offer your time, talent, and treasure
We OFFER our time, talents, and treasures
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
– 1 Peter 4:10
ways to offer your treasure
We are each uniquely gifted for a purpose. With open hands and generous hearts, we offer our time, talents, and treasures as cheerful stewards of God’s grace, storing up eternal treasures as living sacrifices for His glory.
Give Online
The way we offer is an act of worship—our way of trusting God and investing in His Mission.
Giving online is simple and 100% secure through our website or the Church Center app.
We encourage wise stewardship—if you’re in credit card debt or have faced financial struggles, please give in a way that reflects both wisdom and trust in the Lord.
Give in Person
The way we offer is an act of worship—our way of trusting God and investing in His mission.
We no longer pass a plate because we want giving to be a joyful act of worship, not something done out of obligation.—we give joyfully and generously, just as our Lord has been generous to us.
If you’d like to give in person, we have offering boxes available in our gathering areas and at the back of the sanctuary for cash and check donations.