matter of faith. I have to rely upon it, not a feeling, not a church service, not a friend or enemy. I have to anchor myself in the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for me. The reason why is because I can manufacture a feeling or desire, but you can’t manufacture devotion. It is so deeply rooted in the core of your being and that’s what forgiveness offers the mind and soul by faith. Assurance. In Christ’s now finished work.



We close Luke 7 with these final verses where Jesus assures the woman of her forgiveness from God. Your sins are forgiven: If Jesus has already said that her sins are forgiven (Luke 7:47), yet now He also said this directly to the woman. We need the healing power inherent in the words your sins are forgiven. It can be so hard for us to truly believe that we are forgiven; often, we must be persuaded of it.

Who is this who even forgives sins? The Pharisee asked. Jesus had the authority to forgive the woman, and He was right to do so. She displayed humility, repentance, trust, and love for Jesus. Even the guests began to realize that Jesus was more than a prophet; He was divinely able to forgive an unclean woman. He closes with the most powerful line in Luke 7 Your faith has saved you: The key to her forgiveness was faith – it was her faith that saved her, because it was her faith that believed the words from Jesus your sins are forgiven.

Faith enabled her to take the grace God gave to her. Forgiveness is ready from God; there is no hesitation or shortage on His part. Our part is to come with humility and loving submission to Jesus, and to receive the forgiveness He offers by faith. The woman came to Jesus in complete humility, with the attitude that she was not worthy to even be in His presence. That was a good way for her to come to Jesus, but He did not want her to stay there. He raised her up, acknowledged her love, forgave her sin, and sent her in peace. 



Of the works done in this chapter, this was the greatest. Healed sickness (as in the centurion’s servant), or restored life (as in the widow’s son) are not permanent works of healing, because those bodies would one day die again. Sins that are forgiven are forgiven forever

How do you define success? If you google it, the first two definitions are: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. the outcome of an undertaking. 

 Main Point: Do we view success through the lens of faith?

V1-3 He went through every city and village

This is often thought to be the second tour of Jesus through the region of Galilee (the first being described in Luke 4:42-44). Jesus probably went to the same cities and villages more than once in His itinerant preaching work.  On this second tour, the twelve were with Him. When He started the first tour of Galilee, the twelve disciples had not yet been formally chosen. This broadly described the theme of Jesus’ preaching. He brought good news to the people, news that God’s Messiah and King was present with them, announcing His kingdom.

He mentions certain women-  Luke specifically mentioned certain women who followed Jesus, because this was unusual. Jesus had a different attitude towards women than the religious leaders and teachers of that day. The rabbis refused to teach women and generally assigned them a very inferior place. It’s interesting to note that in the four Gospels, all of Jesus’ enemies were men. One of these women was Mary called Magdalene.

This Mary had been demon possessed until Jesus freed her. Many also assume that she was given over to immorality, but this isn’t said by the Biblical text. The Christian imagination has made free with Mary Magdalene, mostly seeing her as a beautiful woman whom Jesus had saved from an immoral life. There is nothing whatsoever in the sources to indicate this. We also have Joanna the wife of Chuza who is Herod’s epitropos. A king had many prerequisites and much private property; his epitropos was the official that looked after the king’s financial interests…There could be no more trusted and important official. It is an amazing thing to find Mary Magdalene, with the dark past, and Joanna, the lady of the court, in the one company. Mary and Joanna were among the first witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 24:10).

And many others who provided for Him from out of their means: We see the true humble nature of Jesus, who willingly made Himself dependent upon others. He didn’t have to; He could have just created all the money or food He needed. Jesus was humble enough and godly enough to receive from others. Many of us are too proud to receive help from others. 

Sometimes the ability to humbly receive is a better measure of Jesus in our life than the ability to give. Giving sometimes puts us in a higher place but receiving may put us in a lower place, Right? These ladies could have said, Jesus, look. I want to give to the kingdom of God and to the work you are doing in ministry, but, I’m not going to give if Judas Iscariot is on your ministry team. Or Jesus, I’m going to give, but you better make sure Peter gets a new baitcaster rod, ok? When we give with ulterior motives, or don’t give because we don’t have control of where it is going, it is ultimately a lack of faith in God. I can’t tell you how many times I have spared from giving because of how I thought the person was going to use the money. Allow me to explain why.

Practical Application: GIVING

Our God is a giving God. He is a God of abundance (John 10:10; James 1:5; Psalm 103:8; Isaiah 55:1-7; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Romans 5:20), and He loves to give. He sacrificed willingly on the cross and then invited us into fullness of life. As His children, we are called to imitate Him (Ephesians 5:1). Our generosity in giving is a demonstration of God’s character and a response to what He has done for us.

Christians are a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16). As we become more and more who God has called us to be – more like Him, we reflect God more and more. We become more loving, more gracious, and, yes, more giving. Because God is generous, we are also called to be generous. Generosity not only points others to God, it is the appropriate response to what God has done for us.

“To whom much has been given, much more will be expected.” This has become a common phrase in Western society. Its biblical roots are in Luke 12:48. Because we have been so freely loved, we now love others (John 13:34). Because we have been forgiven, we forgive others (Matthew 18:21-35). Our response to God’s abundance with us is to share that abundance with others. When we appropriately receive God’s generosity, it humbles us. We recognize that we are not worthy of His gift. Out of gratitude, we become more gracious with others. We begin to learn the heart of God and want to be more like Him. 

Not only does our giving demonstrate God’s character to the world, it results in increased faith for us. When we are willing to give, we declare that our faith does not depend on material possessions. Instead, we show that our faith is in God, who is always faithful to provide (1 Kings 17:7-16).

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

We are a giving church, there is no doubt about that. God has done a magnificent work in and through this church. Our challenge is this: Is the way in which we give and receive seen as a success through the lens of faith? Meaning, our heart check today is, am I giving or not giving, because of fear or because of faith? Do I believe that God loves me and is generous to me because of who He is or because of what I do for Him? I want to encourage you today in knowing that our God, the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, loves you and gives to you freely and not under any compulsion because of His grace, goodness, and generosity towards you. You cannot earn it in any way. And I am so thankful for that great truth. Because of that great truth, I want to model to the rest of the world and I believe that God calls us as Friends Church to model to the rest of the world His grace, goodness and generosity.

And for this reason we offer our lives as a living sacrifice, our time, talents, and treasures to God. One day we will each stand before God and give an account for our giving or lack thereof. I want to prove to God my love for Him through my giving. As He proved His love to me through His giving of His only begotten son. 



We are going to cover the parable of the sower as well as Jesus’ explanation. Jesus taught large groups at one sitting. He certainly didn’t despise teaching smaller groups or even individuals, but on many occasions taught large groups. He drew crowds from every city. This is to say that Jesus doesn’t view success through the lens of faith numerically. It doesn’t matter to Jesus that there is 1 person at a dinner table that He’s sharing with about the kingdom of God, and it doesn’t matter if He’s sharing with thousands.

This was not going to be the main metric for Jesus in how He measured success. He didn’t condemn large churches or mega churches, and He didn’t complain about small groups that “there isn’t enough impact” or whatever cute phrase we might dream up to condemn little things. Let’s hop into the parable.  The idea behind the word parable is “to throw alongside of.” It is a story thrown alongside the truth intended to teach. Parables have been called “earthly stories with a heavenly meaning.” Parables generally teach one main point or principle.

We can get into trouble by expecting that they are intricate systems of theology, with the smallest detail revealing hidden truths. “A parable is not an allegory; an allegory is a story in which every possible detail has an inner meaning; but an allegory has to be read and studied; a parable is heard. We must be very careful not to make allegories of the parables.  Jesus spoke according to the agricultural customs of His day. In those days, seed was scattered first and then it was plowed into the ground. For the most part, you didn’t know the quality of the precise piece of ground until after the sowing. In this parable the seed fell on four different types of soil. Though this is commonly called the parable of the sower, it could be better called the parable of the soils. The difference is never the seed, but on the kind of soil it lands on.

  1. The wayside was the path where people walked, and nothing could grow because the ground was too hard.

  2. On rock was where the soil was thin, lying upon a stony shelf. On this ground the seed sprang up quickly because of the warmth of the soil, but the seed was unable to take root because of the rocky shelf.

  3. Among thorns described soil that is fertile – perhaps too fertile, because thorns grow there as well as grain. The thorns choked out the good grain and did not make a productive crop.

  4. Good ground described soil that was both fertile and weed-free. A good, productive crop grew in the good ground. The crop may be a hundredfold increase to what was sown.


He who has ears to hear, let him hear: This was not a call for all to listen. Rather, it was a call for those who were spiritually sensitive to take special note. This was especially true in light of the next few verses, in which Jesus explained the purpose of parables.

What does this parable mean? The meaning of this parable wasn’t immediately obvious to the disciples. Apparently, Jesus’ use of parables wasn’t as easy as simple illustrations of spiritual truth. To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables: As Jesus used them, parables were more like puzzles or riddles than illustrations. Only those who had the right “key” could understand them. The disciples, who wanted the things of God, were given to know the mysteries of the kingdom – they could be spoken to plainly. But often, others were taught in parables.

In the Bible, a mystery isn’t something you can’t figure out. It is something that you would never know unless God revealed it to you. In the Biblical sense, one might know what the mystery is; yet it is still a mystery because they would not have known unless God revealed it. By quoting this passage from Isaiah 6:9, Jesus explained that His parables were not illustrations making difficult things clear to all who heard. They were a way of presenting God’s message so those who were spiritually sensitive could understand, but the hardened would merely hear a story without heaping up additional condemnation for rejecting God’s Word.

A parable isn’t exactly an illustration. A good teacher can illustrate by stating a truth, and then illustrating the truth through a story or an analogy. But when Jesus used parables, He didn’t start by stating a truth. Instead, the parable was like a doorway. Jesus’ listeners stood at the doorway and heard Him. If they were not interested, they stayed on the outside. But if they were interested, they could walk through the doorway, and think more about the truth behind the parable and what it meant to their life.

But none of them could understand the spiritual meaning until Jesus explained the key to them: The seed is the word of God (Luke 8:11). If you miss the key, you miss the whole parable. If you think the seed represents money, you miss the parable. If you think the seed represents love, you miss the parable. If you think the seed represents hard work, you miss the parable.

You can only understand it by understanding the key: The seed is the word of GodSeeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand: In light of this, how blessed are those who do understand the parables of Jesus. Not only do they gain the benefit of the spiritual truth illustrated; they also display some measure of responsiveness to the Holy Spirit. I love that. 

Practical Application: Tend to the garden of your life. What Jesus is saying here, is that we have a part to play in receiving the truths of the word of God in our lives don’t we? The seed doesn’t change. It is constant. The soil, the representation of us, our heart, mind, and soul, it needs preparation. 

  1. For those whose lives are that of the path, come to Jesus and have him break up that stoney ground. This is where we all start. Don’t be ashamed of what your life has been. In this stage, the way in which you tend to the garden is you make the choice to put your faith in Jesus and allow him to break up that ground so that you can receive His word. The devil is a liar, and his desire is to keep you from knowing the truth and receiving God’s word. Ephesians tells us that it is the shield of faith, our faith that extinguishes the fiery darts of the devil. Put your faith in Jesus and deny the enemy of your soul, the devil, any ground in your life.


  2. The next situation Jesus describes is the rocks. They hear the word, receive it, have joy, but they have no roots. To me, this sounds like Christians who want the good things that Jesus and the church offer, but they don’t want to fully put their faith and trust in Jesus. Grab your hard rake, remove that layer of rocks, tend to the soil of your life and realize that all of that which you have taken joy in is sourced from Jesus. If He can offer you joy, know that He also offers everything else that your soul desires. Deeply root yourself in His words, and His ways and watch what He can do in and through you!


  3. We notice that the soil is good enough for things to grow in it. It is this very reason most believe that this is enough. The thing about weeds isn’t just that they grow, it’s that they reproduce so quickly. Jesus says these weeds are the cares, riches, and pleasures of life; for this reason they don’t produce mature fruit. We need to not just rake weeds, and make it look good, we need to fully remove them from the root, and get them out of our lives. God does this in us, absolutely. And we meet Him in this process of faith by being obedient and actually tending the garden.


  4. Finally, the good soil. The top layer, the humus layer, has the perfect layer for rich growth. This is the same root word that we get for humility and this is the feeding ground for good soil. This is our same environment we must live in to produce 100 fold. The thing about good soil is that once it is prepared, you need something planted in it or some other plant will volunteer itself into that soil. To be able to view success through the lens of faith in this area of life then, is not to just be good or not be bad, or even quote or read the bible. Though these things are great and can be helpful. To view success through the lens of faith is to be on mission with God, tend to the garden of your life, receive His word, and bear fruit. 



I believe the point of what Jesus is saying is that: Truth, by its nature, is meant to be revealed; and God promised that it will be. If you have the truth of God, you have a solemn responsibility to spread that truth in whatever way God gives you opportunity, even as someone who has the cure for a life-threatening disease has the moral responsibility to spread that cure. God didn’t light your lamp so that it would be hidden.

One must either spread the word itself or spread the influence of God’s word by bringing others to a place where they will hear it. It’s best to do both. Therefore take heed how you hear: It’s good to hear the word of God; it’s much better to take heed to how you hear. In this, Jesus warned His listeners to actively prepare the soil of their heart and mind, to judge themselves as hearers at least as much as they judge the preacher.

Practical application: How do we then view success in truth and the word of God through the lens of faith? It is dangerous to hear God’s word in a too-passive way; without engaging the word with the mind, the heart, and the will. To be hearers only of the word, and not to be also doers of the word, means destruction For whoever has, to him more will be given: When we hear the word of God, and receive it with gladness, more will be given to us from God’s riches. More what? More desire to hear. More understanding of what you hear. More personal possession of the blessings you hear about. Jesus reminds us that spiritual growth follows momentum, positive or negative. When we have the godly habits of receiving the word and living it, more is built on to that.

When we lose those godly habits, they are extremely difficult to get back. Sometimes what people think they have spiritually, they only seem to have. The Pharisees were like this; so was the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). The Laodiceans said of themselves, “We are rich, wealthy, and need nothing”; but they did not know that they were actually wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.



Then His mother and brothers came to Him, and could not approach Him because of the crowd: We might have expected that Jesus’ family would have special privileges before Him; it almost surprises us that they do not. The brothers of Jesus never seemed to be supportive of His ministry before His death and resurrection (John 7:5, Mark 3:21). My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it: Jesus indicated that His closest family is made up of those who hear and obey God’s word.

We draw close to Jesus by hearing His word and doing it. In doing so, we gain a closer relationship with Him than even a normally understood family relationship. This is a startling statement. One may pray or sing or fast all day long, but if they do not hear His word and do it, they are not really drawing close to God and Jesus would say, this is how His family interacts. 

Practical Application: So then, how do we view family as successful through the lens of faith? Is it successful if your family business is successful, or if your family is all together at a sporting event? I’m not saying those aren’t successful, they very well might be! And you should absolutely do it to the glory of God. It seems that success through the lens of faith prioritizes family as the core unit of discipleship and calls us to make a priority of the word of God in our families; focusing on hearing and doing His word.



If success is solely based on accomplishment and outcome, then the ministry Jesus does in this chapter should look like failure. He took a second tour of Galilee, was the first not good enough? He had women who financially supported his ministry, He spoke in parables instead of just “boldly speaking the truth.” He then had to explain His parable afterwards because His closest friends and ministry partners didn’t understand it. His family comes to see Him and He doesn’t have time for family and says that His mothers and brothers are those who are listening and doing what He says, that sounds like a perfect answer from a workaholic! Was Jesus successful? Ultimately He died.

Was he successful? In every sense of the word! Success then must be rightly defined through faith by our standing with God. It’s to say that what starts your success is putting your faith in Jesus. You have been a success since the very moment you put your faith in Him. How do you continue in success? You tend the garden of your life. You be a part of His family. You give and receive based on how God has dealt with you, and that is in all generosity. You hear His word and you do it. Let’s worship together as a part of the family of God this morning.


Where is your faith? And what does it do?


I believe the point of what Jesus is saying is that: Truth, by its nature, is meant to be revealed; and God promised that it will be. If you have the truth of God, you have a solemn responsibility to spread that truth in whatever way God gives you opportunity, even as someone who has the cure for a life-threatening disease has the moral responsibility to spread that cure. God didn’t light your lamp so that it would be hidden. One must either spread the word itself or spread the influence of God’s word by bringing others to a place where they will hear it. It’s best to do both. Therefore take heed how you hear: It’s good to hear the word of God; it’s much better to take heed to how you hear. In this, Jesus warned His listeners to actively prepare the soil of their heart and mind, to judge themselves as hearers at least as much as they judge the preacher.

Practical application: How do we then view success in truth and the word of God through the lens of faith? It is dangerous to hear God’s word in a too-passive way; without engaging the word with the mind, the heart, and the will. To be hearers only of the word, and not to be also doers of the word, means destruction For whoever has, to him more will be given: When we hear the word of God, and receive it with gladness, more will be given to us from God’s riches. More what? More desire to hear. More understanding of what you hear. More personal possession of the blessings you hear about. Jesus reminds us that spiritual growth follows momentum, positive or negative. When we have the godly habits of receiving the word and living it, more is built on to that. When we lose those godly habits, they are extremely difficult to get back. Sometimes what people think they have spiritually, they only seem to have. The Pharisees were like this; so was the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). The Laodiceans said of themselves, “We are rich, wealthy, and need nothing”; but they did not know that they were actually wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. So where is your faith and what does it do this morning? My faith this morning is in Jesus and I take great solace in knowing Him through His word. It is the foundation of my life and this church and I thank God for that.


Then His mother and brothers came to Him, and could not approach Him because of the crowd: We might have expected that Jesus’ family would have special privileges before Him; it almost surprises us that they do not. The brothers of Jesus never seemed to be supportive of His ministry before His death and resurrection (John 7:5, Mark 3:21). My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it: Jesus indicated that His closest family is made up of those who hear and obey God’s word. We draw close to Jesus by hearing His word and doing it. In doing so, we gain a closer relationship with Him than even a normally understood family relationship. This is a startling statement. One may pray or sing or fast all day long, but if they do not hear His word and do it, they are not really drawing close to God and Jesus would say, this is how His family interacts.

Practical Application: So then, how do we view family as successful through the lens of faith? Is it successful if your family business is successful, or if your family is all together at a sporting event? I’m not saying those aren’t successful, they very well might be! And you should absolutely do these things to the glory of God. It seems that success through the lens of faith prioritizes family as the core unit of discipleship and calls us to make a priority of the word of God in our families; focusing on hearing and doing His word. I want to encourage you mom and dad, grandma grandpa, aunt uncle, siblings, to be successful in God’s kingdom is to prioritize the family as the core unit of discipleship, hear His word and do it. Watch how faith in Jesus changes the dynamic of family for the better. Where is your faith and what does it do? Is it in family? Put your faith in Jesus this morning and make being a part of His family the priority.


We now look at one of the most iconic bible stories that people know about Jesus: Jesus calms the storm. Jesus says Let us cross over to the other side of the lake: With these words, Jesus made a promise to His disciples. He didn’t say, “Let us perish in the middle of the Sea of Galilee.” He promised His disciples that they would cross over to the other side of the lake. At some point you have to realize that putting your faith in Jesus also means trusting His ways and His words. You cannot have faith in Jesus and not trust Him. Faith by very definition means to trust. But why is this so important? Well, I believe that it’s a whole lot easier to have faith in Jesus in our cozy sanctuary than it is to have faith in Jesus in a literal storm on the sea. That’s just me personally. But here is the truth there, it takes just as much faith to wake up each morning and seek Him in your life as it took for the disciples to hop on a boat with Him. It is trusting Him at His word, and knowing that when Jesus makes a promise, it is as good as gold. I can bank on it. The Lake of Galilee is 13 miles long at its longest, and 8 miles wide at its widest. At this particular part it was about 5 miles across. The Sea of Galilee is well known for its sudden, violent storms. The severity of this storm is evident in the fact that the disciples (many of which were experienced fishermen on this very sea) were terrified (Mark 4:40).

Practical Application: Another curious point in your bible understanding is that Jonah ended up in a storm because of his disobedience, but the disciples got into a storm because of their obedience to the Lord. It’s to say that not every storm is because of wrong doing. Why do we face storms or trials? To produce faith in us. To test that faith and if need be, redirect that faith in Jesus. I’ve noticed this about my life and let me know if this resonates with you: Sometimes when I’m seeking Jesus in my life, and He leads me to a particular thing that I like, I can make that the main focus and stop seeking after Jesus because that has taken His rightful place. Here’s a constant reminder of that in my life, my wife. I love my wife, and I believe that God has used her in my life to grow me, shape me, and sometimes even test my faith. Can I get an amen from my married couples? But here’s the truth of the matter, as much joy and love I get and give to my wife, she’s not Jesus. And when I start putting her in Jesus’ place, I fail her and I fail my relationship with God. It’s a subtle reprioritization in my heart and mind but it happens because part of my identity is sourced in being Alexis’ husband. And that is a good thing! It becomes unhealthy when that portion of my identity supersedes being a son of God and disciple of Jesus. Every storm God uses, but this is why I believe that some storms God actually causes; to produce faith in me and reorient my faith back to him. Where is your faith and what does it do? Put your faith in Jesus and hold fast to His promises.


In verses 24 and 25, Jesus calms the storm. The disciples did not take comfort from the sleeping Jesus and suppose that if He were at rest, all would be fine. They needed His help, so they awoke Him. The ‘we’ in their cry ‘Master, Master, we perish,’ included Him as well as them. If that boat went down, all went with it – His mission, their hopes, and the great enterprises which He had called them into fellowship with Himself to carry out.  He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: Jesus didn’t merely quiet the wind and the sea; He rebuked the winds and the sea. This, along with the disciple’s great fear, and what Jesus would confront at their destination, gives the sense that Satan had a significant hand in this storm. Jesus did not say, “Wow, what a storm.” Instead, He asked our main question for the day “Where is your faith and what does it do? You see, the storm could not disturb Jesus, but the unbelief of His disciples could and did. Their unbelief was not in that they were afraid of a fearful circumstance, but because Jesus had said Let us go over to the other side of the lake (Luke 8:22). Jesus didn’t say, “Let’s do the best we can and maybe we will all drown.” Difficult circumstances – storms, so to speak – are not evidence of unbelief. Unbelief is the rejection of a promise or a command of God relevant to a particular situation. The disciples also should have known that God would not allow the Messiah to perish in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. It was not possible for the story of Jesus the Messiah to end with Him drowning in the Sea of Galilee. This account shows the abiding care Jesus has for His people. There are many Christians today who seem to think the boat is going down! I am tired of the wailing of some of my friends who take that view. The boat cannot go down. Jesus is on board! Stop focusing on the storm, it will lead you only to fear and misery. Where is your faith? Put your faith in Jesus and watch how He takes care of you even in the middle of the storm. The disciples were amazed. Such a powerful display over creation led them to ask, “Who can this be?” It could only be the LORD! Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness all around you? You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them. (Psalm 89:8-9) In the span of a few moments, the disciples saw both the complete humanity of Jesus (in His tired sleep) and the fullness of His deity. They saw Jesus for who He is: truly man and truly God.


We now make a shift into our final portion of text for today in verses 26-39 where Jesus heals a man possessed by demons. I want to take this time and build out a more proper understanding of the demonic for you because I hear these words tossed around so frequently in Christian circles so I’d like you to have a more robust understanding. In verses 26-29 we have the description of the man: This is the most detailed description of a demon possessed man we have in the Bible. It is the classic profile of demonic possession. The man had been demon possessed for a long time. The man wore no clothes and lived more like a wild animal than a human being. The man lived among the decaying and dead, contrary to Jewish law and human instinct. The man had supernatural strength breaking the chains they bound him in. The man was tormentedand self-destructive. The man had uncontrollable behavior. Strangely, some Christians think the Holy Spirit works in a similar way; by overwhelming the operations of the body, and making one do strange and grotesque things. We can be sure that he did not start out this way. At one time this man lived among others in the village. But his own irrational, wild behavior convinced the villagers that he was demon possessed, or at least insane. They bound him with chains to keep him from hurting others, but he broke the chains time and again. Finally, they drove him out of town and he lived in the village cemetery, a madman among the tombs, hurting the only person he could – himself. Our text says, when Jesus comes on the scene, “there met him a man” This means that Jesus did not directly seek out this man, but the man was drawn to Jesus. The man could not, or would not deliver himself, but Jesus had all authority over the unclean spirit. You see, Demonic possession is when a demonic spirit resides in a human body, and at times will exhibit its own personality through the personality of the host body. Demonic possession is a reality today, though we must guard against either ignoring demonic activity or over-emphasizing supposed demonic activity. We are not told specifically how a person becomes demon possessed, other than the inference that it must be by some sort of invitation, whether offered knowingly or not. People often get involved in the occult or demonic things because there is something there that seems to work. Unfortunately it is not something at work, but a someone at work – a demonic spirit. We can say that demons want to inhabit bodies for the same reason why a violent man wants a knife or a gun; a body is a weapon that they can use in their attack against God. Demons also attack men because they hate the image of God in man, so they try to mar that image, by debasing man and making him grotesque.  Demons have the same goal in Christians (to wreck the image of God) but their tactics are restricted; in regard to Christians, demonic spirits were disarmed by Jesus’ work on the cross. Colossians says, He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. (Colossians 2:15), though they can both deceive and intimidate Christians, binding them with fear and unbelief. How does the devil seek to ensnare us? I believe that this is what matters.Specific approaches vary, but normally he tempts us to sin in our areas of weakness and at times of vulnerability. As one of the Puritans said, “The devil is a master fisherman; he baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish.” he is always seeking to produce unbelief, pride, unreality, false hopes, confusion of mind and disobedience, as he did in Eden; if he cannot do this directly then he labors to do it indirectly, fostering unbalance. Examples in the Bible are as follows: He ensnared Peter by means of Fear (Luke 22:31–32). He filled the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira with Lies (Acts 5:1–11). He captures many with Lust (1 Cor. 5:1). Paul warns married couples in Corinth who were devoting themselves to special prayer not to refrain from sex for too long, because of Lack of Self-Control “Satan may tempt you because of your lack of self-control” (1 Cor. 7:5). Pride is a common snare (1 Tim. 3:6). Anger is a special danger and must be dealt with promptly and properly when it arises (Eph. 4:26–27). Each of us needs to be aware of specific sins that we are vulnerable to and work earnestly “by the Spirit to put to death the deeds of the body” (Rom. 8:13). For the Christian, we need not be worried about demonic possession. Our beloved James wrote to us inspired by the Spirit of the living God saying this: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 and for this reason we must allow the word of God to be deeply rooted within us. Why? Because faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17. This is who our faith is in, Jesus Christ, and this is what it does, it makes the devil flee.


I want to close our time together this morning looking at the final result of faith in this man’s life who was released from demonic possession. He wanted to be with Jesus. He wanted so badly to stay with Jesus forever because He knew that as long as God was close to him, nothing could happen to him. Jesus turns to the man and our text says this in Luke 8:39 Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:39 If this man could answer our question for the day, Where is your faith and what does it do? I believe He would say alongside all of those who have been saved, My faith is in Jesus who is the Christ and it leads me to tell everyone what He has done for me through every part of my life: in the way I think, act, and speak.

To those among us today who have heard these stories, felt the stirring in your hearts, but have not yet taken that step of faith—this invitation is for you. Perhaps you’ve seen the changes in others and wondered if such transformation could be real for you, too. Maybe you’ve heard the name of Jesus but never truly understood what it means to know Him personally, to call Him Lord and Savior. Today, I extend to you an invitation to step into a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith. It’s about starting a journey with a God who loves you deeply. Jesus is calling you, just as He called the disciples on the boat, just as He called the man freed from demons. He offers peace in the storms of life, freedom from the chains that bind us, and a new beginning filled with hope and purpose. You don’t need to have all the answers or have your life in perfect order to come to Him. You just need to take that first step of faith. If you feel that tug on your heart, don’t ignore it. It’s the Holy Spirit drawing you near. Today, choose to trust in Jesus, put your faith in Him, believe in His promises, and start your journey of faith. Come forward as we worship, and let us welcome you into the family of God. Let today be the day you experience the transformative power of Christ’s love in your life through faith. Let’s worship together.


The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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